
I Hate that I Love You


Two years later




        It's always winter time when he thinks about him. When the breeze is crisp and when spring is a long way away.

       It was they day they had first met, Chanyeol remembered. Winter, the dry environment, the hopeless climate, the day he met Baekhyun.


       “Chanyeol, here are your reports.” the secretary pops in.


        She had also come with the usual, a dark cup of coffee and the attempt to flirt with her boss.

      It was not her fault, Chanyeol was handsome, and had become more so since the age of sixteen but he just wasn't up for grabs at a time like this.

       Ever since he began working with his father as co-executive he didn't even have time to think, save for Baekhyun's smile that would light up his day.


        Jessica sways her hips as she approaches her boss, staying clear of the mass of files littered on the floor.


         “How about lunch?” She suggests, “On me?”


          “Work.” He waves off.


          “Oh come on, just admit you're seeing someone else. What's so secretive about this person?”


           Chanyeol smiles, opening up his laptop.


            “I'm not seeing anyone. Not yet, that is.” He chuckles.


        Or maybe Jessica thinks he’s teasing because her eyes light up.


       “Great! I’ll give it a try tomorrow then.” She waved Chanyeol goodbye and strutted out giddily, tending back to her work.


       It was true, it had been two years and since then Chanyeol had gotten formal invitations for a hand in marriage, emails from his colleagues about dates and people like Jessica.

      And yet, he admired their persistence. It reminded him of someone he was longing to see. He had yet to tell them he had kept a special place in his heart for Baekhyun, a place no one could touch.


     Chanyeol stretches forward and decides to clean up the mess he’s made from midnights overworking.

    He gently opened his displayed blue sketchbook on his dresser. He opened to the last page in which Baekhyun had drawn his last portrait of Chanyeol.

     Last night, he had been hard at work filing the new bill, he would present to the Supreme Court of justice on account of international relations. In the bill, he explained things about refugee’s and how it should become easier for them to stay in South Korea.

      Of course, this had come into account of his experience with Baekhyun.


       If it hadn't been for Baekhyun the bill would have never existed, his father wouldn't have agreed. It seems that although Baekhyun hadn't seemed like a hero in South Korea, he had left a legacy.




    It's been ages later. He’s sitting in the waiting room, nervously shifting his feet from side to side.


       Eun and her husband had come in as soon as the contractions had started while Baekhyun had gotten a call from the orphanage. There weren't any complications, the doctor had said, but Baekhyun insisted on going anyway.

    After all, he had been there to tend to Eun in her nine months of painstaking labour. Her husband, a gentleman, driving her to work and then back home every single day. And when she went on maternity leave, Baekhyun deeply missed her.

      It was all exhilarating to Baekhyun. The idea of life. That Eun would be giving birth to something that had never existed in the world before.

      He had just turned eighteen and all these moments about life had become more and more intense.  

    He wondered about the carefree life Eun’s daughter would have. How she would only have to live in the shadow of her mother's past and not experience it herself.

      However, that was not say the North Korean community here was great. The orphanage served as Baekhyun safe haven for the two years. It had become the symbol of his hope. So much that he had asked Eun if he could take over for her one day.


     It was a risk. But he had not made any promises. It wasn't his plan to return to Seoul nor was it his plan to remain in Bucheon. He just continued to let life lead him down the road. He wasn't running anymore. Not like his parents.


      He wasn't afraid anymore, but he continued to feel a burden over his chest. He missed Chanyeol. He did so much. It was hard not having the sketchbooks around him. The ones where he could feel Chanyeol's charcoal face.


   “Baekhyun!” Eun’s husband gushed out of the room. “It was a success!” He cries.


    Baekhyun smiles, unable to express such large amounts of excitation.


    For Baekhyun knew, with good things came bad things.




       Another two years passed by, a total of four years. It was hard. Hard telling people he would eventually get married and have kids, eventually take over his father's position. But these four years felt more like ten. Without Baekhyun, time moved slowly.

     Chanyeol, as requested by Baekhyun had begun drawing what he remembered of the boy. And of course, he used his sense of touch to figure out certain details about his facial structure. The drawing wasn't half bad.

    He always thinks and fantasizes about seeing Baekhyun again. He plays out scenarios of what he will do when he see’s him. Kiss him? Hug him? All of them were possible. Had Baekhyun moved on?


       It was way past the date where Baekhyun would have come of age. Probably owned his own apartment. In his own relationship? These were all possibilities but Chanyeol was willing to accept them.


      Chanyeol wanted so badly to write a letter, maybe make a phone call. But four years ago, Baekhyun had made sure he hadn't left a trace of information behind.

So then, he waited.


      And for Baekhyun, he could wait an eternity.





       Baekhyun held Somang up in the air so that he could tickle her. She had just turned four and her life had probably been more upside down than Baekhyun himself at such a young age.

        When Somang was born her family was perfect. But after Eun left her daughter with Baekhyun so that she could go grocery shopping with her his husband, they hadn't come back.

     Eun had gotten into a car accident, unfortunately, both her and her husband had not survived.


       Ironically enough, Somang had become an orphan.


     She was a mischievous child. Always finding some new way to prank her uncle Baekhyun and the others in the orphanage. She had this strange wit about her. Sharp on her feet sometimes but clumsy and rowdy other times. She was a four year old after all.

    She was a beautiful little girl. Lips pink and eyes a hazelnut colour. She had straight, jet black hair. She looked a lot like her mother enough that Baekhyun would mistake her for Eun at times.

    It had become Baekhyun's obligation to take of her and he commits to the job like no other. He changed her diapers, fed her meals, played with her. He had become her missing mother.


    This is what Eun would have wanted. And she was probably watching them now, smiling, holding out a piece of jello, a spoon in the other hand.



   Baekhyun would wipe away his tears every time he thought about her. Or anyone. He had lost too much. After all these years the casualties kept adding up. And his family up north? Who knows what may have happened to them.


     Somang, Eun had told Baekhyun in the hospital two years ago. Hope. Something you always had Baekhyun. She’s my hope Baekhyun and so were you.


     He hadn't thought about how relevant her words had become today.


     Naturally, Baekhyun had taken over the orphanage. He renovated a couple rooms, expanded to make a larger dining area and even brought in some DVD’s for the little ones every Friday for movie night.

    Though he hadn't planned to stay this long, this orphanage had become his home. He couldn't think of ever leaving.


     Today, he’s taking Somang to the park. She’s been excited all day.


    “Mommy, mommy!” She whines.


       The roads are not as busy so Baekhyun can speak at a normal level.


     “I'm not your mommy silly,” Baekhyun sighs. And it's true, he would much rather be called daddy, anything but mommy.


      “No, no! You are a mommy. need a daddy!” Baekhyun shakes his head picks her up in his arms.



      He juggles Somang’s weight as well a basket full of fruits and sandwiches across the street. Baekhyun looks right and the left. He knows the stop sign has not allowed him to walk but no cars are in sight.

    The sky is beautiful today. His eyes feeling like he might cry because it's already spring. The time he had left. It had passed by so soon.


     Baekhyun began walking along the street timidly.


   Suddenly, he felt the honking of a horn. His eyes couldn't capture what had happened in that moment.

     It was all too fast. He had been in the middle of the road, ready to feel the impact of the car going 90 km per hour.


    Instead, he found himself begin tugged back by the waist. He felt Somang wrap her arms around his neck protectively.


     “Oh my god…” he whispered, eyes widening, arm tightening around her protectively.


      They both watch the car drive away.


     He breathes hard. Unable to focus on what had just happened. The car had thankfully driven away. And nothing bad had come out of this.

    But there was no way Baekhyun had reflexes that fast to move away. He continued to feel the arm around his waist and suddenly he felt warm.

   It was the warmth he had been longing all these years. Calloused, large hands that he wished out encircle his body and they would remain like that forever.


     It was like he knew. He turned around to meet the eyes of a man. He had become more handsome since the last time he’s seen him. More rugged, tall.


    Chanyeol had changed. And maybe Baekhyun had too.


     “What are you…” he asks, unable to comprehend if this was a dream or not.


     “I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait any longer.” He beats himself up for it.


      Baekhyun blinks at first but then smiles sadly. Although he’s confused he watches Chanyeol pant, out of breath.


     Chanyeol moves his eyes down towards Somang, knowingness in his eyes. Baekhyun looking like a mother, holding a child to his waist.


      “I guess I’m too late?” He laughs.


    And then, Baekhyun laughs even more. His laugh making Somang laugh along with him and then finally Chanyeol chuckles nervously. He didn't get the memo.


      “She's not mine.” Baekhyun whispers.


       “Well, I know that much.”


       “No, Somang is an orphan.” He smiles.


        “Oh.” Chanyeol wants to kick himself for acting so dumb.


    Chanyeol begins to fiddle with the bottom of his leather shoes. He hadn't planned to wear a suit and tie when visiting Baekhyun but it seemed that it hadn't mattered since he left his office unattended to.


     They were both twenty now. A whopping twenty from what they had been the first time they met.


    And for once, they weren't meeting in a hospital.

    Baekhyun, he had not changed. He was still beautiful. Could still catch his eye in a crowd. He was wearing a white t-shirt paired with some jeans. He hadn't thought much about it, and he sort of felt the urge to look in the mirror to check how he looked.


    Baekhyun began to lead Chanyeol into what seemed like a local park. They sat at a picnic table for a while, snacking on different food Baekhyun had brought.


      Somang was too busy playing with the see-saw.


     Somehow, this meeting had felt so natural. It was almost like this silence was needed before reality would snap back into the two twenty-year-olds.


      “Her father and mother died. I decided I wanted to take care of her.” Baekhyun had explained.


       “She’s cute. Kinda reminds me of you.”  Chanyeol tries.

     Who can blame him? It's been way too long.


       “And you.” Baekhyun suddenly becomes serious. His eyes flaring with anger. He looks deadly, something you don't want to be around.

   Chanyeol jumps back, lips quivering.


      “What made you think you could flee your office just like that! That was so irrational of you Park Chanyeol! Do you know how mad your father will be, then what? I’ll take the blame? I can’t believe you’ve become this immature-”


     “Jeez, you really have become a mother.” Chanyeol snorts.


      “God, you have no sense of rationality.” Baekhyun snakes his head.


      “You really like to insult people.” Chanyeol says, instantly watching Baekhyun face wash away from its frown.


  It was like before. When they used to quarrel about stupid  things, when the both of them had been full of burning feelings for each other. And that feeling continued to live on.


     “Hey, I'm sorry.” Chanyeol fixes his tie.

He's not sure why he's apologizing.


    Baekhyun doesn't seem affected. He just watches Somang play happily on the playground.


     “Why did you come now?” Baekhyun whispers lightly. Hoping that he doesn't sound too ungrateful.”Just when I was getting my life together.”


     Chanyeol can only smile. It was evident that Baekhyun had missed Chanyeol just as much he had.


     “I don't know, probably came here to trigger you. I mean, I’m looking all dashing and handsome in this suit. Do you expect me to go home alone tonight.” Of course, he teases.


    Indeed, he angers Baekhyun.


    “Really now? Tell me how many girlfriends you’ve had Mr. Dashing Park Chanyeol.” Baekhyun pipes up.


     “Hmm...nothing really stood out.” He leans in closer so that Baekhyun can look away angrily.

     “I mean, I’m looking for that specific look. Nice, black hair, small slanted down eyes. Cute button nose. Do you by any chance have a sister?” He jokes.


    Then Baekhyun slaps his arm and laughs along with him.


    “You really haven't changed.” Baekhyun sighs. “Which makes me think it's going to be hard staying away from you.”


    “Don't stay away, embrace it.”


    “It's not okay for you to be coming back like this.” Baekhyun reminds him.


   But Chanyeol isn't listening. He stands up and decides to carry Baekhyun into his arms Bridal style.


      Then, plants a sweet kiss on his lips.


      “Was that okay? Can I do it again.” eyes trained on Baekhyun’s lips.


      “We’re too old to be dating.”


          Baekhyun finds some excuse, his arms encircling Chanyeol's neck. His eyes looking into the tallers with love.


        Love and strength.


        So, Chanyeol shuts him up with another kiss.


      “Then, just marry me.” Chanyeol says seriously.


     He lets Baekhyun down on his feet.


    Chanyeol sees the tint of red growing on Baekhyun's ears. His pretty fingers cover his red face.


      “Hey, was that too much?” Chanyeol nervously trying to uncover Baekhyun's hidden face. “I'm sorry, hey, now don't cry.”


    The taller tries to calm the man down.


     “I so much…” Baekhyun sobbed, “I wanted to know about your life, how you were doing. I wanted to feel you Chanyeol. And now you're asking if you want to marry me?” He chokes out a laugh near the end. “How am I ever supposed to respond to that?”


     “Yes mommy! Yes! Say yes!” Somang runs into the scene. Her clothes are smudged with sand. She claps happily when she notices Chanyeol flustered face.


      This is kid is so cute, Chanyeol thinks.


      “You must be daddy? Right!?” She swirls in delight, the shine radiating off her soft hair.

       But somehow in those few moments when both men looked at the small girl, they both realized something. This had to be a sign of their future.

      It didn't matter if this happened another few years down the road, Chanyeol could look in Somang’s  eyes and realize, this wasn't just fate, it was a strange destiny him and Baekhyun had come to.


       Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun warily. Before he can get up and change the touchy subject, Baekhyun chuckles a little, his eyes move up to meet Chanyeol's.




        “Let do it.” He says.




         “I want to marry you.”







    It's spring time again, maybe a few years have past. But when you're in love time moves too fast.

    It's like the school bell that, the chime you dread. Like lunch break and good times, times that you're fed.

      You forget these things once you grow too old, when ten years past-


    “Dad!” A girl shouts, her familiar voice ringing down the bedroom hall.


     “I’ll be right there.” Baekhyun smiles, he sits on a stool near a vanity in his room.

       He sticks out a hand feeling his yet to be wrinkled skin. But it's not far from his young days, and even now his adult form wouldn't mind taking a break.

     Something keeps him planted in the world of chaos and havoc.

     His eyes scan the garden until he finds Chanyeol packing their things. Their eyes meet for only a moment.

    The tall male was wearing a casual striped dress shirt. His black jeans hidden beneath its length. He looked like a father, stress on his forehead.


   The sun is bright, there's the fresh smell of laundry detergent and the sound of birds chirping is what Baekhyun senses.


     “Already packed?”



      “Mhmm.” Chanyeol nods. “Somang’s been very insistent.”


     He leans down to peck Baekhyun's lips.


       “She really wants to see Seoul.” Baekhyun nods his head.


        “It’s been ten years, I suppose she wants to see where her parents fell in love.” Says Chanyeol.


        Baekhyun doesn't say anything else. He just feels the bulging of his heart. It pounds at Chanyeol's eyes and then at his words. Until now, Baekhyun could not speak comfortably around Chanyeol. They were still in love. He hoped it stayed like that forever.


      “I’m sure you would love to see your parents again.” Baekhyun hints.


     For years now, Baekhyun had insisted Chanyeol see his parents after the marriage. To tell them of the news or maybe even see the people who brought him into the world. But Chanyeol wasn't enthusiastic about it. In fact they often had fights and tiny quarrels about the issue.

   Of course, Baekhyun had wanted to visit his mother's grave as well. That would have been a plus but he was mostly worried about Chanyeol. Day by day Baekhyun could see him grow wary of what it was like back home. Sure, they loved each other but more than anyone, Baekhyun knew your parents love remained inside you heart.


    “I'm only doing this for you.” Chanyeol lifts up his husbands chin. “You know that.”


       Baekhyun pouts like a child before slapping his newly revised poems in Chanyeol's hands.


      “Wrote some more.” He smiles.


      “I’ll be happy to read them, beautiful.”


       Baekhyun shakes his head in annoyance before opening the front seat door and clasping his seat belt on.


       “You’re too slow Dad!” 14-year-old Somang whines.


      “Alright, alright.” Chanyeol chuckles, packing up the final briefcase.


    Both him and Baekhyun look onwards towards the orphanage. It had been there home for so long. After so much expansion it was a shame they had to step down because they had decided to move to Seoul.

    In fact they learned that it may be closing down soon.

     It was true. A bill had been passed that North Koreans were able to migrate to the South with much legality.

    A dream come true. That's what Baekhyun called it. Something that he hopes all children like him will cherish in the future. All those children who will find a home one day or another and maybe even love.


    But for Baekhyun, it isn't Seoul nor Bucheon that was his home.

    One day, he would go back. He would avenge his father and return as a hero.

   It was no question that it may not happen soon, but he would go back.

   Maybe it wasn't right, as he father had warned him a decade ago. But it was Baekhyun had. It was the relic of his past.


   Chanyeol and Somang, were his hope, they were his light in times of darkness. He wasn't alone anymore and he may have never been.



    The family shuffle in their seats as the car starts. Chanyeol looks at Somang then at Baekhyun and smiles.




   They both nod. And Baekhyun clasps Chanyeol's free hand.



                                                                                THE END


                 Authors Note: Yep, that’s all folks. Hmm… I don’t know, tell me if you feel unsatisfied, or have any questions. Of course I didn’t explain a lot of what happened in the end and the logistics but I found It was better to leave it up to your imagination. Watch the trailer I made here (lol it's cringy):

As for a sequel, I could potentially start up one. Or… I’m drafting (and by drafting I mean randomly starting to write) and new story. The next one is Baekhyun and Chanyeol scientist au, I thought that would be interesting to try out.

Well, without much further or do, I bid all my readers farewell and a good weekend.

If you really enjoyed this fic, I recommend reading my other one:

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Some people who complained about grammar and such. I think AFF blocks out words that I've been using so thats why the story may seem disoriented.


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 8: This was very good - was shocked at Kai's betrayal and glad Chan stood up for Baek - I've watched YouTube clips of escaped North Koreans and their stories are harrowing - thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 5: Oh my god... I'm afraid to tap the next button. Hmm...
Chapter 8: I was just searching for a simple hate to love story story bang!!!! I found this and I don't have any words to describe this. It's really too good. Its a masterpiece. The feeling it gave OMG !!!
Chapter 8: This story is so well written.. A Beautiful story indeed..
ilovereixx #5
Chapter 8: This is so beautifully written..
Jadkiki30 #6
A beautiful story. I enjoyed it!
Chapter 8: This was a fresh and interesting story. Thank you for this beautiful fanfiction
Chapter 3: Wow....interesting
Chapter 8: Ohmyhod this was such a beautiful story.. at first I thought it's going to be a cliché plot witht he bully and the victim falling in love but then you smacked me in the face with the whole North Korea thing and BOOM! I AM SHOOK. This book was amazing! Good job authornim. And of course, I am on my way to read other books of yours too.
Chapter 8: such a good story, i loved the development of all characters. at first i thought it would be like any "falling in love with the bully and bully suddenly becomes nice" stories but this was on some other level. i didn't expect this plot and all these twists.