Basketball game

Happy New Years Hyunseong!

"POP," A beautiful flash of green and blue exploded widly in the sky, it stayed there for a while frozen in the shape of a umbrella until it broke from its umbrella mold and softley drifed down twinkling like little falling star shards.

It was 10:30 New Years Eve and you were outside playing basketball in the driveway with your older brother Donghyun. You were losing pretty badly.

"YAH oppa this is so UNFAIR!" You shout throwing the basketball at him with inhuman force.

"Ommfff," Donghyun whinced "Don't be such a sore loser, you told me not to go easy on you and to stop treating you like a girl," Donghyun chuckled but quickly stopped when he saw your blank expression.

You had a bad temper that was getting to you fast, you were super competitive and hated to lose. You kept a tight focus keeping your eye on the ball.

"Lets Play," You hurridley taunt Donghyun.

Donghyun began to dribble fast passing the ball between his legs and swiftly gliding past you to make a victorious slam dunk.

"That was just lucky," You huff.

"C'mon Donghyun lets do teams," A boyish voice spoke from behind you and Donghyun. You both turn and see your neighbor Hyunseong and his friend Jeongmin.

Donghyun threw you the ball and went to shake hands and greet the two boys.

"Why didn't you come out earlier?" Donghyun asked Hyunseong.

"Oh, I've been over Jeongmin's house we were just walking when we saw you guys and decided to stop by," Hyunseong answered.

You stood there with the ball panting hard, small beads of sweat rolled down your forehead and cascaded down to the concrete of the driveway.

"What happened to you," Jeongmin asked picking up your face, he had a childish grin on his face as he began to see your angry expression.

Hyunseong came up to you and with his shirt wiped the little sweat you had on your forehead slightly exposing his abs. You shudder, pull your face back and push his shirt back down.

"I don't mind a little sweat, I have a game to win," You proudly announce and start dribbling the ball again.

"What is this girl made of," Hyunseong loudly whispers to Donghyun.

"Sugar, spice and everything nice," Donghyun chanted in a girly voice trying to piss you off even more.

"Thats it Donghyun," you bellow "Hyunseong your on my team and Jeongmin you go with Oppa its about to get....

SERIOUS!" You crazily yell throwing your hands in the air.

"Your cute when your angry," Donghyun cooed not being phased by your rowdiness.

"Yeah I always like a girl in charge," Jeongmin smirked.

Donghyun elbowed him hard in the ribs "Owww Hyung what was that fo-,"

"Don't talk about my sister that way," Donghyun glared at him.

"ENOUUGH TALK GAME ON," You yell defintley

Hyunseong had the ball and was skillully dribbling past Jeongmin and Donghyun, he passed it to you with ease, and before the other team could catch you, you twisted your whole body and hooked the ball into the goal.

This went on for another hour or so until everybody collapsed from playing so hard.

In between pants you happily cheer "We (huff) beat the crap (huff) out of you guys."

You joyfully smashed hands with Hyunseong who gives you a confused face.

"What," you ask lazily stretching on the ground.

"For a girl your actually not that bad," Hyunseong smiled.

Your temper starts upagain and you irritably boom "What's that supposed to mean, because I'm a girl I'm supposed to be weak and helpless, well think again lets have another one on one."

Jeongmin and Donghyun roll their eyes, they suddenley spot two girls walking by, then they give each other the same look " Uhm were going to go-,"

"For a walk," Donghyun cut Jeongmin off.

They both both scrambled off to the girls leaving you and Hyunseong alone in the driveway.


You and Hyunseong were playing one on one adn he was secretley going easy on you, after you made the first few shots you yelled "Hey don't treat me like a girl play foreal."

"If you insist," Hyunseong laughed.

There was 30 more minutes of intense game play and both you and Hyunseong were sweating hard.

"C'mon you tired all ready," You panted heavily.

"No, Im just getting started," Hyunseong speaks trying to catch his breath.

He pulls off his shirt and your mouth falls down and your eyes pop out of your head.

Hyunseong grins and closes your mouth. You shake your head and continue playing.

When you finally got the ball away from him you started dribbling it with your back to him. You feel arms slip around your waist and Hyunseong turns you around to face him.

"Uhhhh Hyunseong what are y-," Hyunseong interupted you by softley placing his lips on yours. Millions of fireworks began resonating in the sky and voices began shouting "Happy New Years". Hyunseong pulls away with your head still spinning.

"Happy New Years," He whispered in your ear.

"Hey we got to go," Jeongmin yelled from the other side of the street.

"Coming," Hyunseong yelled back.

"ha-pp-y-n-e.....," you shakily tried to finish your sentence.

"See you around," Hyunseong sung and winked at you before joining Jeongmin on their walk back to Jeongmins place.

"Whats wrong," Donghyun asked waving his hand in front of your face.

"I-uhm-...," you trail off.

"Did he beat you that badly?" Donghyun laughed.

"Aisshhhh Oppa I swear," You start to chase Donghyun around while he ducks and dodges you.

******************************************************************************************** AUTHORS NOTE

Hello My Little Fireworks,

Idk I felt inspired lol and I've been wanting to write a one-shot for a while so tell me how it is.


~ Yours Truely Ringo


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Samona #1
Aweee so sweeeeet!!!! That photo reminds me a movie I watched, I forgot what it was called...
Omo this one is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet :3
ooh.. i love it. so sweet ^^ i love hyunseong the best <3 happy new year! :)