Why are you telling that now !!!!

Krystal Lu

Kwangmin's POV
I got up at the hospital youngmin was there with me I looked around for Yooshi but she wasn't there
Kwangmin - hyung where's Minseok ?
Youngmin - oh ... She went to Korea for some work . She said she'll come soon as her work finishes
I knew Yooshi isn't in Korea she is guilty for what happened that's why she isn't coming . But I can't tell anyone that I justed stayed quiet. My parents came to see me that afternoon
Lady Jo - Kwangmin ! What happened ?
Kwangmin - mom don't worry I'm fine now
Lord Jo - I can see that but Kwangmin I'm not been rude but why isn't Minseok here ? Is she still Korea ?
Youngmin - yeah ! She is she'll be coming next week
After my parents left mark dropped by for a visit
Mark - hey ! How are you ?
Kwangmin - fine I guess . Hyung can you give us so e space we need to talk about something
Youngmin - without me .. fine
After hyung left I looked at mark who seemed to know what I want to hear
Mark - she is still here ! Kwangmin the thing is she's too guilty to come here.
Kwangmin - I know , but mark why is she guilty ? She isn't to blame I jumped for the knife I chose this faith not her
Mark - she knows that but the thing is .... She wants you forget her and move on Lord No has already told many that Yooshi is in Korea and that she'll be back next week
Kwangmin - you mean she's hiding ? But mark the funny thing is I see her sometimes , she over there standing or sometimes next to me at night .
Mark - she may come without your knowledge but she never showed up in light did she ?
We talked for awhile and I told mark to go saying hyung may get suspicious. After a while I kept thinking about Yooshi and what she must be doing
Bambam's POV
It was already a week since Kwangmin was in the hospital and Minseok not showing up I did get a feeling that mark knew something but didn't tell anyone . We did most of our classes at Luhan's place since what happened to Kwangmin was considered as an attack we were told the palace was safe for the time been later that week Kwangmin was also brought to the palace. We went to see him
Kwangmin - hey!
All - hey ! Sup! What's up ?
Youngmin - luhan why on earth are we all supposed to do here ?
Luhan - we are staying threat so our parents wants us to be safe and here is the safest place in China. So please make your self home and ask for anything you need
Kai - can I get a ice latte ? Or an Americano .
Chanyeol - even I want one please ....
We were all talking when the Queen AKA Luhan's mom came in to the room
All - your highness
Queen Lu - hello everyone ! (Smiling ) Kwangmin I see you look comfortable anything you kids need just ask OK !
Luhan - that's what I said Kai and Chanyeol wants an Americano
Queen Lu - OK I'll tell the maids to send some
Kai - we were just joking it's OK your highness we really don't want , right Chanyeol ?
Chanyeol - yeah ..
So for a month we stayed in the palace but no Minseok showed up . One day finally we lost the patience we had and Kris just suddenly
Kris - ( grading mark by the coller ) OK mark spill where is Minseok ? You are bound to know she was your ex for awhile !
Mark - what ? Why ? How am I supposed to know she didn't even call anyone not even her boyfriend or brother ! So why in the name of hell is she suppose to her ex ?
Minwoo - he dose have a point ! I mean Minseok is Mark's ex but mostly she is kwangmin's girlfriend so she called none and now of us so that means something must have happened . The thing is you Mark was only one in our group who was with Kwangmin the day he was found wounded so all eyes do fall on you !
Mark - so your saying I what ? Kept Minseok hidden or I kidnapped her ?
Chanyeol - OK ! OK ! Let's calm down, Kris! Minwoo! OK we can't jump to conclusions we need to know what happened
Minwoo's POV
I knew Chanyeol had a point but with Minseok disappeared I don't know what to do or anything else. Suddenly the next day our beloved history teacher Mr. Giwi appeared to see how Kwangmin is . The worst was that my parents Luhan's parents and even Kris's parents were there
Giwi - oh I'm sorry for what happened to you ! How are you now.
Kwangmin - hm... Weird ... Anyway since .. when did you show care the first time we met almost killed me
Giwi - I apologise for that . Anyway (looking at Luhan's parents) your highnesses I have grave news I went to see the wings of our dead princess bit they weren't there ! They are gone
King Lu - what ! Do you mean ! The wings GONE !
Giwi- yes!! your highness , I looked all around the area and I found an evidence that may identify the thief .
Giwi pulled out a bag from his pocket and showed us a necklace . The necklace looked just like the necklace Minseok always wore.
Lord No - that looks like my daughter's necklace !
Giwi - it is the crest of the No family . I found this near the area the wings are kept
Kwangmin - are you saying that Minseok stole the wings ?
Lord No - what an how dare accuse my daughter ! For theft ! Why you ..
Queen Lu - now now Lord No let's see what he has to tell , Giwi I suggest you explain your self quickly
Giwi - yes! my lady , I went near the area cuz I felt suspicious on lady No . What happened there is something I still don't know, but the thing is the wings were gone and the necklace was there and the more suspicious fact is that the wings disappeared the same day master Jo was hospitalized .
Youngmin - so you your saying that my brother and Minseok stole the wings !!!!! Hm... How dare you....!!!!!
Giwi - no of course not but I'm just saying
During the whole story I was just spellbound I just stared at Giwi while he was openly insulting my sister and my family . Suddenly I felt tap on my shoulder I looked back at Mark
Mark - let's go out
We along with Chanyeol and Jackson left the room . Once we were outside
Jackson - that was weird !! What a weirdo ... How .. I mean how can he insult minwoo's family like that
Minwoo - it's not my family I'm worried about it's Minseok
Chanyeol - don't start with it , I mean seriously OK let's the wings are gone but why is Giwi so ....
Kris - ( walking near us ) frustrated about it !
Mark - yeah why ?!!!
Kris - the thing is why Giwi is soo on to the wings is because he believes the wings that belong to Yooshi are the key to the ultimate treasure the most powerful power gem or crystal
Chanyeol - oh... You mean the old legend
Minwoo - oh..... remember what Giwi said once during class that luhan told us it was classified
Kris - yeah , the thing is Yooshi's wings are pretty powerful . They are said to be able to open the door to the ultimate treasure a crystal that can absorb anyone's power.

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