The Story

Taking it Slow



“Are you seriously going for Irene? She’s a !” Joy was incredulous.


“iest of all es.” Yeri, the red-haired kid beside her agreed.


Joy crossed her arms, annoyed at the declaration she just heard from her dearest cousin, Wendy.


Apparently, Wendy wanted to court Irene. And Irene is a , Joy knows. Even the roasted chicken on her cafeteria plate right now can’t lift her mood after getting the news.


“Come on guys, she’s not that bad,” Wendy countered. “You don’t know her well, so don’t call her that, okay? And don’t teach Yerim bad words, she’s too young.” She lectured.


Speaking of the devil, Irene just entered the university cafeteria, looking like a queen. Her long black hair parted sideways, ends of it fluttering with the wind as she walked. The crowd parted. Irene’s breathtaking beauty created a path for her, leaving people in awe.


The three could only look; two pairs of eyes staring with sheer judgment and one pair with heart twinkles.


“Oohhh, no, no. I’m still not letting you go into the hands of pure evil, unnie.” Joy shook her head, her blonde bangs bouncing with disapproval as well.


“Pure, pure evil.” Yeri piped in response.


“Your parents asked me to look after you and that is what I shall do.” Joy declared.


“Shall do.” Yeri nodded. “Look after you.” Again, with a nod.


One side of Wendy’s lips turned up in amusement, seeing Joy so frantic and Yeri still following Joy around like a puppy. The three of them grew up together since they were babies, until Wendy had to go study in a place far away from home. It hasn’t been too long since she came back, but with how these two are acting, it’s like she never even left.


“As far as I remember, Sooyoung,” Wendy emphasized Joy’s Korean name, which made the younger wince, “your parents asked me to look after you. But that is beside the point. My mind is set. I’m going to make Irene my girlfriend.”


Joy groaned. (And Yeri did the same shortly after)


“We used to have the same taste!” Joy whined.


“Same taste, we used to have, hmm… Yes.” Yeri interpreted.


“Oh no, I moved on long enough from Song Joong Ki when I figured he had the hots for his neighbour Lee. Min. Hoe.” Wendy enunciated the name so teasingly.


“F&ck you Wen!” Joy shouted, completely forgetting they were still in the cafeteria.



“Joong Ki, not gay.” Yeri repeated. “Yes.”


 The whole cafeteria laughed, leaving Joy a blushing mess out of pure embarrassment.

And from the crowd, she can spot the devil smiling, along with the girl with monolid eyes.


“Damn it.”


“Damn it, indeed.” Yeri echoed.


“You better make it up to me, Wen.” Joy spat begrudgingly.


“To me, you better make it up.” Yeri piped.


Wendy raised a brow at Yeri’s manner of speaking (and the way she repeats Joy’s words). Did she hit her head or something? Is what her expression said.


Joy caught up and explained. “She had a major crush on Yoda from Star Wars and binge-watched videos with only cuts of him. She’ll be back to normal in a week.”


“To normal. In a week. Back.” Yeri nodded.


“You sure?” Wendy asked.


“Yes, of course I’d know. She had a crush on Ariana Grande last week, got in trouble for going to school with a photo-shopped ID with her name changed to ‘Yeriana’. You wouldn’t want to know more.” Joy said seriously.


“Want to know more, you would not.” Yeri shook her head.


“It’s good to be back.” Wendy grinned. Such is the normalcy in their group of friends.






“She still hates me?” Irene asked, chuckling. “I guess it’s because I whenever I get the chance.”


She stood up and walked around, busy re-organizing the plant boxes in the plant nursery.


“Yeah… There’s that, and also because you humiliated her back in 5th grade.” Wendy recalled. She readjusted her gloves, doing the same thing as Irene was.


“I don’t even remember, Seungwan.” Irene countered.


“And yet, you remember my name.” Wendy teased. “I left after 7th grade, and I haven’t used the name ‘Seungwan’ since then. I go by ‘Wendy’ now, you know.”


“I know.” Irene smiled. “I still like calling you Seungwan.”


“Joohyun-unnie.” Wendy whined, using Irene’s Korean name as revenge. “It’s a boy’s name!”


Joohyun (Irene) only chuckled in response. Wendy was her junior but they’ve always went along well.


“I thought my status with Joy has improved throughout the years. Ever since you left, she had been ignoring me, you know. But lately she’s been giving me the side-eye again.” Irene complained. “I don’t really know what I did to make her hate me.”


“Remember when the first Harry Potter movie was out then?” Wendy explained. “We were sitting by the stairs at school, Joy and myself, when you and Seulgi passed by.” She remembers how queen like Irene was already back then and Seulgi with her monolid eyes not falling behind in terms of beauty either.


“I think so. Seulgi was in the same grade as you but in a different class, right?” Irene recalled.


“Yes,” Wendy said. “Joy and I were talking about the movie when you and Seulgi passed by.”


“Ohhhh oh right! Joy suddenly shouted ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ and pointed at Seulgi, who just happened to walk by right in timing!” Irene clapped, laughing. She’s slowly remembering things now. Seulgi just stared dumbly at Joy, who was blushing so hard after realizing what she just did.


“And Joy who was desperate to save face, she said, ‘Never mind these losers unnie, they don’t know what we’re talking about anyway.’” Wendy said, imitating Joy’s tone back then. “I remember your face – you got irritated back then. It was weird because I’ve never seen you angry before.”


Irene pouted. “I was a huge Potterhead! I took it as a personal insult.” She reasoned, which made Wendy laugh.


“You were cute then too, unnie.” Wendy stated, her eyes oozing with honey as she stared at her childhood crush.


“Shut up.” Irene bashfully replied. “What happened next?” She said, hoping to divert Wendy’s stare from her.


“Well, like I said you got ticked off, and suddenly you crossed your arms, looking so intimidating.” Wendy teased. “You said, ‘You’re talking about Harry Potter, right? I bet I know more spells than you.’ You sounded so confident and cocky. I had to stop myself from laughing, unnie.”


Seeing Irene’s glare, Wendy gulped and continued her story.


“And then Joy took you on. Before we knew it, a crowd already formed around us. It was like a catfight, with no physical contact. She recited every spell there is in the movie, even waving her pencil like a wand. I thought instantly that you lost right then and there...” Wendy’s eyes had that faraway look, recalling the event in detail.


Irene was mesmerized. She knew that Wendy had always been beautiful, but it’s been a while since she last saw her. Only now does she slowly remember how Wendy was able to catch her attention, even back then. It’s Wendy, whose eyes were always light, whose smiles were brighter than the sun.


Wendy suddenly laughed, making Irene’s heart skip a beat in shock.


“Do you remember what you did then?” The brunette asked.


Irene shook her head, far too distracted from her thoughts. If she tried, she could have recalled it but Wendy was messing up her mind right now.


“Joy gave you her pencil, daring you to take her on. She knew she already won. She recited every spell from the movie, even the crowd cheered.” Wendy told her.


The older girl focused her attention back on the plants; carefully absorbing the younger’s words. That way, the story slowly started making sense again. “Yes, I think I remember refusing.”


“You said, ‘I have a pen.’ and the way you took it from your bag was freaking cool, the people around us swooned.” Wendy laughed.


“How stupid.” Irene scowled.


“No, unnie, you flipped your hair and raised the pen up, ‘I have a pen!’” Wendy laughed. “So cute.” She was wiping tears from her eyes, recalling how overenthusiastic Joohyun was at that moment. It was funny because Joohyun had always been reserved, talking to nobody and barely speaking even when talked to.


“We all thought you looked beautiful, so it was okay.” Wendy smiled sincerely, making Irene blush again.


“Anyway, we were all waiting for your comeback. Even Joy smirked and dared you. ‘Let’s see what you got, then.’ she said.” Wendy shook her head. “And you raised your pen- your ‘wand’, pointing it at her.”


“Back then I was really scared that you’ll use the ‘Avada Kedavra’ spell, the killing curse, because you still looked a bit irritated. But then you suddenly had this eating grin on your face,” Wendy bit her lip, trying not to smile.


“And you said, ‘Sunshine, Daisies, Butter Mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!’ with your wand clearly pointing at Joy. We were all too shocked at the savagery to react in time. As a finishing blow, you said, ‘oh, it didn’t work.’, and left with a smirk.” Wendy chuckled, half in awe, half in disbelief. She never thought that Ron Weasley’s failed spell could be used like that.


‘She’s a !’ She could almost hear Joy’s words echoing in her brain.


“Wow, I was a .” Irene stated, but laughed right after.


“Yeah…” Wendy carelessly agreed, which made Irene release a low, threatening growl. “Oy…”


“A beautiful one, still.” The younger said, palms sweating. “Ha..ha..ha…”


She released a sigh when Irene just went back to organizing the plants with a soft “hmp!”, and it was unfortunate how Wendy missed the older one’s rosy cheeks from her compliment.


“You’re still scary, unnie.” Wendy teased.


“Get back to the plants, Seungwan. Did you volunteer in this plant nursery just to chat with me?” Irene’s eyebrow rose, clearly teasing Wendy back.


“I didn’t know you’re a volunteer here at all, unnie. If I knew, I would have joined sooner.” Wendy grinned.


“Oh, how greasy.” Irene rolled her eyes.


Wendy just chuckled. What she said was true, anyway. It was fate’s doing for them to meet again like this, she concluded.






“We have to come up with a plan.” Joy whispered. She peeked through her binoculars, seeing Wendy and Irene comfortably talking inside their school’s plant nursery.


They were hiding behind a bush just outside the structure protecting the plants.


“A plan. Come up.” Yeri said. “What for, unnie?”


“Yo kid, you know we can’t give our angel Wendy unnie to that .” Joy reasoned out.


Yeri frowned. “ volunteers.” She said. “ is good.”


“I know right… She knows how to hook Wendy in. She’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, for sure.” Joy muttered.


Yeri shook her head. She meant that Irene could possibly be a good person, because she volunteers.

“For sure… Hmm Yes…” Yeri pipes. But she has to stay in character.



“What are you two doing in here?” Someone asked.


“S-Seulgi unnie!” Yerim squeaked.


Joy could only stare with agape. Oh for the love of- Among all the monolid-eyed people who could possibly catch them spying on Wendy and Irene, it had to be this one.


Yerim slapped Joy on the back hard. “Always two there are, no more, no less. May the force be with you.” the youngest said before running off, leaving the two alone.


Seulgi laughed after hearing what Yerim said. “You’re a Jedi now, Sooyoung?” she asked, holding out her hand to Joy who was still sitting on the ground.


“That traitor…” Joy muttered. She looked at Seulgi’s outstretched hand and refused it, standing up by herself.


Both pretended to cough after the awkward gesture.


“Were you spying on Irene-unnie?” Seulgi asked her. From a distance she could see Irene and Wendy alone in the plant nursery, tending to plants. “Do you…have a crush on her?”


“What- NO! EW.” Joy said, incredulous. “You’re stupid.” She spat. Why would anyone think that?


There was a look of hurt in Seulgi’s face that instantly made Joy regret what she just said.


‘, you screwed up, Joy. Nice going! Stupid!’ Joy thought irritably.


This always happens. Whenever she was in front of Seulgi, something embarrassing happens. Most of the time, she says the wrong things. It was a wonder how Seulgi always remained nice to her whenever they get the chance to talk.


Most of these chances, by the way, were created by the named Irene. Once the older girl found out (who knows how) about Joy’s hopeless attraction towards Seulgi, she never stopped teasing Joy. Irene never talked to her alone, but when the older girl has Seulgi with her, she never fails to approach Joy.


It mostly ends up with Joy stuttering – or acting clumsily – or saying the wrong things – just like now. (Irene must have found her misery amusing. It cemented her status in the younger’s mind)


“I- I’m sorry. That wasn’t-“ Joy tried to cancel out what she just said. She knew how Seulgi was sensitive to insults regarding stupidity.


“It’s okay, Sooyoung.” Seulgi patted Joy’s head. “I’ll be going now. Don’t stay too long out here, it’s getting cold.” And Seulgi proceeded towards the nursery, shoulders hunched over.


Joy could only watch in regret.


“Ah crap… I messed up again.” She sighed. Her eyes stung while staring at the back of the girl walking away.






Yerim stared at the script she was holding.


She has a dream.


That dream was to stand on the same stage with Ariana Grande, or at least act in one of her music videos.


Every week, she gets a different character to play; to embody, in her mind, in her words, in her actions. (As if she lived that role’s life.) That way, she’ll slowly improve her acting.


Never mind the weird looks that people give her.


She has a dream.


And she will pursue it, to the best of her abilities.


Last year, she found an advertisement for a small play’s audition, a Snow White musical’s flyer lying on the floor of the theatre stage. (Someone must’ve dropped it, she figured.)


She auditioned.


She failed.


That didn’t stop her. Of course, the first time was painful. The looks on the judges’ face were clearly of pity – she knew she wasn’t as talented as the others, who auditioned and got accepted, but she was new to this and Yeri thought she just didn’t try hard enough.


The next few months, there was another flyer lying on the floor of the theatre. (She always sneaked in this room to practice her acting and singing)


And she auditioned.


She was hyped up. She practiced a lot for the audition. Her heart was hopeful.



So imagine her heartbreak when she failed again.



“YERIANA!” She shouted. Her back was flat on the floor of the school’s theatre stage. “GRAAANDEEE!”



This was her way of stopping her tears. Shouting her frustrations out, and practicing.


Practice, practice, and more practice.


Once, she fell asleep after reading through her script. (It was after school, no one would be at the theatre this time anyway.)


(But she was wrong)


She heard footsteps, slightly stirring her from her sleep. When she woke up, she found another flyer for an audition, just right beside her.

Whoever it was that left it there, was telling her to try again.


And with a grateful heart to her anonymous supporter, Yeri got up.


She will try again.






“Wendy-unnie.” Yerim spoke softly.


“Hmm?” Wendy hummed.


They were back in the dormitory, just chilling at Wendy and Joy’s shared room. The younger among the two was fiddling with something in her hands uneasily, a lot of questions plaguing her mind.


She finally settled about the one that bothered her most.


“Why do you like Irene-unnie?” She asked.


Wendy smiled. “What’s not to like?”


Yerim examined Wendy’s face. There wasn’t a hint of uncertainty in her eyes, as if liking Irene was as natural as the rising of the sun and the blowing of the winds.


“Why does Joy unnie hate Irene unnie, then?” Yerim was curious.


“Joy doesn’t really hate Irene, Yerim. You know Joy, she can be irritated by petty things and her temper is all over the place but she’s not the type to hate a person.” Wendy explained patiently to the girl three grades younger than her.


“How do I put it…?” The brunette brushed her hair with her fingers, deep in thought. “Joy and Irene unnie are similar, in a way.” She continued.


Yerim frowned.


Joy’s mouth could fire words like a machine gun whilst Irene was as quiet as a mosquito. (The only times Yerim heard her speak was when the older found opportunities to tease Joy, or when she spoke to Seulgi about what they’re going to get for lunch, and that was it)


Their difference was as clear as day, but Yerim decided to wait and see where her unnie was going with this.


“Have you seen how Joy acts around Seulgi?” Wendy asked.


Yerim thought about it. Looking back, Joy was always quiet around the monolid-eyed girl and the rare times she speaks, her words always came out either harsh or sarcastic.


(This made her think that maybe Joy hated Seulgi, until she saw the longing look on Joy’s face every time Seulgi leaves)


Yerim nods.


“Irene is kind of like that to everyone. She hides her true self behind a façade… She’s shy… and the truth is she gets nervous about interacting with people. Too nervous, and her refusal to talk about things, making people misunderstand her. It took a lot of time and effort before I got her to talk to me comfortably, too.” Wendy admitted sheepishly. “It might appear like she’s acting all chic and y, but Irene is one sensitive soul, just like Joy.”


Yerim hummed. The situation finally made sense to her.


“Unnie, that also explains why you kept disappearing during breaks. You were with Irene-unnie before, weren’t you?” Yerim asked with her eyes squinted in suspicion.


Wendy blushed, but slightly nodded.


“I KNEW IT!” Yerim laughed.


“That reminds me, is your Yoda week over?” Wendy asked, diverting the topic rather roughly.


“Yes, unnie.”


“What character are you playing this week?” the brunette inquired curiously.


“Just… Just Yerim. Myself.” The youngest answered softly.


“Just Yerim, huh…” Wendy smiled. “I think it’s the greatest character you’ll ever play.”


Yerim grinned.


“Of course, unnie.”





Joy scowled at the sight before her.


Just what in the world did she do in her past life to deserve this?


Irene. Seulgi. Wendy. Yerim. And Joy.


In one table.


Having lunch like it had been their daily routine all these years – which is absurd and it’s making her sweat all over. (Thus, the chicken in front of her remains untouched. She was too nervous to eat.)


The edges of Irene’s lips turned up. was clearly amused while watching Joy squirm.


“Thank you for inviting us, Wendy.” Irene grinned. (Evilly, in Joy’s mind. Like she succeeded in her evil plans, she did, she did.)


“Yeah, our dance instructor held us back so when we got here, the cafeteria was already packed.” Seulgi agreed. “We would have had to wait for a free table if you didn’t offer.”


“Oh no, see that?” Yerim pointed at the standing crowd. “You would have had to battle it out first. They’re waiting for tables as well.”


Seulgi smiled gratefully.


“So, Joy, aren’t you going to eat that roasted chicken on your plate?” Irene asked, feigning curiosity.


Joy’s right eye twitched. Everyone in their table stopped eating to look at her.


Joy? Not eating her chicken? That’s a first.


“Are you okay?” Seulgi asked worriedly.


“Of course.” Joy answered with a glare.


“Seul, you’re closer to Joy. Why don’t you check if she has a fever?” Irene suggested, smirking.


“Oh. Good idea, unnie.” Seulgi suddenly stood up and touched Joy’s forehead with her hand.


Joy stopped breathing.


“She’s a bit hot, and looking a bit red now too…” Seulgi mumbled. “Are you sure you’re okay, Sooyoung?”


“Don’t touch me again, stupid.” Joy spat, before standing up and leaving the table.



The rest of them that remained at the table exchanged uneasy glances, and then at the chicken left untouched by Joy.






“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!” Joy muttered, angrily throwing stones at the pond in their school garden.


“Now she’ll really think I hate her.” She heaved a sigh, lying down on the grass with a thump.



She closed her eyes.



Just when did she start acting like this?


So incredibly dumbstruck whenever she’s in front of Kang Seulgi!


It was beyond pathetic.



“Why are you so quiet, Sooyoung?” Young Wendy asked her cousin.


“I am a lady, and a lady should act appropriately.” Young Sooyoung answered.


Wendy giggled. “You’re still a kid. You’re even younger than me.”



At a young age she was taught how to act accordingly, to behave properly.


“You shouldn’t laugh loudly.”


“A lady should be elegant.”


“A lady should have manners.”


“A lady should always be neat and clean.”


Those were the rules imposed on her. Taught that she lived in a world that was black and white; those who didn’t follow the rules were unrefined, and should not be associated with. Raised in wealth, she was strictly disciplined.



She hated it.



“Hi!” a girl with round cheeks and bright eye-smile greeted her cheerfully. “I’m Kang Seulgi!”


Seulgi’s orange hair was rebellious, covered in a baseball cap worn backwards. There was dirt on her face, and even her clothes were messy. The girl with the monolid eyes acted like a boy.


(Do not associate with these people, she was told)


Sooyoung took a step back, hiding her hands behind her. But she curtly answered. It would be rude not to.


“My name is ‘Joy’.”


Seulgi stepped close to her. “Your name tag says ‘Park Sooyoung’ though. Are you a – umm what do they call that again? Ah! You’re a ‘four ranger’!” She clapped, happy about remembering a word.


A four ranger…?


Did she mean ‘foreigner’?


Joy bursted out in laughter. She laughed until tears came out of her eyes.


She laughed in a very unlady-like manner, which would have her mentors cringing.


But she laughed. Kang Seulgi laughed with her.


It was the happiest moment she’s ever had in her life.



When did it all start?



Joy watched Seulgi practice her dance on the stage.


It was mesmerizing.


Every step, every twist of her hand, every little movement took the breath out of Joy.


Nothing restrained Seulgi.



Joy wanted freedom.


Seulgi was the living embodiment of it.



Park Sooyoung was still stuck in a world of black and white.


And Kang Seulgi was a freaking rainbow.



It was then, she had fallen.


Can anyone blame her for wanting to keep it to herself?



“Sooyoung, why aren’t you talking to me anymore?” Seulgi asked.


“I don’t want to be associated with you.” Joy said coldly. “And don’t call me Sooyoung. My name is Joy.”



(A lady should be with a gentleman)


(She was a lady, and Seulgi, despite her rough attitude, is still a lady too)


She saw plenty of the male species expressing their interest in Seulgi.


Of course, why wouldn’t they? Kang Seulgi may act unrefined at times, but she is beautiful.


Her fear of rejection swallowed her whole.


(So she tried to stop her growing feelings by avoiding the cause of it)



Irene made her life harder. She didn’t know how the senior found out, but her obvious attempts to make Seulgi talk with Joy were a dead giveaway. Irene knew something was up with the two of them.


She really didn’t hate Irene.


Every time she had to avoid Seulgi, the guilt she felt worsened.


That was why she was always in a bad mood whenever Seulgi is near.



She hated herself.



But her feelings for Kang Seulgi continued to grow, until it was so unbearable, she was unable to talk.



Her chest tightened when she was near.



The want was suffocating.



The pull was so great, that for years, Sooyoung started disobeying the rules.


One by one


She started with using bad words,


To becoming talkative and loud,


To even joining a street dance group (a contrast to ballet, which she had been learning since she was young).


Small things might they be, but those were a huge deal to her.



It was a rebellion, to escape the world of black and white.



She felt like each step would bring her closer to the colours.









Seulgi likes disorder.



Whenever her elder brother solves a Rubik’s cube, she immediately feels the need to scramble it again, and she does. Having her personal touch on the cube felt like art, and art was another thing that Seulgi likes.


She grew up playing with her brother and his friends.


They played in the dirt, they played rough physical sports games, and they treated Seulgi like she was a boy. She used to think that she was one, too.


However, all that was okay, because she likes everything disorderly.



Then she met Park Sooyoung,


And Sooyoung was everything orderly.



Always prim and proper, always exuding an air of confidence and elegance, Sooyoung looked so lovely in Seulgi’s eyes.


But she was also like a Rubik’s cube that has never been played with; all colours arranged neatly.


Sooyoung was a white canvas that Seulgi wanted to paint on.


She was so drawn to her – and eventually she introduced herself.


They became friends.


Sooyoung taught her how to be a lady – and in turn, she taught Sooyoung how to become the opposite.


Soon, Seulgi realized that Sooyoung wasn’t a blank canvas at all.


Society just covered her with a white paper, hiding the artwork that was Sooyoung’s colourful personality underneath to conform to their monotonous order.


The more Seulgi knew Sooyoung, the more she saw what was underneath the white canvas, the more she fell in love.



Because Seulgi likes art and Sooyoung was a damn lovely masterpiece.








, Seungwan, I think I messed up.” Irene facepalmed. “Joy looked seriously upset.”


Wendy exhaled through her nose, before she took the older girl’s hand in hers.


“It’s okay. Joy isn’t mad at you. And it’s about time she gives in, anyway.” Wendy reassured her, gently rubbing circles in the older girl’s hand using her thumb.


Yerim coughed. “I’m still here, unnies.”


Irene blushed and tried to pull back her hand, but Wendy held on tighter.


“It’s okay. Yerim would have to get used to it anyway. When I make you my girlfriend, Irene unnie, I’ll hold your hand all the time.” Wendy grinned cheekily.


 “Stop making fun of me, Seungwan.” Irene roughly gave Wendy a knock on her head. (Causing Yerim to laugh and for Wendy to whine.)


“Are you sure she’s okay?” Irene asked worriedly.


Wendy and Yerim exchanged glances, and a smile.


“Seulgi went looking for her, unnie.” Yerim said. “They’ll be okay. You don’t have to worry too much about Joy unnie.


“Who says I’m worried about that stupid girl…” Irene muttered, crossing her arms in a show of denial.


“Hmm... By the way, Irene unnie,” Yerim fetched something from her bag. “You don’t need to drop one of these in the theatre.” She lifted a flyer for a musical audition, showing it to the two.


Irene’s eyes widened, and Wendy grinned widely.


“I already requested one from the theatre department.” Yerim said with a knowing grin on her face.

“See you tomorrow!”


“Right, see you, kid.” Wendy chuckled, waving to the youngest as she left.


“You- you didn’t tell her I was the one leaving those, did you?” Irene grabbed Wendy by the collar, blushing.


“Might have, might have not.” Wendy took Irene’s fist and bit it, before escaping.







“One more question, Wendy unnie. Did you know that Irene unnie had been secretly leaving me some audition invite flyers?” Yerim asked.


Wendy’s jaw dropped. “How did you-“


“My acting lessons had paid off. She thought I was asleep the last time she left one.” Yerim shrugged. “I wasn’t sure if she was the one responsible for the ones before that, but thanks for confirming it for me!” She stuck her tongue out cheekily.


“Ah… I’m dead…” Wendy whispered lifelessly.







“You shouldn’t sleep here, Sooyoung.” Seulgi’s words rang in Joy’s ear, causing her to stand up abruptly.


“What are you doing here?” Joy asked, panicking. She looked around. What time was it? The sun was almost down.


, did she skip half-day?


“Sorry for surprising you.” Seulgi chuckled. She sat down on the grass, and gestured for Sooyoung to sit beside her.


Sooyoung eyed her carefully, and after a few seconds of contemplating, she sighed and finally settled beside Seulgi.


“I’m sorry for running off earlier.” Sooyoung mumbled, folding her knees in front of her and hiding her face with her palms.


“It’s okay; you’ll just have to buy us a cake next time.” Seulgi teased. “The rest of us are fine with anything, but Irene unnie is picky - Carrot cake is her favourite. Don’t buy the cinnamon flavoured one – she absolutely loathes the scent and taste of it.”


“Is that so?” Joy scoffed. “Give me her address. I’ll order 10 boxes of Cinnamon cake and have it delivered to her doorstep by tomorrow.”


Seulgi laughed. “You shouldn’t hate Irene unnie, Sooyoung. She pushes me to you because she has a good reason to.”


Joy raised her brow. “Yes, she enjoys watching me squirm.”


Seulgi shook her head. “No… actually, it’s because I told her that I like you.”


“Of course it’s – “ Joy stopped. “What?”


“I told her that I like you.” Seulgi repeated. “That I like you a lot, Park Sooyoung.”


Joy nervously looked at Seulgi’s eyes, which were gazing at her with intensity.

Those monolid-eyes that she tried her hardest to avoid-


Seulgi took Joy’s hand in hers, putting her fingers in between the gaps of Sooyoung’s.

She held up their connected hands and kissed the back of Joy’s palm softly.


“I guess I’ll have to explain it this way.” Seulgi had her eyes closed, her soft lips brushing against Joy’s hand as she spoke.


Her warm breath caused something to stir in Joy’s chest.


“I miss you.” Seulgi opened her eyes as she spoke, tilting her head while still looking fondly at Sooyoung.

“I like you, Sooyoung, so much that I feel like my heart is going to explode.”



Joy cried.



She cried loudly, in an unlady-like manner that would make all her mentors cringe.


She cried, because she yearned for the colours for so long, and the colours wanted her, too.



“You’re so stupid, Kang Seulgi.” Joy bit her lip as tears flowed down her face. “I liked you first.”


Seulgi laughed. She wiped Joy’s face and hugged the younger girl, Joy wrapping her arms around Seulgi with her face buried in the other’s chest.


“I liked you first!” Seulgi argued.


Joy lifted her face and frowned at Seulgi. “Are we seriously going to fight over this?”


Seulgi grinned and planted a soft kiss on Joy’s forehead.









The next day, Irene found 10 boxes of Carrot Cake at her doorstep.








“We have to come up with a plan.” Joy whispered. She peeked through her binoculars, seeing Wendy and Irene talking inside their school’s plant nursery.


They were hiding behind a bush just outside the structure protecting the plants.


Yerim sighed. “Why are we doing this again?”


“Because… The is good.” Joy said, this time with a warm smile. “I’m handing over my cousin.”


“All right!” Yerim answered, all fired up.


“What are you two doing here, again?” Seulgi asked with her arms crossed.


Joy gulped nervously.


“Would you like to join us, unnie?” Yerim timidly offered. “It’s something for Wendy and Irene unnie.”


Seulgi grinned. “Sure. It’s about time, anyway.”







“You know what, unnie.” Wendy asked. Her eyes were on the seeds she was planting.


They were still in the plant nursery, and the task for today was to plant seedlings for next year’s harvest.


“No.” Irene deadpanned, and then laughed when the younger whined.


“I’m talking seriously here!” Wendy complained. She stopped working and walked over to Irene.


“Okay, okay. What is it?” Irene smiled, clearly amused.


“Be my girlfriend.” Wendy stated.


The smile on Irene’s face suddenly fell. “That is not a good joke, Seungwan. You should be serious when talking about those kinds of things to the one you really like. Did the foreign hook-up mindset get to you?”


“Hey, not everyone is like that back there.” The brunette defended. “You should stop watching dim-witted shows that influence your views of the world.”


Irene raised her brow. Wendy never usually talks back like this.


“And yet you seem to have become a player now, always throwing these cheesy lines.” Irene spat back.


“I only throw them at you!” Wendy said, frustrated.


“See, you’re doing it again, Seungwan.” Irene sighed.


“Doing what, unnie?”


“Acting smoothly. Like a player.” Irene stated. “Stop making fun of me, Wan-ah.”


“I’m not! Just- I don’t know anymore! When will you ever take me seriously?” Wendy took off her gloves and work boots. “Forget it. Just. Never mind.”


And she stormed off, leaving a stunned Irene behind.






“This is really weird.” Joy whispered. “Wendy refuses to leave her bed all day.”


“What’s weird about that? I don’t want to leave my bed at all.” Seulgi asked nonchalantly.


Yeri shrugged. Only three from their group were at the cafeteria, with Wendy and Irene’s absence.


Joy rolled her eyes. “She only does this when there’s something she’s upset about, and this happens very rarely. Can you ask Irene unnie if she knows what’s up?”


Seulgi, Irene’s roommate, only hummed. “I’m not sure. She’s not really acting like herself earlier…”


“What do you mean?”


“Irene unnie put coffee in her cereal this morning and ate it all without noticing, almost brought my bag to school instead of hers, left her phone in the fridge, and bought cinnamon bread as a snack!” Seulgi exclaimed.

“Most importantly – that ironing freak of an unnie went to school in WRINKLED UNIFORM!”


“Wow, okay.” Joy whistled. “I think I know what’s going on. We need to do something. Would anyone like to share an idea?”


“I’ll talk to Irene unnie, see if there’s something you can figure out in the meantime.” Seulgi answered.


The two then stared expectantly at Yeri. The youngest was always the one with the brightest ideas when it comes to solving problems.


Yeri fiddled on her pasta with a fork, seemingly deep in concentration.


“Just wait, she’s on to something.” Joy explained to Seulgi.


When Yeri looked up, Seulgi and Joy leaned closer to hear what she was going to say.

The frown on Yeri’s face deepened. She opened to speak, finally.



“Moo.” Yerim grunted.






“What?” Joy asked.



“Moo.” Yeri shrugged. “Moo moooooo.”



“.” Joy spat. “A cow?! You choose a cow to role-play right now, Yerim? Really?!”


“Moo.” Yerim grunted.


Seulgi cried laughing. Joy groaned in frustration.


“Eat grass, you stupid useless little prick!” Joy shoved greenies in Yerim’s mouth, and the latter nearly choked from the sudden veggie attack.


“MOO MOO!” Yerim shouted.


“ YOU TOO!” Joy shouted back.


Seulgi watched the two choke slam each other while she sat happily drinking her banana milk.






Irene sighed for what must’ve been the hundredth time today. Her gloved hands grudgingly dug into the dirt in the plant boxes, preparing the soil for the seeds she was to plant today. It was bright and sunny outside the plant nursery but what was inside Irene’s mind and heart were storms and dark skies.


Seungwan hadn’t talked to her for days, which was saying a lot. They rarely had a misunderstanding, and mostly it’s because when she does something that made the younger mad, it’s still always Son Seungwan who approaches her first to make amends.


Son Seungwan, understanding and patient like a saint,


Son Seungwan, who was very good with words and always knew what to say to make things right;


Irene can’t believe it’s the same Son Seungwan who’s been ignoring her for days now.


Was it really wrong of her to doubt the younger’s words?

How was it so easy for Seungwan to throw those things her way?


Seungwan didn’t use to flirt openly like that before she left to study abroad.


Irene can’t help but blame whatever it was that changed Seungwan into a Wendy that treated confessions so lightly.


Was that all there is to it, though?


Irene blamed her hopeless romantic side too.


She has gotten used to the Seungwan before, who shyly did cheesy gestures and wrote extremely long and cringe-worthy letters when she was away in another country.


Joohyun misses that Seungwan.


She knew how they’ve been dancing around each other all these years, never quite saying those three words, never putting a label to their relationship either.


Relationship? They have one, right?


‘Be my girlfriend.’


Even though Seungwan often joked around with those words, asking her all the time, it never failed to make her feel like she just ran a marathon; the way she ran out of breath and her heart raced were almost unbearable.


Irene gently held the seeds she was about to plant. Now that she thought about it, her relationship with Seungwan was like a plant. Back when she first met Seungwan, she never thought that the girl would become so important to her, so special that she cried endless nights when Seungwan told her she would have to study overseas for a few years.


She didn’t even know why Seungwan approached her so eagerly back then.


Irene was shy, and sometimes she was a bit of a stuck-up , she admits. She answered questions with two or three words, never elaborating, unless it was about a topic she was interested in. The way she walked with her nose up in the air would intimidate everyone, and she gives off a very cold aura. Irene only ever opened up and talked to the people that were already close to her.


Son Seungwan was the opposite.


Seungwan gave off bright smiles that attracted everyone to her. She spoke to people with kindness and warmth, even to strangers. Ask her a question about a song, and she would tell you stories about its singer, the lyrics, the history of its genre, and most of all, she has the most beautiful voice to sing it for you. She would bow multiple times; lower than 90 degrees even, whenever she passes by her seniors.

And she bakes cookies for the school staff every Christmas.

Son Seungwan was an angel, an adorable little cinnamon roll that everyone likes.

(The only cinnamon roll that Irene will ever like)



A drop of water fell on her glove. She looked up to see if it was starting to rain, forgetting that the plant nursery was roofed.


Irene then realized she was crying.


Just thinking of Seungwan possibly not talking to her for the rest of their lives clutched her heart, and suddenly she couldn’t breathe. Irene could battle the world as a record holder when it comes to holding back her tears, but right now they fell like waterfalls.


“Please don’t cry unnie. They say that if a girl’s tear falls on the earth, the one who made her cry will face thousand punishments.” Someone said from behind her.


It was Wendy. Joohyun can recognize Seungwan even with her eyes closed, can spot her among the crowds in seconds. Wendy looked so fluffy right now in the light gray hoodie that Irene gave to her before the younger left for Canada.


“And the penalty is two times more if it’s a goddess’ tears.” Wendy added, which made Irene punch her lightly on the shoulder.


It took a while for Irene to calm down (it’s hard to make her cry, but even harder to make her stop) even with Wendy holding on to her like she’s dear life. (Must be)


“Can I take you somewhere?” Wendy asked when Irene’s sobs were finally down to a few sniffs.






Wendy nervously held her backpack as she waited for Irene to finish washing up. The hallway was vacant except for them – everyone else must’ve gone home already.


(“Can’t you wash up later when we get home, unnie?”

“No, I don’t know where you’re taking me and I don’t want to go anywhere with garden soil on my clothes.”)


“Okay, Seungwan.” Irene went out from the ladies’ room changed into a fresh set of clothes.


Wendy’s eyes widened comically, and her jaw dropped in surprise. Irene was now wearing a light gray hoodie too, with yellow symbols on the sleeves, which was exactly like the one Wendy was wearing right now.


“C- couple hoodie?” Wendy asked, caught off guard.


(“I heard it’s colder in Canada, Wan-ah. Take this with you.”)


“All those two years I spent overseas, and you never told me you gave me one of a pair…?” Wendy asked.


Irene shyly smiled.


“Wow.” Wendy was still dumbstruck. “Wow…”


“So where are you taking me?” The older asked, grinning happily for catching the other off guard.


It took a few seconds before Wendy got over her pleasant surprise, and she gestured for Irene to follow her.


They were almost out the rear entrance of the building when Wendy stopped walking.


“Wan-ah?” Irene stopped too. She looked around. Why would Wendy stop here right at the porch by the stairs? Nothing in particular seemed out of ordinary.


Wendy sat on the top of the three-step stairs. “Come sit with me, unnie.”


After Irene sat right beside the younger girl, Wendy took out a thick looking journal from her backpack.

She opened the journal and showed it to Irene.


On the first page was a very ugly looking drawing of four kids by the stairs. The background looked decent enough – Irene finally recognized that they were currently sitting at the same place as the drawing.


“Is that…us?” Irene asked, gently touching the scribbles of four kids.


Wendy held a toothy grin. “I had Seulgi help draw the background because she’s a good artist, but since Joy, Yerim and myself all ‘helped out’ too…” she chuckled nervously.


“Cute.” Irene giggled.


“Joohyun unnie. You know that story I told you a while then? The Harry Potter incident you had with Joy back in 5th grade?”


Joohyun hummed as a yes.


“I remember it clearly because I think that’s when I first started to like you, Joohyun unnie.” Wendy nervously admitted. She kept her eyes on the drawing, unable to look at Irene.


Irene blushed at the shy confession, but she wanted to immerse herself in this moment fully while looking at Wendy’s eyes. She softly touched Wendy’s chin with her hand, urging the girl to look at her.


When Wendy did, Irene gave her a shy smile, a sign of encouragement. Irene didn’t breathe a word but Wendy understood the meaning behind the gesture; That Joohyun waited so long for this and she would patiently listen to Seungwan’s story.


“You were an intimidating senior to me then. You were quiet, but of course I noticed you. Who wouldn’t, when the whole school talked about you? The cold aura you gave off and the confidence you exuded, and of course, unnie I know a lot of people already told you this, but you’re so beautiful.” Wendy had her eyes gazing far away as she grasped at her memory.

“You rarely talked with anybody except for Seulgi, and you were a huge snob. I thought you never cared about anything in the world. You looked at everybody with disinterest.” Wendy teased.

“But then when you spoke about Harry Potter, you were so fired up.” The younger covered her face shortly, stifling a laugh. “You were so cute. It was the first time I saw you smile.”


Wendy smiled with light dancing in her eyes and Irene never thought she could like her even more than she already does until now.


“Of course, I was too young back then to know what it really was, but you got me curious since. From then on, I wanted to know more about you.” Wendy turned to another page.


The second page of the journal had a drawing of a girl looking at a bulletin board.


“I know this isn’t probably a big deal to you, and I don’t know if you remember it. Every time I saw you by chance passing through the hallway, you would always look at the academic ranking in the bulletin board and pout when your ranking fluctuated. I didn’t think you were the competitive type, so I was surprised, yet again.” Wendy laughed. “That, and there was one time I went to the market with my mom and again saw you by chance, competing with other people in a meat sale.”


Irene groaned. Her family “ahjumma” when she was young because she behaved like an aunt. (She loves ironing, she loves washing clothes, and she always wanted to go with her mother when buying groceries)


“I never knew you could be so tough. You were battling it out with mothers out there.” Wendy teased, earning her a punch from Irene.


“When I finally gathered enough courage to talk to you and introduce myself,” Wendy paused and turned to the next page. In the drawing, ‘Joohyun’ was napping on her armchair while ‘Seungwan’ stood in front of her. “You ignored me.”


Irene bit her lip, fighting back a smile. “I remember that. You walked right up to me and said, ‘Hi! I’m Son Seungwan and I like Harry Potter!’” she recalled, and finally laughed.


Wendy groaned in embarrassment. “I thought you’d speak to me that way. But you went back to sleep and it was so humiliating! Your classmates laughed at me.” She pouted.


“Wan-ah! It’s your fault I did that, everyone was looking at us… What was a 5th grader doing in the 6th graders’ classroom during break time? I was too shy to keep my head up!” Irene shook her head at the memory, almost cooing when she saw the pout on Wendy’s lips.


“That brings us to the next page.” Wendy grinned, looking at the music room in the drawing. “It was the first time you approached me first. You gave me a four leaf clover and wished me luck, even though you said I probably wouldn’t need it because I could already sing well for the competition. You smiled when I thanked you in tears, because I was so happy I cried. And seeing you smile because of me made me even happier.”


Irene’s cheeks grew rosy, also remembering the memory.


“I thought you lost something a week before that because you looked into the school’s garden bushes every day.” Wendy revealed. “You were looking for the clover, right?”


The older girl shyly smiled. “I wanted to make it up to you for all the times you reached out to me. Even though I ignored you a lot, you still patiently tried to talk to me.” She took Seungwan’s hand and held it in hers. “I’m glad you did.”


“Me, too.” Wendy smiled. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have known how incredibly clingy you really are!”


Irene pinched the younger’s nose. “And you liked it.”


“I did.” Wendy laughed. “Of course, when you first touched my , it was beyond horrifying. Who would have known that quiet, innocent little Joohyun liked touching butts?” She joked, but chose not to continue with the subject when she saw Irene’s glare.


“But you know those years I got to know you, I thought what I felt for you was just attachment as a really close friend. Things only really got confusing when I was about to leave. I got scared. What if someone else comes into your life, and I wouldn’t be the only one you’ll tell your secrets to? I wouldn’t be the only one you’ll hug all the time, and maybe the time would come when you’ll never want to hold my hand either. I was so scared; I thought I was having an asthma attack even though I didn’t have asthma.” Wendy said, tightening at the thoughts she was telling.


Joohyun comforted Wendy by touching the latter’s cheek, brushing her thumb on her skin softly.

“I felt the same way too, Seungwan-ah. There’s no one like you in the world... I didn’t want you to leave.”


Wendy looked at Joohyun so warmly, the older felt like she was going to melt if she stared any longer.

“Even though it was hard, we kept in touch. Two years away from you felt like forever to me. I would watch movies, and in every couple I saw, I was reminded of you. My family would try out new restaurants and I would think of bringing you there someday too. Carrot cake isn’t even my favourite but that was what I always ordered because it made me think of you. I looked at purple, your favourite colour, and I would think of you, and how you would brand anything that’s purple as yours. I found myself wondering, if I wore something purple, would that mean that I’m yours too? And the thought made me happy. I realized then, that what I felt was beyond friendship. I was already in love with you.”


They looked at each other with tear-filled eyes, remembering how lonely they felt during the separation. Joohyun who finally trusted and leaned on Seungwan, felt betrayed by fate when she learned about Seungwan’s departure. (Back then, they didn’t know how long it would take for her to get back.)


“I’m sorry, unnie. During the years I spent in Canada, away from you, that’s when my resolve hardened. I told myself that I need to make you mine when I get back. It was selfish and impulsive, and that’s why my confessions seemed insincere to you. I repeated it to you so many times that it started to lose its meaning, and that’s probably why you thought I was just joking all the time.”


Wendy closed the journal and adjusted her position, now facing Irene. She inhaled deeply, nervously.

“I hope you have realized by this point how serious my feelings are for you, unnie.” She said.


Seungwan looked at Joohyun, her eyes filled with both warmth and resolve.



“I love you, Joohyun.”



Those three words hung in the air, as Joohyun let it sink in, let Seungwan’s voice saying those three words with her name be etched in her memory.


(At last)


(She had been waiting for this for a long time)


Joohyun answered with the smile that made Seungwan fall in love.


“I love you too, Seungwan.”


They stared at each other for a long time, silly smiles on their faces.


Just enjoying the moment that they’ve both waited for, all moments leading up to this were now only a part of the story that is to come.


(Joohyun would later discover that there were more blank pages in the journal than those with drawings; Seungwan wanted to fill them up together.)





(…maybe even have their future sons and daughters to fill up the pages for them, Seungwan joked--which earned her a slap on the from Joohyun)



(Seungwan could’ve sworn Joohyun can find fault from something as petty as her sneezing and make it an excuse for the older to touch her )



(She silently prays for her to develop a good constitution for the years to come…)








“Are you ready?” Wendy asked the youngest of their group, carefully arranging Yerim’s bangs and making sure not one strand is out of place.



“I feel like my are bunched up somewhere unnie, maybe I got too nervous that my started to eat them, can I go to the restroom again?” Yerim tensely answered.



“Your is nonexistent. I doubt it can eat anything.” Joy deadpanned.



“Just- let- me- strangle her-! “Yerim struggled, while being held to place by both Wendy and Irene. Joy stuck her tongue out playfully from behind the two.


“You went to the restroom for ten times now, Yerim.” Irene fixed the creases on Yeri’s dress with her portable air iron. “You’ll do fine.”


Seulgi just smiled while watching the two youngest bicker.


Some things just never change, even after a few years.


“We’ll be at the audience seats to cheer you on, okay?” Wendy reassured her.



They all hugged the nervous squirt before she entered the green room.


“Think she’ll be okay?” Joy nervously asked.


Wendy and Irene exchanged looks. Joy doesn’t like to show her concern but they all know she’s the one most worried about Kim Yeri, who was now about to audition for her ultimate idol’s music video shooting.






“Why are we the only ones wearing costumes…?” Wendy asked, feeling hot already from the hamster costume she sported.


Seulgi in a bear costume was already practicing the cheer dance moves she’ll do later on when it’s Yeri’s turn to audition.


“Because we’re whipped.” Seulgi stated so nonchalantly, Wendy almost believed her.


They glanced at the two people responsible for this, Joy and Irene, who exchanged high fives after seeing the two in their costume.


Teaming up, eh? Wendy scowled. She scooted over to Seulgi.


“Seul, I think the top part of my headwear came off, can you check it for me?” Wendy asked.


“Sure Wen.” Seulgi leaned close, almost hugging Wendy, gaining the attention of the other two. “Hold on, I need to get closer to reach it-“


“Okay that’s enough.”

“I’ll do it instead.”

Joy and Irene intervened at the same time.


Wendy and Seulgi timidly exchanged okay signs and grins.


But Irene suddenly pushed Wendy to a corner and whispered.

“Hey. Your belongs to me.”


Wendy never thought Irene would be this possessive of a girlfriend, but it still made her feel special.


“Literally or figuratively?” Wendy teased.


Irene thought for a few seconds before answering.




“Okay lovebirds, Yerim’s coming up next.” Joy alerted them.


The tense air returned as they waited for Yerim to come out from the backstage.


“Yerim told me that it was you who got her into this. How did you manage to get a spot in Ariana Grando’s Music Video audition?” Wendy asked Seulgi.

“Sooyoung created a Yeriana account on twitter and posted videos of Yerim’s song covers and theatre auditions. I did fanarts and linked them to that Yeriana account, and eventually they noticed it and watched her videos. They sent an invite for Yeri.” Seulgi explained.


Wow, that dedication. Although she did teach Yerim English and coached her with her singing, Wendy still felt she hasn’t done enough.


“Okay, let’s cheer her on.” Wendy can feel her inner fire burning.



“Will the next participant come up to the stage, please?” The announcer’s voice spoke through the microphone.


Yerim came out from the backstage in a lovely pink dress and walked to the center of the stage.


“Hi” Ariana said. “Your name is?”


, , she’s seeing Ariana in person, finally!


Yerim froze.


“Your name! She’s asking for your name!” Someone from the audience shouted.


This perked Yeri up.


“K- Kim Myemim!”


Four girls facepalmed hard at that.


“Okay, Kim Myemim, please show us what you’ve got.”


Yerim nervously swallowed a whole pile of saliva. She felt like her knees turned to jelly, and felt like it was constricting. . Seeing her idol up close made her panic.




When she squinted her eyes, she saw a hamster and a bear dancing to this well known girl group song, Russian Roulette. Even Joy and Irene were dancing along while chanting “Kim Myemim”.


They were so loud, they got Ariana’s attention, which smiled and said “You have great friends.”


This made Yerim relax, and her face broke into a grin. She’s got great friends, indeed.


She figured she couldn’t do anything more embarrassing that what her unnies just did, anyway.








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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Amazing story :)
Nekonekooooooooo #2
Chapter 1: why do i feel like somewhere in another universe, the five of them are like this. like how come do i get deja vu while reading this? omo im so weird 🙄 anyways, author-nim waaah this is so well written one shot waah great job author-nim. u made my day 👏🏼
Chapter 1: ❤💛💙💚💜
Chapter 1: i can’t believe i’m now only finding out about this amazing story!
Chapter 1: That was beautiful. Thank you!
Chapter 1: I cracked so much reading this!! The funniest one shot I have ever read so far!!!! I loved it!!
Chapter 1: I know I'm late but better late than never, eh? Hahaha. Glad I saw this one. They were all funny but Yeri, I mean Kim Myemim won XD
oRavio #9
Chapter 1: Yerim roleplaying a cow was the best thing I've ever read haha
Chapter 1: this is hilarious and beautiful at the same time lmao