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Circ Du Fr3ak Studio [Hiatus]

Hello subscribers!


First of all: Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a great year, and may the next one be even better! I also hope you get lots of gifts, like.. kpop merchandise and albums!

Now for the serious part... Me and Lila1414 are very sad to announce that this tutorial story will be closed temporarily. It will be a slightly long hiatus: we'll only come back by June/July. Until then, you have a million other tutorial threads to subscribe haha.


Lila1414 is very busy with her studying(she just started university in a total different country than hers and school here is more difficult than back home, so she`s having a bad time trying to adjust herself ), and so will I! I am actually on Xmas vacations, but it will only take two weeks... After that, I will pay full attention on exams and choosing an university... And I'll only be able to choose it if I get good grades (and I'm almost there! Working hard to get a 16 out of 20 in my final exams..).

HOWEVER, only the shop, the tutorial thread and the resources thread will be on hiatus, but not the owner! Yep, I'll be around~ I'll make personal requests, if you want, and I'll be practicing and making graphics for fun on tumblr and here in AFF. I'll also TRY to write for some of the fanfics I'm planning.. I hope I'll get to finish them! 

By the time we come back, I'll be better and more talented (I hope)! 


It was very nice while it lasted, but it's time to put our "baby" to sleep, haha~

ALSO, CDF's Design House will be open also, and take review/reccomendation requests! 

If you have any questions, please comment below or PM me! ^^

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Thank you!
If you have any questions on fantasy posters, submit them here in CDF! I am making a chapter on Fantasy Posters. :)


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Chapter 28: i cant seem to find the "text to selection option"
Chapter 21: how to put two pictures (layers), that's in my pc. in one pic??
Chapter 35: LULU!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: I WANNA KISS YOU
Chapter 89: It's so cute!!! >_< i love how you used b1a4's song ^^
Chapter 23: hi i love ur posters~ its soooo cute!~ i was wondering how u guys outline the character..? like a white/any color outline? oh and also can u check out my cover and tell me what u think?

soory to disturb u..~ >///<
Chapter 88: I'd definitely love to see video tutorials! :D <3

Nice ti see you again OTL XD

anyway that would be soo cool to see a vudeo like an action live! ^^
Happy Birthday Catia!

Isn't it funny, I found this thread today, and I saw it is your birthday!!!