#55 Review: Haunted Seduction, Unexpected Love (SeaLakes)

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potatochan your review is up [Eiyanna]


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Chapter 52: btw, i always post an 'answer' to anybody who reviews my stories, so, this one is for Meggie! :) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/75704/23 (also wondering if the score can be verified)
OnlyYours #2
Chapter 56: thank you for the review! ^^ i've credited in the foreword~
Sorry for never commenting that I requested..!
I applied! I look forward to your review, Ram~ :D
Chapter 55: I've credited in the foreword! Thanks so much for the review; I really appreciate your work :) Aww, I feel so happy reading your comments >//w//< (& I've fixed the errors you've pointed out :))
I'm glad you like my story so much :3 Thanks once again!
Chapter 54: Thank you so much for the review! :)
Thanks for the great help! ^^
Chapter 54: am I accepted?
Chapter 1: just send a request. Request to Joker
Hello, I've requested :)