|2| “Order often”

Meet The Mailman

So thanks to your guys' feedback I decided to make it into a story (and sorry for all of you who are waiting for Born to Shine, I'm taking a small break from it just because I don't have much to write) but if you like JongTae, boi I'd stick around. And I hope you all like this little story that I HOPE I finish <3



The second time Taemin meets Jonghyun it goes a little differently




“Kibum, what the hell are you talking about? No, no I’m not going to help you sew Winter sweaters for your freaking dogs. Noo, you can’t make me, do it yourself…...Well, maybe if you’d pay me back for the lunch last week I’d think about it, but until then ur dogs can freeze!” Taemin yelled into his phone as he walked down his apartment’s hallway, on his way to pick up another package he had ordered a week or so ago- this time it was a shiny new blender.


“No, NO, I don’t give a if your dogs’ freeze off!- Taemin continued yelling as he opened the front door to the building. His and the postman’s mouths dropped open when they saw each other.


“Um..Kibum I’m gonna call you back...SHUT UP!” Taemin yelled finally before hanging up on his friend who was still yelling into his side of the phone.


“J-Jonghyun..you’re here again..” Taemin said, somewhat shocked but happily surprised to see his familiar- and attractive face again.


“Yeah well, I’m sort of the designated postman for your area now so...” Jonghyun shrugged, trying to hide the smirk playing on his lips. “It’s nice to see you again- clothed this time.” Jonghyun said, admiring the way Taemin’s cream-coloured sweater hung off his lanky frame. He let his eyes find Taemin’s again, knowing that if he paid too much attention to Taemin’s invitingly biteable legs hidden under his ripped jeans (ripped jeans in the Winter??) his face would shame the hue of a tomato.


“Oh, yeah, again sorry about last time..” Taemin said awkwardly, trying to change the subject before his cheeks turned pink again.


“Um..should I be worried about that conversation?” Jonghyun asked daringly, noticing Taemin’s apprehension.


“The what? Oh- um..not really, my friend’s just really weird and he likes to drag me into his weird stuff” Taemin explained, rubbing at the back of his neck before slipping his phone into his back pocket.


“I see..Well, you know the drill” Jonghyun said, handing Taemin a familiar looking clipboard once again. Taemin took it, finding that red “X’ Jonghyun had previously told him about; his breath came short when he saw a sticky note near the red ‘X’.


Sorry I didn’t call, do I still have a chance?” The small pink note read.


Taemin looked up to see a busy Jonghyun occupied by his phone, he wanted to say something out loud, but opted for writing on the small paper. Although Taemin had been taken the first time he met Jonghyun, he’d almost completely forgotten that he’d given Jonghyun his number. His chest warmed at the thought that Jonghyun didn’t dismiss it or forget about it, and he smiled to himself when he thought of the possibility that Jonghyun had been worried, worried that he might be angry for not calling him- it made his heart race all the more.


Quickly, trying to remain inconspicuous, Taemin wrote a short reply, hoping the few words he wrote would be enough, though in reality, he had paragraphs, essays, novels to say to Jonghyun. He bit his lip and scribbled away.


“Jonghyun..?” Taemin asked, searching his eyes as he handed over the clipboard. Taemin gave him a half smile as he handed over the board. Jonghyun picked up the package he had earlier set down on the floor (worried he’d drop it from seeing in a towel again-or less).


“Watch out, it’s a bit heavy” Jonghyun cautioned, fitting the box into Taemin’s grasp and feeling giddy when their hands met at the sides of the box.


“Yeah I’d imagine, it’s a blender” Taemin said, eliciting a shocked smile from the other.


“Now what do you need a blender for?” Jonghyun joked.


“Gonna make me some smoothies”


“Smoothies? In the Winter?”


“A blender lasts longer than one season, Jonghyun” Taemin laughed. “Plus, I don’t follow the ‘seasonal food’ stereotype, I eat what I want, when I want.”


“Seasonal food stereotype?” Jonghyun questioned, face a little lost in a cute way.


“Like only eating ice cream in the summer, or only drinking hot chocolate in the winter, I don’t follow those rules and neither does my stomach.” Taemin chuckled.


“I see..Well, I hope you and your blender have fun together” Jonghyun said, mentally facepalming himself. “I- that sounds wrong but you know..” He tried to say, worried but relieved to hear a warm laugh burst from Taemin’s wide mouth, something inside him hurt when he saw how happy he was- that he had caused that happiness.


“Oh man that’s-” Taemin started, clearing his throat after. “Well anyways, I guess I’ll see you the next time a package of mine arrives.”

“Order often” Jonghyun finally said, embarrassment pooling in his cheeks so quickly he turned to leave, not letting Taemin finish.


Taemin froze for a moment, watching Jonghyun walk down the frozen stairway. His words clicked in his mind and he couldn’t help biting his lip this time.


“See ya” Taemin tried to say, voice half-squeaking as it left him. He struggled to back up and close the door, he set his box on the floor once it was shut. He let his hand rest on his chest, feeling his heart pound under his hand and he honestly couldn’t remember the last time he felt this way. He remembered feeling butterflies for girls in high school, but never like this; and yeah after his dreaded four years he figured out he was gay, but the number of guy’s he had actually gone out with was less than his fingers on one hand, and none of them ever broke his heart or riled it up, you could say his relationships were almost ‘casual’ and only half of them involved .


This, however, seemed like something entirely different, Jonghyun affected him in a way he was entirely new to, and he was almost scared, scared to let these new feelings invade. He shook his head and lugged his package back to his place, mind never ignoring the thoughts of Jonghyun.



You have a huge chance” Read the pink note stuck to the clipboard’s paper. Jonghyun stopped at his truck, his feet were planted to the floor and yet somehow they felt non-existent at the same time. His eyes trailed over the note multiple times, wondering if he had read it correctly, and even after twenty times it hadn’t sunk in.

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Chapter 2: Ooh "bitable legs".

I can't wait to see what these two get up to in the coming chapters! Also, I can totally see that your writing style has improved and evolved from your earlier stories. Your doing an absolutely amazing job. I'm looking forward to the next update! <3
I nutted
Jewel99 #3
Chapter 2: This story is by far my absolute fav
Smiling so damn widely during the entire chapter, it's just too cute.
You're such a great writer omg I can't wait for the next update :D
ying9202 #4
I SUPPORT U 1000000%
Chapter 1: Oooh I'd love a story! And I was honestly smiling like an idiot while reading it because seriously Taemin? The fic was really good (as usual) and the writing flawless. Keep up the great work!

I remember that interview where jjong said that! (I'm serious these two are so obviously in love.)
Jewel99 #6