Chapter 3

Fall to Pieces

Chapter 3: 



Jongdae and I arrived at the pack's mansion at dawn. Good thing I brought my spare key, so we won't be disturbing anyone to open the doors for us.

"Do you think Sehun and Kei are already in good terms?" Jongdae asked as we got inside, "Sehun loves her right?"

"He does, but he's hurt. Maybe he still couldn't feel that Kei loves her, too," I replied, heading upstairs to my shared room with Chanyeol. What the ?!

"What the ?!" Jongdae ran towards the door of what's supposed to be Sehun and Kei's room, dropping the bags that we're carrying, "I can't open it, Baekhyun."

"What the heck is happening? We just went to visit our parents' house and this is what we'll see when we get home?" I groaned, still looking at the water coming out from the door.

"Stop ranting and call Junmyeon for the keys!" Jongdae yelled, and I ran towards Kris and Suho's room, knocking frantically on the door.

"What the , Baekhyun?!" Kris answered the moment he opened the door, hair still disheveled, "It's too –"

"GIVE ME THE DAMN KEY TO KEI'S ROOM!" I cut him off. He got back to his senses when I yelled at him, and he went back to their bedside table, opening the drawer and getting the keys.

We ran back to Kei's room, and opened it. And we saw the water coming out from the other side of the bathroom door. Kris deemed it appropriate to just kick the door open than to run back to their room to get the key to the bathroom door. After 3 kicks, it flew open.

"," Jongdae could only mumble before we ran towards the tub, seeing the broken bottles of liquor, and blood on the marble floor, and Kei's unconscious body completely submerged in the tub. Kris managed to get Kei off the tub, putting her on the marble floor, as I turned off the faucet. She's already pale.

"I know how to do the CPR," We looked at Jongin and the rest of the pack – except for Sehun who's missing in action – who's standing on the entrance before he made his way to Kei, "Move."

We moved away, and I went to Chanyeol. Hugging this yoda makes my worries disappear. "What has got into her mind? Why did she do this?" I asked Chanyeol through our bond.

"You have no idea how much Sehun is hurting her while you and Jongdae were gone."

"Why? What did that brat do?"

"He's been going out with Irene, a week after the incident."

"That brat. Really. Aish. Did somebody punch him for me?"

"Only Jongin got the courage to hurt him, while Xiumin and I tried to talk to him last night."

"Did he listen?"

"I guess not. Irene's still here in the mansion, inside the guest room with Sehun to be exact."

I looked at Chanyeol in disbelief. "What?!" Before Chanyeol could even reply, we heard Kei coughing the waters out of her body and she passed out.

"We should bring her to the hospital," Jongin said before he carried her, "Who's going to come with me?"

"Chanyeol and I will go with you," Suho answered and looked at me, "Baekhyun, talk to Sehun. Put some senses to that brat."

Just as we were walking along the hallway to go downstairs, Sehun went out of the guest room, "What happened? Oh, Baekhyun hyung, Jongdae hyung, you're already here."

"Don't start, Sehun," Jongdae coldly replied before going to his room, Xiumin following behind.

"Faster, her nose is starting to bleed," Jongin yelled at Chanyeol and Suho, making them run downstairs towards the door to leave the house.

"Sehun, can we talk?" I asked him.

Sehun gulped, looking back inside the guest room, "Now?"

"Yes. Now," I replied and was about to get inside the guest room when he stopped me. I saw Irene sleeping on the bed, a blanket covering her body, "Perhaps not here. Let's go to your room."

"This is my room, Baek."

"This is the guest room, Sehun. Your room is where Kei sleeps alone at night for weeks already," I turned my back at him, hoping he'll follow me to his shared room with Kei.

"I don't know what you're talking about," and that's it. I looked back at him, and punched his gut, "Hyung!"

"Don't start, Sehun. Follow. Me," And he did. We went back to their room, and I saw Kyungsoo and Yixing cleaning the bathroom. We sat on the bed, still looking at Kyungsoo and Yixing, "Mind telling me what happened here?"

"I don't know. I told you this isn't my room anymore," He answered, looking anywhere but me. I looked intently at Sehun, and caught a tear escape from his eyes, "I'm such a brat. I'm so stupid."

"I'm glad you know," I replied in a mocking tone.

"Kyungsoo, how long since Sehun and Kei did it?" We heard Yixing ask, voice with a hint of various emotions.

"What?" Kyungsoo must've had a hard time understanding Yixing's question.

"How long since Sehun had claimed Kei?" Yixing rephrased his question. I looked at Sehun again, nose scrunching and lines of confusion appeared on his face.

Sehun sighed before running his hands through his hair, "Almost three months. Why?" He answered for Kyungsoo.

This time, panic overtook Yixing's face, and we looked at him before he ran out, "What was that?"

"I don't know," Kyungsoo answered as he went out as well, carrying the empty bottles of liquor with him.

"Why do you think he asked?" I asked Sehun and he just shrugged, "You know you're hurting her, right?"

"I know."

"Then why are you still doing it?"

"She wants me to let her go. I'm just doing her a favor."

"Did she tell that to you herself?"

"S-She .." He stopped half way before heaving out another deep sigh, "She didn't."

"What made you think she wanted that?"

"I saw her kiss Jongin."


"And I just had enough of it," He sniffed, "She hated me after I turned her into a wolf. She hated that I claimed her. She hates me, hyung. She wants me out of her life, and resulted to kissing Jongin to get rid of me."

"Do you really think she hates you?"


"Why is that?"

"She doesn't look at me the way she does before. She doesn't want to go near me sometimes. She even throws up sometimes in the morning when we wake-up after she sees me hugging her in my sleep," Sehun looked at me, "She hates me that much, hyung."

"Se –"

"Sehun, who did the grocery last month?" Kris emerged from the hallways, cutting me off, "Who?"

"We did. Why?"

"You were in-charge of the toiletries and other house needs aside from food, right?"


"Did you buy her sanitary pads?"

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows, as if trying to recall if he did, "I didn't. She told me she wasn't able to use the pads we bought the week before that."

. I get it now why. I ran to the bathroom and checked the closet where they keep their towels, and toiletries and saw packs of sanitary pads. I went back to the room, looking intently at Sehun if he finally understood why.

"Why are you asking me all these weird questions?" Sehun asked Kris, and looked at Yixing, "Yixing?"

My phone suddenly rang and Chanyeol's name was on the screen, "Yeol."

"Are you with Sehun right now?"

"Yes. Why?" They looked at me, as if waiting for what Chanyeol was about to say.

"It's about Kei."

"What happened? Is she alright?" I heard him sigh, "Yeol, something's up. What is it?!"

"S-she was pregnant," my eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean was?"

"She lost it." I dropped my phone after hearing Chanyeol. Kris approached me and took the phone that fell on the ground. He left the room while talking to Chanyeol. I looked at Sehun who's waiting for me to say something, and I immediately went to him. And I hit his face.

"Baekhyun!" Yixing ran towards us as I kept on punching Sehun. He's doing his best to stop me from hitting him, but he didn't hit me back, "Baekhyun stop!"

"Are you happy now, Sehun?! Are you happy now?!" I said after hitting him one last time, taking a few steps back, "She –"

"Baekhyun! Don't," Kris cut me off, "Don't."

"But –"

"Let's wait for them to get back here later," Kris muttered and looked at Sehun challengingly, "Do you love her? If you do, then finish what you started with Irene. If no, I'm going to send her back to her family once she arrives."

I followed Kris after he went out of the room, "Kris, he deserves to know."

"That's up to Kei. That brat needs to learn his lesson," Kris replied, "The sun's almost up. Get some sleep, and I'll wake you up once they get back."

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