leads to jealousy

Sparkling Bright Sapphire

“Ready to practice?” Ravi asked, standing next to Soohee. She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.


“If it weren’t so...so...ual than yes.” she said and Ravi laughed. A few months passed since the initial meeting between Sapphire and VIXX. VIXX had a long discussion with their manager for hiding things from them and eventually both groups got together to have an official discussion with the managers and staff on what was expected from them.


Shortly after Sapphire debuted with their first Korean single and they were met with great popularity. While promoting their new single, the two groups also worked hard on their collaboration for the special stage.  They were going to do a group performance for the shorter song Light Me Up and for Secret Night, only three of the girls were going to dance.


And true to her word, Sunmin had created a special point step for Light Me Up, one that had everyone meeting with resistance from the beginning because of its ual nature. Though they had managed to get through a few dry runs of the song. However, the management decided to change a few things with the dance, the first being that partners were going to change. And that’s how Soohee ended up with Ravi instead of Hyuk as her partner.


Not that she didn’t like Ravi. It was just he was very handsome, and talented and so good at his rapping. She sort of felt inferior compared to him, so to dance with someone she looked up to like she did with Ravi, it was intimidating.


“It’s not that bad.” Ravi said and smiled. “What? Are you overcome by my good looks?” he teased.


“In your dreams Oppa.” she said and pushed him back a bit as she moved into position. It was independent practice at the moment.  Though today had been Sapphire’s private day to practice, Ravi and Hongbin had made a surprise visit. And since he was there and he and Soohee were still having a bit of trouble adjusting to being partners, they might as well practice.


“Start the music.” Ravi called and Hongbin gave them a thumbs up. He started the music once they were both in place and sat back, watching the two dance. They did good, like normal until it came to the chorus. Ravi moved up behind Soohee and though their bodies didn’t touch, she could still feel the heat of his body. And looking in the mirror, he looked closer than he actually was.


It took a lot for Soohee to continue on with the routine. By this point she usually had to call it quits. She couldn’t watch it, couldn’t stand the feel. She also knew though, that people were growing tired of her now. They didn’t want to have to deal with her shyness anymore. So she pushed through the first chorus and as they moved to the second verse, Soohee felt so proud of herself that she even managed to get through the second chorus as well. And by the time the rap came up, she was so pumped up that she rocked her part as she stood with Ravi. The other seemed just as hyped as she was. And as they turned to stare at each other at the closing of the rap, their eyes met and there was a sudden spark, a connection that Soohee hadn’t felt before. It wasn’t one of love or anything like that, but a connection that she only felt with her closest friends. Their relationship was changing into something much better, something more comfortable.


Once the song ended, Soohee turned and threw her arms around Ravi’s neck, hugging him tightly. They both bounced around in a circle, Ravi returning her hug happily. They were cheering for themselves. They pushed passed the awkwardness and completed the song for the first time.


“We did it! Oh man, you were amazing!” Ravi said as he pulled back, staring down at her.


“No, you were totally better.” Soohee said and smiled.


“You both were great.” Hongbin said as he walked over and grinned at them. “So does this mean we’ll actually get to do this song?”


“You bet! Nothing can stop us now!” Soohee said happily.



“And then Ravi you’ll put your hands here.” Soohee jerked as Minah placed Ravi’s hands on her hips. Even through the layer of workout clothing she was wearing, she could still feel his cold fingers as if it were touching nothing but bare skin.


“Soohee stop!” Minah scolded.


“Why?” Soohee asked.


“Because, it’s y.” Minah answered, jerking Soohee’s arm, pulling her back into place. She placed Ravi’s hands back on her hips then before moving to stand in front of Leo, who placed his hands on her hips.


“And step out with the right foot, twist your hips, step back in.” Minah instructed. “Push the hands off, step back, turn.” Completing the step, they all parted and looked back.


“I was watching and it looks a bit off.” Sunmin said. “How about we try will all twelve of us?”


“I was thinking that too.” N said and nodded. “It seems off with having three members in the back just dancing. They almost seem like backup dancers.” Sunmin nodded and motioned for the other three to come over.


Ahsa stood in front of Hyuk, Yuri in front of Hongbin and Yuna in front of Ken. Getting into position, Minah started once more.


“Step out, twist, step in.” The members moved to her words, getting the steps down easy enough. “Push hands, step back  and turn.” Minah watched and nodded. “Now, move behind, right hand come up over the shoulder and down the chest, left hand comes around the waist like this.” she said and had to hold in her laughs as Leo bowed his head as she showed the moves.


“Oh, my turn to jerk away?” Ravi asked, looking back at Soohee.


“Oppa!” she whined and pushed against his back, making him stumble some as he laughed. “You’re so mean! We’ll see how you like it.” she said. Moving into position, they started the steps. Ravi was fine with the hand on his shoulder, but jerked like the others did when the hand came around their waist. Soohee  jumped back and pointed.


“Ha! Not so easy is it?” Ravi turned and stared at her before snorting.


“Whatever.” he waved her off and turned back around.


“Children.” Sunmin warned. Soohee apologized and got back into position and they carried on with their practice.




Plopping down on the floor, Soohee rubbed the towel against her slightly reddish hair. It was a rare day off with no practice, no schedule. Just a day to sit around and do nothing, and she was enjoying it. Fresh out of the shower, she was dressed in a white tank top and work out shorts.


“Minah, shower’s open!” she called loudly as she picked up her phone and unlocked it, checking her emails. Footsteps were heard as the next member claimed the shower. The others were around in the dorm somewhere, minus Ahsa who had lost a game of rock, paper, scissors and was out getting them lunch.


Absorbed in her phone, she vaguely heard the door of the dorm open and Ahsa call out she was home. Flipping through different comments on twitter, she failed to notice a presence behind her until she felt arms around her. Blinking, she turned and looked, coming face to face with a handsome, smiling face.


“Oppa!” she whined and reached up, pushing Hongbin’s face away away. “Get off you’re heavy.” she teased. Hongbin fell back and laughed, sitting up.


“You’re so mean sometimes.” he said.


“No I’m not. I’m so sweet.” Soohee said, turning to look at him. “What are you doing here?” she asked.


“Just thought I would drop in and say hi.”


“Oh.” Lifting her hand, Soohee waved at him. “Hi.” Hongbin laughed and shook his head. “Anything else you came for? Or were you hoping to catch us changing?” she teased, making him blush.


“Soohee! I’m not like that.” he said and looked away, though checked to make sure none of the others were around or . He didn’t want to get in trouble for that. Seeing none of the others around, he felt a bit at ease and let out a sigh. “Actually, I did want to ask you something.” he said.


“What is it?” Soohee asked. Hongbin looked up at her and shifted a bit  on the floor. He was a bit nervous and he didn’t know how to ask her. He didn’t want to be too blunt, but he didn’t want to beat around the bush either. He wasn’t the sort of guy that was good at this sort of thing. It was more like Ravi’s department, or even Hyuk’s. They were so strong and manly sometimes that it hurt.


“Oppa?” she urged.


“Do you want to go and get something to eat?”


Soohee cocked her head and blinked for a moment before shaking her head. “I can’t Oppa. Ahsa just brought back our lunch.”


“No!” Hongbin said, trying not to look hurt that she had said no, even if she misunderstood. “I don’t mean right now. I mean like...on another day or something.” he tried to clarify.


“Like a date?” Soohee asked. She was a bit surprise to say the least. She was friends with Hongbin, but she was friends with each member of VIXX, even the quiet Leo. Soohee found out he had a soft spot for animals and that's what they usually talked about when they were together. But to her, all the members were like older brothers. They were always there checking up on them and making sure they were all right. Even with her slight crush on Ravi, she still thought of him as a big brother, nothing more and nothing less. So for Hongbin to ask her out...


“Yeah, like date. I mean, if you want to.” he said and bit his lip nervously.


“Oh.” Soohee said and smiled some, blushing. The question had her looking at him in a different light. One that brought out the beauty of his face, the adorable smile that he always wore and the beautiful personality he had. Hongbin was a gentle and caring sole and liked to please people. And his hobby of taking pictures always left Soohee stunned at the images he was able to catch. “Sure Oppa.” she said with a nod.


“Really?” Hongbin asked, eyes wide. She nodded again and Hongbin leaned forward, latching on and hugging her, knocking her to the ground. They laughed together as Hongbin pushed off of her and sat back up. Taking her hand, he helped her up. “Great. Then how about next Friday?” he asked.


“Oh, is that your free day?” Soohee asked. Hongbin nodded. Grabbing her phone, she pulled up her calendar and looked through her schedule before nodding. “Yeah, I have about three hours free from 1 - 3 in the afternoon that day.”


“That’s perfect!” Hongbin said. “Will you be here?” he asked.


“No.” Soohee said. “But I can arrange with our manager to drop me off here if you want. Or at the practice studio.”


“Let’s go for the practice studio. I know a great place that’s not far from there.” Hongbin said.


“Alright! Works for me!” she said happily.


“Great, then I’ll see you then.” he said and stood.


“Or before.” Soohee added, head lifted up as she stared up at him. “I think we’re scheduled to practice together on Tuesday.”


“Oh, yeah I think so. Alright then, I’ll see you Tuesday. I’ll text you later then.” Hongbin said.


Soohee smiled, and felt her cheeks heating up. She was extremely excited all of the sudden. “Okay. Tell the other oppas I said hi.” she said.


“I will. Bye.” Hongbin said and waved.


“Bye bye.” Soohee waved back and watched him head for the door. When he was out of sight and  out of the dorm, she let out a squeal and flailed about on the floor happily. This was going to be her first date ever! And it was going to be with an idol. A handsome and caring idol at that. She felt so lucky and honored.


“What’s wrong?” Yun asked, appearing into the room confused, drawn in by the squeal.


“Hongbin oppa asked me out and I said yes!” Soohee nearly shouted out.


“What? I want details!” Yuna said and dropped to the floor next to her, all ears as she retold what just transpired between them.



*At the VIXX dorm*


“Where were you?” N asked, frowning as he watched Hongbin walk into their dorm. He didn’t know where the other had went or why and he had been nervous. It wasn’t like any of s to just up and leave and not tell him where they were going and when they were going to be back.


“Out.” Hongbin said, trying to avoid N’s gaze. It was the gaze of a mother scorned.


“Where?” N pressed.


“A few floors down.” Hongbin said and moved passed him. He hoped that would be enough, but when it came to Nothing was ever enough. The other turned and started to follow him into Ravi’s room that was also their closets. The rapper looked up as the two barged in. He hated when they did things like that, one of the reason he could never work and compose like he should be able to.


“Hey, do you two-”


“Not now Ravi-ah.” N said and held up a hand. “Hongbin, why were you down stairs with the girls?” he asked.


“I just wanted to check in on them.” Hongbin said as he moved around, trying to make it look like he was busy. He needed to do something, anything to keep himself occupied and maybe N would get the hint. But their leader could be such a stubborn mule sometimes.


“You went to see them?” Ravi asked, but was silenced again by N.


“Why? What’s gotten into you? You’ve been acting weird lately. Why did you need to go see them? You just saw them yesterday. You could have text. We all have their numbers.” N nagged. Hongbin sighed and groaned. He knew N was not going to let up until he told the other why he went there. And if he lied, the other would know right away, because he wasn’t a good liar. Hongbin just couldn’t lie, it wasn’t in nature.


Well he could tell deliberate lies. If it were a lie he told while joking then it didn’t count, because the all knew it was a lie and it was joke, nothing harmful. Closing the closet door, he looked at N and crossed his arms.


“I went and asked Soohee out.”


“What?” Ravi’s head snapped up.


“Out? Like on a date?” N asked, eyes wide. “Why would you do that?”


“Because, I like her.” Hongbin said and rolled his eyes.


“She didn’t agree did she?” Ravi asked. The two turned and stared at him like he was crazy. Did he not think she wouldn’t say yes? Well that could be a possibility, but this was Hongbin. Women swooned over him like they did Leo.


“Of course she said yes.” Hongbin said and smiled. “We’re going to that small cafe just down the street from the studio Friday afternoon.” He grinned at them.


“Oh my baby!” N said and moved, pulling Hongbin into a hug. “You’re all grown up. I’ll have to pick out something to wear. Do you know what you want to wear?” he asked.


“No, but that’s why I came in here.” Hongbin said and opened the closet he shared with Ravi once more. “What do you think?” he asked. The two muttered about Hongbin’s  wardrobe, leaving Ravi to stare at them in both shock and anger? He wasn’t sure why he felt so angry, but there was just something about Hongbin saying he was going out with Soohee that rubbed him the wrong way.


It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Hongbin at all. The other was his best friend, and he knew Hongbin well. He was a sweet kid and wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Maybe it was because of how close he and Soohee had become after their perseverance through Light Me Up. They spent weeks trying to get through the chorus and they finally did it. There was a new connection between them now and Ravi had strong urges to always be around her and make sure no one messed with her. She was like his other baby sister.


“Can you two leave?” he suddenly snapped, surprising the others in the room. They turned to look at him and he motioned to his laptop. “Trying to work here. Give me an hour and then you can come back in here and gobble like the turkeys you are.” he teased and N smiled.


“Aw, Ravi-ah, are you jealous?” he asked


“What? No! I’m trying to work!” Ravi said and grunted as N walked over and sat next to him, hugging him tightly.


“Oh, are you jealous that I’m giving Hongbin attention and not you?” N asked and cooed at the other, kissing his cheek lightly.


“Knock it off Hakyeon!” Ravi pushed the other away and made a face. “God I’m not jealous.” he said.


“Oh, someone’s cranky. I’ll go see if Leo will make you something to eat.” N said and stood then, patting Ravi’s head before turning to Hongbin. “Well come back after Ravi eats and stops being grouchy.”

“Get out!” Ravi shouted them and a threw a pillow at them.  Hongbin and N left, their laughter dying as the door closed behind them. Ravi shook his head and sighed. He wasn't grouchy and he wasn’t jealous! The nerve of some people!

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RaviGirl #1
Chapter 1: Hmm I like it so far.