East Sea



I remember the first time we met..

"Yah, Lee Donghae! Your name is Donghae, right?"

I turned around to look for the person who called my name, only to see an adorable gummy smile. I was so surprised that a complete stranger walked up to me and called me by my name.

"Yeah, my name is Donghae. And you?"

"I'm Lee Hyukjae, but you can call me Eunhyuk."

Eunhyuk. What an adorable name for an equally adorable smile.

"Nice to meet you, Eunhyuk." I smiled at him.

He chuckled. Then his eyes widened with excitement. "Hey, do you like coffee?"

I was surprised. What person would ask me if I like coffee on the first meeting? This one, I guess.

"Sure, I like coffee."

He grinned from ear to ear. "I know a cafe that has really good coffee. Let's go there."

On cold winter nights..

"Hyung, it's so cold, I can't sleep."

"Do you want me to make you some coffee?"

I smiled. "Yes, please."

He started to walk to the kitchen. "Okay then, get your blanket and sit in the big couch by the window."


He came back with two mugs of coffee and sat down beside me. We sat there, staring at Seoul's city lights.

He turned to stare at me for a few seconds, then he spoke. "Hae, what do you really want in life?"

I laughed. "Hyung, why would you ask me such a serious question?"

He smiled that adorable gummy smile. "Ah, I don't know either. Just answer it."

"Well.. this may sound cheesy, but I want to find someone to love who will love me back. When I have found that person, I'll never let that person go." I looked up at the stars, silently wishing that I would meet that person soon.

He laughed. "Yah, Donghae. If you find that person, I want to be the first one to know, okay?"

I looked at him like he was insane. "Of course, hyung. You're my best friend."

He reached over and ruffled my hair. "Stick to your word, dongsaeng-ah."

Whenever we had arguments..

"You're impossible, hyung!"

"You're the one who stole it! Give me my phone back!"

"I already told you a thousand times. Your ing phone isn't with me! I've been out the whole day, running back and forth between recording studios, and this is what welcomes me when I get home?"

Eunhyuk looked at me as if he'd been slapped. His eyes filled with realization. "Hae, I'm--"

"I'm tired, Eunhyuk. Just leave me alone." I walked out the house, then drove off in my car. Looking back at my rearview mirror, I saw him running after my car, calling my name. I drove away faster.

I drove down the busy streets of Seoul aimlessly. When it was about two in the morning, I went home. I let myself in. I didn't want to sleep with Eunhyuk tonight, so I proceeded to go up to the guest bedroom. 

On my way up, I saw a steaming mug on the dinner table. I sniffed the air, and immediately thought, 'Coffee. Eunhyuk must have made it for me.' 
I went to the table and saw a note under the mug. It said, 'Donghae-ah, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were out. I hope you can forgive me for shouting at you. I love you, dongsaeng-ah~ ^^'

I picked up the mug and went up to our shared bedroom with a smile on my face. 

Time passed, and I developed feelings for Eunhyuk. It's not just a passing crush - it's much more than that.

I love him.



I turned around and saw him running to me.

"Oh, Eunhyukkie!"

He slung an arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Let's go get some coffee."

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