And the Winners are.....

TaeNy Story Writing Contest


We are so sorry for the long wait. I have so many reasons to offer but then again I admit it's totally my bad for not being able to manage my time well T.T

I clearly remember that one of the conditions to be fulfilled is to have written words more than 3000 but it got me surprised when some stories contain pages up to 40 something pages :O

You did tremendeous effort to write and in my opinion, all of you deserve to be called as 'AUTHORS'. Yep, you really are that great! My emotions got played in an indescribable ways. Some made me cry, some made me mad and some simply made me smile like an idiot.

Thank you very much for the hard attempt to spend your priceless time in order to produce stories which are not only worthy to be read, but also reasonable to be published.

And~ I have changed my mind. I will mention the TOP 5 with the 3rd winner - 5th winner shall receive KP from me.

With those said, I won't blabber too much. Hereby I announce the winners of the story contest plus the reasons why.


The 5th Winner would be

Story Title: Double You

Author : Wynteral

Score : 83.1

Prize: 300 Karma Point


When I was reading this, my mind wandered and reminsched about the Interstellar movie where both people come from different worlds; different planets. The story generously offered me about details description about planets exist beside earth. The conflict is there, the flow of the story is awesome. The genre is Sci-Fi and exactly why I graded this story high. Not many people are able to write Sci-Fi. Personally for me, that genre is like the hardest after horror. The story succeeded to squeeze my emotions when the ending is nearing. And BAM! Just like that, I got suddenly mad. Logically speaking, the ending fits the story well so I have nothing to complain. Overall, this is a story worth to read. Thank you very much for writing this kind of story, really. Please publish it officlally, okay? XD


The 4th Winner would be

Story Title: Letters for Hers

Author : CityofStars

Score : 83.65

Prize: 500 Karma Point


The story is quite realistic. I feel the emotions flowing nicely in every page I read. Each part is marked by the letter which is very good. The way you write hits the reader hard that it seems like I am drowned into the story too deep. Honestly, I am a logical person means I rarely use my feelings to overwhelm my logic sanity but well, for this time only; I allow emotions took over and yep, I didn't regret it a bit. Thank you for the story and proceed to publish it onto the aff immediately :)

By the way, SephiriaScarlet said that your quote "Running away from problem doesn't mean you solve them" gave her a great impact; that's a great quote to learn about life. The strongest character of the story is the emotion, the sincerity to forgive yourself and the second chance. She added that this story is not only deserved to be read but, much more beyond that. Thank you for being so inspiring :)


The 3rd Winner would be

Story Title: Midnight Memories

Author : BlueVarsity2709

Score : 84.15

Prize: 700 Karma Point


This is soo SNSD~~ Do I need to say more? Hehehe.. The story itself has told about their seemed so real life in SNSD group. It's like how I follow the growth of each member of SNSD from years to years. Thank you for involving the other members as well. That's the plus point for you. Nevertheless, it's not the common one where Tae has unrequited love for Tiff so another plus point for you. The journey of their love story is neverending but at the end, love conquers it all. Tiff is so patiently waiting for the uncertainty, hoping the table would turn and yes, it finally turned in the last few pages. The story is beautiful, long but not boring and definitely worthy to be read.

SephiriaScarlet said that she's your fan! As a Sone and Locksmith from the stone age, she's really hoping that the ending would be that way, long lasting SNSD and of course a real TaeNy :). Thank you for writing such a beautiful story like this. She's hoping to get your autograph at next Seoul Concert :D Please be there :)


The 2nd Winner would be

Story Title: Snow Fall

Author : Shannhie

Score : 84.25

Prize: 2500 Karma Point + Kapal Api Coffee + Album of either Tae or Tiff (depends on the champion)


The longest story amongst all :O

I really have no idea how long did it take for you to finish the story. Standing ovation for you!! And I slightly or more like clearly remember that you slipped in moments there. Uh oh,, naughty~ Anyway, the story managed to stir my emotion. The struggles, sacrifices, emotions are there and in the right place. The last few pages almost made me cry; Tiff's love for Tae is immeasurable that she was willing to fight against her sickness just so she can continue living for her other half. The idea can be considered as normal, not that extraordinary but the way you elaborate the story is beyond great. The vocabularies and the conversations are easy to be understood. Thank you too for involving all the SNSD members, including Jess. What you did is beautiful and of course you deserve to be the winner. I hope this achievement can encourage you to be an author. Fighting!!


The 1st Winner would be ~~~~

Story Title: Iron Bird

Author : Barney01

Score : 88.9

Prize: 3000 Karma Point + Kapal Api Coffee + Album of either Tae or Tiff (you are allowed to choose your most favorite one)


WOW! That would be the first word I can say. It's simply amazing! The story background reminds me of Pearl Harbour movie. Yep yep, an old one when Ben Affleck and Josh Harnet are younger than the current Justin Timberlake. I cannot help but humming 'There You'll Be' song by Faith Hill while reading this one. The way you describe the war condition, the war aircraft, the firing situation and such feel soooo real that it excites me sooo much!! I feel like I am one of the characters in the battlefield, maybe as Tiff's patient? Hehehe~ You too have sucessfully picture the real condition of the war; the poverty, the famine, and death in a very good way. I don't really know whether you indeed love history or if you googled it about world war but for sure, I feel like reading history of world war II involving Germany, France, and England countrys with Taeny as additional and at the same time as main characters here. The confilct is not that big and can be resolved in due manner which of course make me happy. The existence of third wheel is trivial and I thank God no cheating appeared here. To summary it all, you deserve the highest store and become the winner!! Congratulations and I hope becoming the champion in this contest will give you more confidence to produce better stories in the future!!


So the winners name have been announced. For those who haven't able to become the winners, please don't be sad? Not being a winner doesn't mean your stories are bad. Then again, we judges are only humans who have preference regarding the stories. I am sure every story submitted has its positive and negative sides. Vice versa, I wish it shall encourage you write more stories, be it related with Taeny or not, depending on your preference :)

Feel free to contact me or Sephiria Scarlet if you need more explanation about your story; about our personal judgement about the story you have written and we'd be more than glad to tell you.


Again, congratulations for the winners and keep writing!! :)


PS: The Karma Point shall be sent immediately on March 15th 2017

PSS: The champion and second place winner shall be contacted privately to ask about the address details etc.


Thank you for joining the contest and I hope to see you again in the future!!


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hi guys just wanted to say that i uploaded my story if anyone wanted to read it! once again thank you for holding this great contest and congrats to all the winners + everyone else who submitted a story! ^^ i'd love to read all of your works!
Chapter 5: i wanna read all of it... do tell me if they post 'em on aff ^^
Chapter 5: Thank you for holding the contest! ^^
brontese #4
Chapter 5: When is it gonna be possible to read these stories on AFF??
Chapter 5: Honestly, I seriously appreciate you two for doing this. I'm very thankful and it made me happy to see my story up there regardless of the number attached to it. Thanks for your feedback! doubleYou had been an idea in my head, and the one I sent you was a shortened version by it. Thanks for giving me the inspiration I needed and thank you for doing this :) I'm glad you enjoyed my story!
Chapter 5: THANK YOU SOOOO MUUCHHH!!!! writing that story took me .. I started wrting it on the 24th of December, and I think I finished it on the 2nd of January. BUT SERIOUSLY! It took me a lot of courage to submit it here eventhough i already registered myself. I think it was the last week of January whem I submitted it. I'm seriously not that brave amd confident about it since it's my first time writing so, YOU REALLY SURPRISED ME WITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCHH!!!! I highly appreciate your feedbacks about my story ~ I'll look forward on your stories too .. and *ehem* the prizes too *ehem* hahaha. Again, thank you for giving me this opportunity!! Thank you!!
580 streak #7
Chapter 5: Wow I wanna read all of it now.
Chapter 5: Wow! Congratulations to all the winners! I hope you guys would post the stories here on AFF. I'm sure they were all great. :)