
Let us stay together
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Chaeyoung POV 

Chaeyoung,Jeongyeon and Momo arrived to class before the bell rang.They all went to there separate seats waiting for the others students and teacher to come in. The first ones to come in was Jihyo showing off her smile to me and the others and gave a cute wave before settling into her seat.Sana whispered something into Momo's ear making Momo frown before going to her seat. Tzuyu and Dahyun  came into class talking amongst themselves. They began walking to my table. "What's up wolfy!" Dahyun shouted enough for the both of us to hear. Tzuyu immediately covered Dahyun's mouth."Are you trying to get her killed" Tzuyu whispered in Dahyun's ear who just shook her head nervously. Dahyun slapped Tzuyu's hand away and sat on Chaeyoung's table "How's your eye?" Dahyun pointed at the eyepatch that stuck on Chaeyoung's right eye. "Well the pain stopped but it still turns from gray to black" Chaeyoung sighed causing Tzuyu to pat her back "Don't worry Nayeon could probably fix it, she fixes everything" Tzuyu ruffled Chaeyoungs hair and walked towards her desk. "Yea so don't worry" Dahyun jumped off of the desk and walked towards her own.

Nayeon entered the class with her head facing down,she glanced at the other's giving them a small smile but it faded when her and Jeongyeon made eye contact. The room grew tense and awkward. The two looked away from each other with a blush forming on there cheeks. Nayeon quickly sat down while Jeongyeon silently slammed her head on the desk. Lastly Mina entered with a small smile shown on her face,she was called by Jihyo who whispered a few words in her ear causing Mina to sigh and go towards her seat. Chaeyoung started to get excited,she haven't had the chance to hang out with Mina after the meeting with Jihyo.

"Hi Mina!" Chaeyoung got up and pulled out Mina's seat for her to sit. Mina avoided eye contact but still muttered a small "Hi".Chaeyoung ignored the sudden change of Mina's tone,she then kneeled on the side of Mina and wanted to make small talk but the bell had rang for class. "Mina let's hang out at lunch!" Chaeyoung didn't wait for an answer so she smiled and return to her desk to sleep.


Chaeyoung was awoken by the bell ringing so she stretched a bit.She opened her eye to see that Mina had already left with Sana and Jihyo.She got up to approach Dahyun and Tzuyu but they were no where to be found either.She shrugged it off and headed towards Jeongyeon who was throwing all the books in her bag and Momo who was still sleeping."Hey Momo wake up it's time for lunch" Momo instantly sat up and grabbed her bag ready to go to the cafeteria. Jeongyeon grabbed her bag and started heading out the door followed by Chaeyoung and Momo. They entered the cafeteria heading straight for the food line.

After getting what they ordered they found an empty table and sat down causing Jeongyeon to sigh. "What's wrong?" Momo asked while stuffing her face with food. Jeongyeon just shook her head and ate her sandwich with a frown that didn't go unnoticed by Chaeyoung. She looked around and spotted Mina, Sana and Jihyo eating on the opposite side of the room. Her and Mina made eye contact, Chaeyoung smiled brightly at Mina and waved but Mina ignored her and looked down at her phone. Chaeyoung's smiled immediately faded and she started to search for Dahyun and Tzuyu. She found them at a different table with Nayeon. Dahyun was doing homework while Tzuyu and Nayeon was on there phones. Chaeyoung frowned and stared at her food.

"Something isn't right" Chaeyoung whispered but the two werewolves could've heard her easily. "What do you mean?" Jeongyeon asked while resting her chin on her hands. "Why aren't we sitting at 1 table, why are we separated, why are they-" Momo placed a hand on Chaeyoung's mouth "One question at a time" Jeongyeon laughed softly, Momo Chaeyoung's hair allowing her to speak again. Chaeyoung sighed "Why does it feel like the other's are avoiding each other?We weren't like this before" Chaeyoung whispered causing Jeongyeon to sigh "It's not that easy be friends with someone that you are suppose to be enemies with" Chaeyoung frowned "What do you mean?" 

"The clans have been fighting for centuries and none of these clans wanted to befriend one another, this is why we are still fighting to this day" Jeongyeon looked at her with sad eyes. "So what do you suggest that we do?" Momo asked in a serious tone. "Forget about them" Jeongyeon said causing the other two jaw to drop. "Why-" Chaeyoung was interrupted by Jeongyeon "We have no choice because if you two don't realize, we will see them in battle again and we would have no choice but to.......you know fight them" Jeongyeon tried to not sound nervous but her shaking hands was showing her true feelings. Chaeyoung and Momo noticed this and they both placed t

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Lolbub #1
Chapter 17: Common pls
Lolbub #2
Chapter 17: Common pls
Lolbub #3
Chapter 17: Pls update
marestrada #4
Chapter 17: update pls
Kristy060399 #5
Chapter 17: Hey authornim I really love this story I hope you would be able to update soon ^_^
CalyxVargas #6
Chapter 17: Please update this loving it sk much
15 streak #7
Chapter 17: I hope Jeong did this of her own choice not bc she was brainwashed
Update :C?
Joenayeon #9
Chapter 16: I wonder if Nayeon is going to kill them for taking Joengyeon same as Dahyun