“Irish let’s talk about this”, I pleaded

“I can’t do this anymore, I’m sorry”, she said

“I know it’s hard. It’s my fault. I can’t promise you that it will be better but you still have me”, I said.

I raised my hand for her to hold on to me

“Please take my hand”, I pleaded again

She takes my hand and looked at me. I know that look, she’s pleading to me to let her go.

“Don’t” , I said my eyes starting to tear up.

“We came far enough, let’s not go any further”, she said

“I said don’t!!!” I shouted and started crying.

She slowly let go of my hand while saying “I’ll see you around, goodbye”. Then she walked away

“You still make people leave” Lay said then followed Irish

I was left there broken, as if my soul was taken from me. I was on my knees, crying my heart out. The girl who used to give me hope, the light in my darkness was gone.



I opened my eyes, waking up from my dream. That was the last time i saw her, she took every emotion left of me and the last time I cried for a girl. I wonder, thus she still remember me?

 “She’s not coming back” I sighed

Why is it that every time that I close my eyes i always see her but when I open my eyes, reality slaps me in the face telling me she’s gone.


I got out of my bed then walked my way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast but change my mind halfway and just got water from the fridge.

I hate this feeling; she still has an effect on me. It's been more than 2 years since we parted ways, but why haven't I moved on yet? Oh well I thought I already did but this sad feeling I had inside me after waking up from my dream proved me wrong

Breakfast is ready!! Said kyungsoo

I’ll eat breakfast later, I’m going to run some lapse first, I said

Kyungsoo suddenly stared at me seriously then nodded his head as if he understand

When kai was gone, baekhyun entered the kitchen with the rest of the club

Hey, where is kai? I thought he is already here, when I looked at his room to wake him up, he was already gone

“Hey, that’s odd, kai usually were the last one to wake up out of all of us” Chanyeol said  

“He went running, from the way his acting I think something’s bothering him” kyungsoo said

Lay turned suddenly serious, chen noticed it

What is it lay? You suddenly become serious, chen asked

Nothing, I just remembered something, lay answered truthfully

I’m getting really worried, kai looked sick these days, chanyeol said

It’s my fault, lay countered

It’s not your fault, don’t blame yourself, and now eat, before the food run out, kyungsoo said while pointing at his co-members already digging on the food



After 5 laps of running, I started to slow down and take a rest at the corner. 

Hey, is it okay for me to sit here? Somebody said. I looked up and saw Sarah looking at me smiling

I nod as a silent yes then leaned down and close my eyes while she sat beside me

You seem to be in deep thought, care to share? She said

Its nothing, I’m okay, I said still closing my eye

You know, for someone who doesn’t usually wake up early in the morning and run like somebody is chasing him, doesn’t seem to be okay to me, she said while raising her eyebrows

I smiled and sighed, “you know it only makes it harder for me to move on if you keep on taking care of me like this”, I said jokingly

She scowled, “As if I would believe you, just for the record I’m here as a friend and nothing else” she said

“I know”, I sighed I stand up and patted my pants, I started walking back to the dorms  

She sighed and looked at me with sincere eyes then said “seriously, you can talk to me if there is something bothering you kai”

“No can do, I appreciate the gesture maybe someday but not now”, I said walking away

“Okay then, I guess I will just see you around” she said

I raised my hand as goodbye gesture




(Phone ringing)

I picked up the phone and saw that lay is calling. I pressed the answer button and said


“Irish, you need to comeback, it’s about Kai”

I sighed, “you didn’t even say hello, it’s really urgent isn’t it? “

“He really need you right now, we don’t know what to do anymore”

“What happened?” I asked worried

“We’ll explain when you come back home” his response makes me anxious even more, lay is not the type who talk around the bush.

I guess I really need to go home, I thought

“I’ll just patch the things I need here then I’m coming home”, I finally said

“We will wait for you, take care”

“I will ”,

 Lay ended the call then I stared at the window of my suite

I’m coming home kai, wait for me, I whispered


I ended the call then place my phone in my pocket.

“Are really sure about this?” Baekhyun asked

“If there’s anybody who can talk some sense into him it would be her”, I reasoned

“He doesn’t even listen to us, why would he listen to her?”

“She is not just anybody, she is our childhood bestfriend, she knows what to do”.

“Wow, I didn’t know you two have another bestfriend and a girl at that”.

“She knows us more than anybody else; she is the only one who we listen to”

“Wow, she must be great if you two, the most stubborn out of all of us listen to her”

“Yup, and did I also forget to mention? She is Kai’s first love”, I smirked

I started to walk towards my room while Baekhyun was left dumbfounded


I was reading a book entitled the Alchemist when suddenly Lay walk past me half running; It is so unlike him to run unless he has a date with sarah of course

“Ouch, that hurts!!!”, Lay complained because baekhyun tripped him which made him land on his .

I sighed, “going somewhere? Or should I say do you have a date?”

“Ggrrr… you will pay for this”, lay said to baekhyun while the other just made a face at him

“I’m already late, I’ll just say the details when I come back”, Lay said while walking towards his car

“Wow, excited much? I guess he would be if he has a date”, I said

“It’s not a date, he is picking up someone from the airport”, Baekhyun said with a smirked while looking at me

“If I caught him cheating on Sarah, I’ll punch him”, I said with conviction

Baekhyun laughed, “Relax, since when did picking up someone became cheating? “

“I’m just saying”, and then shrugged. “By the way, who is he picking up to make him run like that?”

“I don’t know, he didn’t tell me; anyway, do you want to go with me? I’m going to the club “ he said

“No, I’ll just stay here”, I said. He looked at me with concerned eyes

“When was the last time you go out and have fun?” Baekhyun said

“I don’t know, I’m just not in the mood right know”, I said honestly while walking away


We were walking in the hallways of our dorm when I noticed that Lay was hugging someone in the main lounge, a girl to be specific. He was blocking my view, that’s why I didn’t see who it is.

I was aggravated by the idea that kai might be cheating on Sarah, so I change direction and walked my way to them, to punch some sense into him

“Hey Kai!! Where are you going?” One of my friends said but I didn’t respond and just keep walking

Bit by bit I saw the face who he is talking to, but as I was getting closer to them, I suddenly stopped on my tracks when I recognized who she is.

She looked at my direction then smiled. I was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to do.

Lay looked back to see who she is smiling at, then saw me

“Oh, good thing you’re here, I was trying to call you but you didn’t answer your phone -

I didn’t hear the rest of what he said I’m just staring at her

 “hi Kai, how are you? “She finally said

“Irish?” I can’t believe who I was seeing

“You didn’t forget about me, don’t you? “She smiled then hugs me

I didn’t hug her back instead I step back and walk away


The rest of the group joined us, they were looking at the two curiously

 “It’s been a while since the last time I saw him show emotion like that”

“Who is she?”  They asked curiously

Lay smiled and said” let just say that her return might be our last hope” 

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