
My Person

HI everyone! I posted the beginning of this on Tumblr, and got a surprisingly good response. I hope you like it!! Please give feedback!! 

'Is Hoseok single?' Yoongi jerked his head up in surprise.
'As far as I know. You interested?' Yoongi asked sarcastically, looking over the other idol from head to toe. It was nonsense-- the notion that an idol was crushing on Yoongi’s group mate.
'Actually, between you and me...' the guy muttered. Yoongi nearly dropped his draw. He composed himself quickly, a current of anger and jealousy running through him with a vengeance. Yoongi gulped, looking across the room at Hoseok, who, oblivious to the conversation happening across the room, was mingling with the Vice President of MNET. five idol groups and a handful of actors had been invited to the elite gathering, but Yoongi applauded Hoseok’s ability to socialize with such ease. Earlier in the night, Yoongi and the other members had been sitting together and eating the meal; Hoseok munching cutely on all the dinner rolls while listening intently to the president’s speech. They were sitting next to each other, Hoseok thigh constantly grazing Yoongi’s-- sending strange little shocks throughout Yoongi’s entire body. He'd always ignored these touches; a forbidden feeling fighting its way into his mind. Off limits, he always reminded himself. And besides, Hoseok was the unattainable tease. Yoongi was more curious than ever to get inside that man's brain. 
Yoongi looked at the idol in front of him, and then glanced to hoseok.
'I won't tell.' He said cooly, sipping his drink and looking around the room. It was suddenly a bit awkward. 
'You don't think- he'd be into me?' The idol asked. Yoongi glanced over him. Shaggy black hair, a cute dimple, nice jaw. He'd be able to get any girl he wanted. Why hoseok? Yoongi huffed. 
'Hoseok is quite picky. He doesn't talk about his dating life much.' Yoongi said, his tone slightly more clipped. The idol nodded.
'Just look at him. He's perfect, isn't he?' The idol smiled. Yoongi looked to hoseok, their eyes meeting suddenly. Hoseok smiled softly, Yoongi's heart in a rampage. 
'He is.' Yoongi said thoughtlessly. The idol looked at him with surprise.
'Speaking of his talents, of course!' Yoongi laughed. 
He tried to get out of this conversation and back to the members table quickly. He scurried over with a plate of desserts, sitting next to namjoon with relief.
'You alright?' Namjoon asked. He was scrolling through Instagram and people watching. 
'Can we do something tonight? After this is over?' Yoongi asked. Namjoon closed his phone in surprise. 
'You actually want to hangout with us?' Namjoon asked, eyes wide. It was something like that. Or rather, as long as Hoseok would be there, too. 
'Let's drink or something.' Yoongi offered. 
'Let's poll the group when they come back. But I think if they know you suggested the idea, they'll all be interested' he said. Slowly, the members sat down with their dessert. Yoongi waited eagerly for hoseok to sit, glancing at him impatiently, saving his last piece of cake so he could give a bite to his favorite guy. 
Twenty minutes passed. But no Hoseok. 
'Where's Hobi?' Jungkook asked. 
'I saw him pulled over by Sehun in the corner.' Jimin said, an irritation in his voice. Yoongi scanned and saw the two of them giggling and touching one another's shoulders with ease. 
'Yoongi, tell them your idea!' Namjoon offered. Yoongi suddenly didn't feel too excited by the thought. A smitten and distracted hoseok? There was nothing that irritated Min Yoongi more. 
'Scratch that plan.' Yoongi grumbled, shoving his fork sharply into his last piece of cake-- the best piece. 
Hoseok came back to the table some time later, setting down the exact piece of cake Yoongi had wanted to offer him to share. 
'Hyung, I know you like this cake. I got it for us to share.' Hoseok smiled, laying his hand behind yoongis neck and massaging sweetly. Yoongi closed his eyes and suppressed a light moan. Instead, he could feel the bitterness creeping in. 
'I already ate.' Yoongi said, the other members noticing his irritated tone. Everyone was aware of the close bond between Yoongi and Hoseok-- it's just that no one knew of their true inner feelings. 
'Oh.' Hoseok said, his mood lowering. He ate the cake quietly, Yoongi feeling a pain at his chest. He hated making hoseok feel bad .
'But thank you.' Yoongi whispered. Hoseok looked at him with curious and questioning eyes. What was wrong with his favorite hyung? 

After a long event, the members took their car back to the dorms. Hoseok was sitting in the back
With V and jin, while Yoongi sat with the others. He was working up the courage to ask hoseok to go for a walk once they got home. He just didn't know if it was the right thing to do. Hoseok was his coworker. He needed to get over this, and get over it quickly. He'd suppressed his feelings for so many years, it had barely phased him.
But recently, something had changed. The way they looked at each other. The way hoseok smiled at him/- knew his every
Mood. The way they stayed up through the night and talked without a second of uncomfort. Hoseok knew more about Yoongi than Yoongi did-- he sometimes thought. 
And tonight, Yoongi had learned just how desirable his Hoseok was to others. He felt oddly territorial. Yoongi was more curious than ever. Who else was interested in his precious hoseok?
He waited for hoseok to get out of the van and lingered back. 
'Hey.' He said quietly, scurrying next to him. 
'Hey.' Hoseok yawned. , he was tired. 
Never mind.' Yoongi said. 
'You're acting strange: what's up?' Hoseok asked.
'Can we walk for a bit?' Yoongi asked. 
'Of course!' Hoseok said effortlessly. 
'Guys, we'll be up a bit later.' Yoongi called, veering hoseok down the street. 
'Can I join?' v called back. Yoongi groaned.
'Nope; sorry.' Yoongi said, causing the other members to giggle a bit. 
'I see how it is!' V exclaimed. 
Yoongi and hoseok walked for a
Few minutes in silence, growing further and further away from the dorm. They sometimes took walks like this- venting out frustrations and relieving stress.  
Hoseok sat down in the grassy patch and laid down. He had stripped off his nice coat, and was sprawled out in his black dress pants and a silky blue dress shirt. He looked even more handsome than usual-- just looking up at Yoongi so comfortably. 
'Okay, talk to me.' Hoseok demanded, offering his hand to Yoongi. Yoongi took it and let himself be pulled next to hoseok, their hands warm and interlocked. 
Hoseok released but Yoongi wished he hadn't. 
'You don't like anyone, do you?' Yoongi asked, his palms sweating nervously. Hoseok eyed him suspiciously. 
'What are you up to??' He asked. 
'I'm just curious.' 
'I, uh-- I don't really have an answer.' Hoseok looked down nervously. 
'Who is it?' Yoongi pressed. 
'Yoongi-- ' hoseok pleaded, sitting up. 
'I... I know someone who likes you. I'm inquiring for them.' Yoongi stuttered. 
'Yoongi... you know that even if I did like someone, I couldn't act on that interest. You know better than anyone!' Hoseok exclaimed. 
' I do.' Yoongi glanced at his crush with longing eyes. He really did know. 
'I'm flattered that someone is interested. I'm sure they'll find someone suitable in no time.' Hoseok offered, eliminating himself as an option. Yoongi laughed lightly. That was a hoseok response. Removing himself from the equation. 
'I have another question.' Yoongi felt more comfortable now, just being there with hoseok-- all alone. Just the two of them, what he liked best. 
'Oh here we go.' Hoseok joked. Yoongi twisted his fingers with jitters all through his body. 
'Have you ever... liked one of the members?' Yoongi asked. Hoseok nearly choked at the question. 
'Yoongi, why are you doing this?? You know that these kinds of questions are really crazy, right? What if I said yes?? It's completely against the rules. And If I did, what would it matter?? It wouldn't be reciprocated. And if I did, all it would do is lead to more problems!' Hoseok spewed off angrily. 
'I-- I...' Yoongi started.
'What, hyung?' Hoseok asked. 

Yoongi looked at Hoseok and Hoseok looked at Yoongi. Min Yoongi had never seen such a beautiful person in his entire life. He'd never wanted to lay his own lips on another's with this much passion. 

And then suddenly, he had. 
He was kissing Jung Hoseok. 

Hoseoks initial reaction was shock. He pulled back, looking at
Yoongi with wide eyes.
'Yoongi...' he breathed. Yoongi didn't give him another minute to pull away, looking like once more. The way Hoseok moved his lips against Yoongi’s-- Yoongi had never felt this before. A warmth spread throughout his whole body. His skin was on fire. The feeling of hoseoks fingers brushing his cheek was enough to send him into another dimension. This kiss was mutual, Hoseok could feel it too. He wanted more. He wanted this so badly. But something inside him was signaling to stop. This is bad for business, his mind reminded him. But it feels so right; he thought again. Stop. Stop. He argued with himself until finally he pulled away from Yoongi, who had placed his hand sweetly around Hoseok’s lower back. 
'We can't.' Hoseok said gruffly. 
'I know.' Yoongi opened his eyes and exhaled. Hoseok had never seen yoongis face so flushed and pink. He looked nice with a bit of color. He always looked nice.
'This never happened.' Hoseok offered. Yoongis heart dropped into his chest. The dejected feeling hit him immediately. 
'No. it never happened.' Hoseok said, standing up. It was the last thing hoseok wanted to do-- he wanted to lay with Min Yoongi until the sun rose in a few hours. He wanted to kiss his soft lips and talk for hours about anything and everything. 
But Hoseok had gone through too much to let love change anything. 
He couldn't let his emotions get the best of him. He couldn't let Yoongi ruin his career either.
'It really meant nothing to you?' Hoseok could hear the hurt in yoongis voice. 
He crouched down and took Yoongi’s hand, kissing it lightly. 
'It meant everything to me.' He whispered, darting off towards the dorms. 
Min Yoongi had never felt so conflicted in his entire life.



Yoongi walked dejectedly back to the dorms. Something inside him felt strange. It was like he’d been punched in the gut over and over, the pain never subsiding even as time passed. He replayed the moment over and over on a constant loop. Hoseok’s lips pressed against his, his mouth moving rhythmically and in sync with Yoongi’s. Yoongi’s thoughts were jumbled and messy. All he knew was one thing. That kiss was anything but a mistake. And still, Yoongi couldn’t help but feel terrible. If the two of them weren’t in the public eye, would things be different? Yoongi wondered briefly. He sighed angrily. He didn’t want to go home and face Hoseok now. Not after what he’d just admitted to his group member. He was just grateful Hoseok hadn’t completely dismissed him, really. At least now he knew how the moment he’d envisioned would go. And it hadn’t been a letdown. No it hadn’t. it was the best kiss Yoongi had ever experienced. It’d been a long time since Yoongi had a kiss like that one—no. He’d never had a kiss like this.

He could still feel the tingle on the flesh. He could feel a burning desire creeping through his body—one he had to dismiss with terrible frustration. How was he going to survive this night? Tomorrow?

I’ll just let it pass. Nothing will have to change. It didn’t happen, right.

Yoongi tried to reassure himself with little pep talks. But when he walked back into the dorm, his cheeks red and rosy from the cold, he already wanted to leave.

“Hyung! Where have you been?” Jimin sprang up and locked arms with him, pulling him to the common room. V, Jimin, and Jungkook were watching television together and eating popcorn.

“You guys should be sleeping!” Yoongi sighed, not in the mood to deal with any conversations right now.

“Did you have a nice walk? We wanted to make sure you got home alright.” Jimin said, squeezing Yoongi’s thigh. Jimin had always been a bit touchy, but he seemed extra protective tonight.

“It was alright.” Yoongi said blandly, plopping down on the couch.

“Where’s Hoseok though?” V asked, peering towards the door.

Yoongi snapped out of his trance, a puzzled expression spreading on his face.

“He’s not here?” Yoongi asked slowly. They all looked at one another in panic.

“Don’t panic. Maybe he just went to the store.” Jimin offered nervously.

“You don’t think he maybe got lost, do you?” Jungkook asked worriedly. Yoongi’s body had red alert mode. Hoseok wasn’t the type to wander off at night. He wouldn’t do that. He was far too excited for his usual bedtime ritual—reading a book and falling asleep with the pages open on his chest.

“Try his phone.” Yoongi ordered, running a nervous hand through his hair.

V looked up blankly after listening to an endless ring.

“He’s not answering.” V’s voice lowered.

Yoongi walked swiftly to Namjoon’s room and barged in without a knock.

“Hyung—you okay??” Namjoon was barely clothed, but still managed to be wearing his headphones as he always did.

“Hoseok.” Yoongi gulped, his pulse fast and his breathing shallow.

“What’s going on?” Namjoon pulled out his headphones and immediately grew paler.

“He’s not back. We—we went for a walk. He should have been back before me.” Namjoon could hear the panic in Min Yoongi’s voice.

“Let’s not worry too much. I’ll call PDnim now.” Namjoon said calmly, just as the leader would. Yoongi nodded, sitting absentmindedly on Namjoon’s bed. He sat there and stared into space. Was Hoseok okay? Where had he gone? Was he hurt? Millions of thoughts raced through his head. He had to remind himself to swallow.

Soon enough, all the members were awake and huddled in the common area, pacing and worrying together. 


"Did something happen while you were out?" Namjoon asked Yoongi. Yoongi knitted his hands together and squeezed until his knuckles were white. 

"We were just talking." Yoongi said unconvincingly. Jimin looked at Yoongi suspiciously. What was he not telling the group?

"Why didn't the two of you walk back together though?" Jimin asked. 

"Hoseok wanted to head back before me." Yoongi said. It was the truth, right? It's not like he was lying. 

"Well the managers are out roaming the neighborhood. And the security company is coming to show us the CCTV, too." Namjoon assured the worried members. CCTV?! Yoongi nearly fell off the couch in panic. 

"The.. the neighborhood has CCTV?" Yoongi asked. 

"Yoongi, what are you hiding?" Jin asked bluntly. 

"Nnn--nothing." Yoongi was sweating more than when he danced to Fire and Dope in the same go. 

There was a knock at the door before Yoongi could be interrogated further. He didn't care really, he just wanted to see Hoseok back in the dorm safely. 

"I'm here to check your CCTV." The man said. They all huddled around, blinking at the bright screen.

"Where were you guys walking? It looks like you turned this corner, but I can't see past that." The man turned to Yoongi. 

"Just to the park." He gulped. 

"Ah, here is Hoseok again." He straightened his back and focused, hovering the cursor around Hoseok's walk. 

You could see Hoseok walking under the dark streetlights, his hands shoved in his pockets. But then, he seemed to pause for a moment, taking out his phone and calling someone. The security worker fast forwarded the tape and sure enough, ten minutes later a car pulled up. Yoongi noted that the car looked expensive—surely not someone just cruising around for fun either. He’d been summoned there.

To everyone’s surprise, the figure looked familiar.

“Is that… Sehun?” Jimin couldn’t hide the shock in his voice. Sehun was known for being quite private and only letting a special few into his inner circle. How was it that none of the members had detected the friendship between the two of them?

“Well damn.” Jin said. Sehun opened the door for Hoseok, who slid in. Before a moment had passed, the car sped away.

“That solves it.” PDnim called from behind, startling the members. They weren’t used to seeing him at such a time of night, and the sight of him made the room quieter than it already was.

“Someone’s in trouble.” V mumbled to Jimin.

“I’m sure Hoseok has some kind of explanation. He’s never done something like this before.” Namjoon stood up for and friend.

“He’s on his way home now, sir.” A manager whispered in PD’s ear.

“Good. We’ll have a nice little chat.” PD grumbled, walking out of the room to answer another call.

The members sat in silence, waiting for Hoseok to come through the door. None of them were angry, aside from a certain Min freaking Yoongi. The said Min Yoongi was currently in a state of torment. In truth, Yoongi was hurting.

Less than an hour ago, he’d confessed to Hoseok, shared a kiss, and then was told to act like nothing had happened. And how was Hoseok feeling about everything? Fine, apparently. So very fine in fact, he’d whisked away with the handsome and elite Sehun to … who knows what they’d been up to. Yoongi groaned aloud, not even trying to hide his rage.

“Hyung, seriously-- what happened?” Jungkook couldn’t curb his curiosity.

“I’m going to my room.” He grumbled, stalking off just in time to miss Hoseok’s entrance.


When he walked through the door, the members could see the regret on his face.

“Hoseok—“ Namjoon trailed. Hoseok looked at each member, a glance of apology in his eyes. He really hadn’t intended to worry anybody.

“Come here, Hoseok.” Pdnim called from the kitchen. Hoseok hunched his back and walked in, awaiting his punishment. He’d noticed that Yoongi was noticeably absent from the common room when he’d walked past.

Was he still at the park? Hoseok brushed the worry out of his mind. Hoseok sat across from his boss and didn’t move a muscle while scolded. He was in fact now grounded, sentenced to no outside activities aside from leaving for work functions and practices. His ‘probationary period’ would last for two weeks. Hoseok felt regretful—he could have communicated and avoided this mess. It wasn’t as if he and Sehun had done much of anything at all. They’d gone for a late night snack and wrote together. They never shared—just sat and enjoyed one another’s company. The only person Hoseok felt comfortable sharing lyrics with was Yoongi. Yoongi and sometimes, Namjoon. Otherwise he was far too self-conscious. PD dismissed him and Hoseok walked him out.

“I’m sorry.” Hoseok said quietly, looking around at the members.

“You okay?” Jin asked. Hoseok nodded, feeling pretty defeated.

“I’m gonna turn in for the night. Please forget this ever happened.” Hoseok whispered, dragging his feet and walking away.


Hoseok was already feeling low when he crashed into Yoongi on the way to the bathroom. He’d never intended for the night to spiral the way it had. He certainly hadn’t expected to lock lips with the man standing in front of him. Yoongi refused to meet his eyes. Hoseok didn’t know what to say in that moment. He’d never been speechless with Yoongi before. It felt strange and he hated it.

“The members were worried about you.” Yoongi couldn’t bear to hold his tongue. He’d thought about ignoring Hoseok and walking past him, but that would have been impossible for Yoongi.

“I’m sorry for worrying them.” Hoseok’s voice lowered. Clearly Yoongi didn’t seem to care—he wasn’t even in the room when Hoseok had come through the door.

Them?” Yoongi sounded offended by the word. Hoseok looked down, knowing it wasn't the time to pick a fight. He could still feel Yoongi's hand on his back, him softly and with a new excitement. He could still replay the moment of rejection freshly in his mind; when he'd shot Yoongi down quickly and with what seemed to be no hesitation. But what Yoongi didn't realize was that Hoseok had never wanted to keep something going more in his entire life. He hadn't wanted to stop.


That thought in itself was far too dangerous. 

“I’m sorry.” Hoseok said softly. Yoongi was too angry to be swayed by the words.

“I hope you had fun with Sehun.” Yoongi added, moving past Hoseok swiftly and without a second glance. But being angry didn’t make Yoongi feel better. Deep down, all he really wanted was to have Hoseok next to him. That was all he’d ever really wanted. He wouldn’t sleep tonight—knowing just how badly he’d messed things up.

Hoseok crawled into bed, unable to close his eyes. Every time he tried, Min Yoongi appeared. He turned to avoid Jimin and Taehyung’s eyes—both sitting in their beds and stealing glances at him. He pulled the covers over his head and eventually drifted off into a slumber. 

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Hobi-idoH #1
Chapter 1: I really like this~!! I hope you write more chapters! :D