Prologue: The beginning of it all (1/2)

Bloodlust-Youngjae Ver.
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*Since this FF is based off the FF Video series of Bloodlust the prologue chapters will be the same for all of the Bloodlust routes but will branch off after*


Little did I know that day, that same day I had moved into a new town, started a new school and planned to make some new friends would be the same day my life would change forever for better or worse because of mine and their actions.

I know there is no freedom from my newly found fate but sometimes I wonder what if it never happened. What if I never met him? Or any of them? The moment he walked into my life and changed everything may have been the best or worst day of my life but I guess it’s too early to say.

All I know is this…

There is no escape from what’s to come.



“Ugh” you groaned a little as you stretched up from your bed to see the light seeping in from your blinds.

It was another normal morning and you’d found yourself lying in your warm bed wishing you could go back to sleep and dream about some handsome guy sweeping you off your feet and taking you to your happily ever after or whatever teenage girls wanted to dream about these days.

Today was the day you’d be starting your first day at your new school after moving to this town because of your parents new job, they had their own important business which often led to them having late hours because of it so often they wouldn’t come home for a few days between working.

You were used to it thought since it’d been happening since you were very young and it didn’t really bother you at all as long as no one found out since you were pretty sure it was illegal to leave a young child home alone for so long.

As far as you knew moving to this place would be a whole new experience, you wouldn’t know anyone but you were hoping you could make good first impressions on everyone some and make new friends. Perhaps even a boyfriend.

I guess I better get up then.

You complained to yourself as you slid out of bed and headed over to the closet to find some clothes to get changed into.

A warm hoodie and jeans would do for now, you wanted to look approachable.

Looking at the clock on the wall you realised it was almost time to leave.

“Aish I better not be late on my first day”

Suddenly you heard something bump hard against your window pane and a stranger’s voice calling to you from outside your window.

You pull up the blind and stare out the window to spot a boy with midnight brown hair standing below your window and staring up at you.

“ya y/n! Get out here!” he called as he continued to look up at you.

His face looked familiar to you and it was bothering you greatly that you couldn’t remember who he was.

Ah I remember!

The boy was none other but your childhood friend Youngjae!

You’d known him since you were born; he’d grown a lot since you’d last seen him.

Before he was a chubby faced boy but now it seemed he’d grown up a lot, his facial features had grown sharper and to be honest he’d become quite attractive.

“I’ll be a minute” you yelled back at him through the window while you grabbed your bag, packed your school things and ran downstairs and out of the door.

As you walked outside his face began to beam.

His eyes were brown and reminded you of sweet chocolate and appeared to sparkle as he caught sight of you walking happily towards him.

“Youngjae” you cried in happiness as you ran up to him and you embraced into a warm hug just like old times.

“I’ve missed you y/n it’s been so long” the boy rejoiced while he treasured the moment.

You couldn’t help but agree, it’d been two whole years since you’d last seen each other and you hadn’t been able to stay in contact at all.

“You’ve changed so much thoug

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aki_06 #1
Chapter 2: I can't wait eheh *^*