Chapter 2

My sunshine (exo fanfic)

I was currently walking back home from the cemetery and may I say too quickly cause then all of the sudden I bumped into some thing hard and fell down to the ground with my stuff going everywhere.

"Ow ow my head" I cradled my head while looking down.

"oh sh**t sorry, oh sh**t sorry I just cursed in front of you and I don't even know, I'm sorry let me help you with your things" the man said.

I giggled and said "Its okay we all make mistakes and thank you for helping".

As the man helped me get up I looked up at him and noticed how tall he was and the first thing that captivated me was his wide smile.

As the man helped me get up I looked up at him and noticed how tall he was and the first thing that captivated me was his wide smile

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking and bumped into you" the man said.

"its okay I wasn't looking as well" I told told the man.

I looked up at him and took in his appeance. He had on a black snapback, pladed button up flannel shirt, black pants and some white sneakers. What I found wierd though is that he had on a mouth mask when it's not even fall or winter yet. For goodness sakes it's almost 100° degrees out here what's wrong with this man.

"Anyways thanks for helping me" I said and started to walk away.

" wait! I feel like I should introduce my self to you because I have a feeling were gonna meet again somewhere" the Man said.

I found that awkward but still I turned back around and smiled at him anyways.

"I'm park chanyeol and your are?"

"I'm Kim Mina nice meeting you" I shaked his hand

"Well I'll see you whenever I guess" I chuckled and started to walk away.

"Oh you will" chanyeol said

Creepy but OK.
*Bang! *

"Mom! I'm home" I shouted out as I was taking off my jacket and shoes.

I quickly hung my jacket on the coat hanger and started walking towards the stairs. As I was about to walk on the first step up my moms head pocked out from the kitchen.

"Honey your not going to eat" she asked her brows furrowed.

"No I'm not really that hungry I just ate 30 minutes ago" I lied.

I'm not really in the mood to eat at the moment.

"Ok well if you get hungry there's food in the pot Ok?" She said.

"Ok I'll be in my room" I told her and quickly went up the stairs to my room.

As I got in I immediately went towards my computer to check Facebook. I knew Krystal was going to message me about how much she hates me and why I left her alone with Kai and all that jazz. I know the drill.

But instead of seeing krystal someone else messaged me.

"Park chanyeol?!! What the !" I quicy put my glasses on and doubled checked.

How the hell did he find me and why did he find me, that's just creepy we just met 20 minutes ago and now you want to get all buddy buddy with me.

I quickly clicked the message bar and started to type him a message.

What a creepWhat a creep.. I guess I will what's the worst that can happen, I probably won't bump into him again heck he'll probably forget about me soon anyways.So I went and accepted his friend request.
I honeslty wished I didn't make that decision because starting from that day I didn't know that my most painful moments would be with him and I wish I could turn back time..
*not edited*
*600 words*

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