"where am I?"

"lost" {wonwoo fanfic}

Wonwoo POV (main character)

Where am I ? Can someone tell me where am I? I'm lost I don't know what to do I lost my mother the one women who understand me but she gone now I have to live with my dad and his new wife I always lived with my mom my dad left when I was 13 I knew where he was going to a new wife house I can't believe he left my mom had cancer so my dad left because of that now I'm at his house sitting in front of his wife gosh I hate her hope one day she dies we are having a family dinner my new mother has a son named Minghao he cool I was thinking till my dad bang on the table I look up

Me: "yes father"

Dad:"do you like it here"

I hate it here this family is not my family but Minghao is because he not like his mom a big ed I miss my mom she was the only family I had 

Me:"mhm I don't like it here"

Dad:"why not?"

Me:"I miss my mom the only family I had"

My tears were gonna fall I get up and get outside there my tears fell down I look down at my wrist I had on my bracelet that my mom gave me I cried even more i miss you mom why did you have to leave? I walk down the block and head to the nearby park I sit down on a bench and cry even more i couldn't hold it I promise my mom I wouldn't cry but look am crying ...

Your POV 

I was walking in the park I was thinking about life I didn't have friends at the moment I lost them my parents and older brother went on a vacation without me I felt my tears gather in my eyes then I look away from the ground in a nearby bench I see a tall guy he seems to be crying I walk closer he was crying so I asked 

You:"are you okay?"

He looks up at me he saw a tear fall down my cheek 

???:"yeah but why are you crying?"

I sit down next to him 

You:"I'm y/n and who are you?"

???:"wonwoo Jeon wonwoo 

You:"I was crying because I'm losing everyone I lost my friends and my parents older brother went on a vacation together without me on the day they left my mom said we are leaving without you because you are "

He looked shocked 

Wonwoo:"how can a mother say that to her own daughter?"

You:"my parents hate me my brother was planned I wasn't I was a broken they love my older brother they say he is better then me well that's true I'm a big screw up"

Wonwoo:who is your older brother?

You:"Lee jihoon"

He nods

You:"why were you crying?"

He breathes in

Wonwoo:"my mother just died and I'm living with my dad and his wife my dad left when I was 13 my mom died of cancer my dad was cheating on her so he left"

I rub his arm

You:"at least you have a dad I don't have parents"

He removes my hand from his arm and looks into my eyes I couldn't read him

Wonwoo:"I have a half brother he seems cool "

You:"my brother doesn't care about me"

Wonwoo POV 

This girl has a pretty sad story her parents hate her I should take her to my dad house I think she needs a home 

Wonwoo:"where are you staying? Wouldn't your parents kicked you out"

Y/n:"my parents just left so I have my stuff in this backpack and im gonna sleep here"

He shake his head

Me:"nope you coming with me my dad house is huge and has extra rooms so you can come along"

She nods her head I take her hand and lead to my dad house we got there and we went in 

Minghao:"who that hottie?"

Me:"this is y/n"

She waves 

Minghao:"I'm Minghao Xu Minghao"

I noticed I was still holding her hand I was gonna let go but she squeeze it so I hold her hand

Me:"she gonna stay here for a couple of weeks you don't mind"

Minghao:"no your dad left for a business trip but my mom stayed",

Sun of gun she gonna think y/n is a maid then Minghao mother comes 

Mom:"is she our new maid"

Me:"no she is my....... girlfriend"

Mom:"put her as our maid"

Me:"um no you crazy women she staying in my room for a couple of weeks ",

I drag her to my room upstairs then we got to my room i opened the door and she sits down on my bed

Me:"you gonna have to pretend to be my girlfriend so that women doesn't take u as a maid"

She nods and I see her cheeks pink 

To be continue.....^_^


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