{Epilogue} Never Too Late

Too Late To Say Sorry

Yixing's POV

I had opened my eyes to find white all around me. I had saw all of my friends standing around a hospital bed and most importantly, Joonmyeon holding my hand. I heard him tell me that he wanted me to wake up and come home to him. I needed to live for everyone but I just couldn't fight anymore. I knew it would be better off to pass on and not have to live a life of burdening people taking care of me.

The doctors told everyone that they were letting me go the next day and I swear the look on Joonmyeon's face put the knife in my heart. I wanted so badly to tell him not to worry but I knew it would be futile. I followed him to the dorm and watched as he cried in my room and laid down on my side of my bed. He called out my name and told me that he loved me so much and just wanted to see my face again. I found myself laying next to him and held his hand with a sad smile on my face. I wished he could see and feel me but as if he heard me, he opened his eyes in my direction and took a deep breath before exclaiming that he would make sure he saw me again and make sure that I wasn't alone.

I furrowed my eyebrows at that. What did he mean by that? He fell asleep and I stayed by him. The next morning, I followed him back to my hospital room and watched as he took the news of my passing away coming along and when they told him they were pulling the plug, he ran back to the dorm with me hot on his trail.

Once he stopped in my room, he pulled out a belt and set up a chair in the closet. My eyes widened when I realized what he was doing. I screamed for him to stop but of course, he couldn't hear me. I turned my head away when I heard him kick the chair out from under him. Seconds later, I heard his voice from behind me.

"Yixing, did you wait a long time? I missed you, love."

I felt tears rolling down my face as I ran towards him and buried my face into the side of his neck and wrapped my arms around him. "Why did you do that, Joonmyeon? How could you give up on your life like that?"

I felt him chuckle while his hand found peace in my hair. "Silly boy, I couldn't live a life without you in it. I would never let you be alone, Yixing."

"You're so cheesy, even in death. I'm not that special, Joonmyeon. I remember telling you I hated you. How can you still be there for me?"

"Because I love you, Yixing. I understand that you were just upset and couldn't think straight at that moment. I never was upset with you. I'm just sorry that you never got to hear it when you were still alive."

"I was still there. I saw and heard everything. I just couldn't fight hard enough to come back to you. I'm sorry for making you kill yourself. The others are going to hate me for this, for sure."

Joonmyeon pulled me back and looked deep into my eyes. "No they won't, Yixing. They loved you and still will after all is said and done. They know that I loved and cared for you. I have this feeling that Jongin knew what I was going to do so there's some comfort there."

"So, what do we do now?" Joonmyeon smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I felt tears of happiness fall down my face and when he pulled back to wipe them off my face, he said the most beautiful promise I had ever heard from him.

"We do anything and everything we always wanted to do. We have eternity together, Yixing. Let's enjoy it."

I took his hand and walked into a bright light behind him. In the end, Joonmyeon and I got to be together. Happily in love.

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Just need to edit then I can unhide the chapter


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1004xo #1
Chapter 3: So good, so sad but good
Thanks your for adding this
CrystallineSparks #2
Chapter 2: Yes please <3
Chapter 2: Yes please hehe. You can continue it here I guess but it's up to you xD
gray01 #4
Chapter 2: please continue it
1004xo #5
Chapter 2: I think you should add it here instead. Nice but sad story by the way.
Eum... is it completed yet? Where is the chapter? Hehe