

I’ve stopped imagining how it would be to live with 5 other guys a few days ago. Ever since I got the confirmation from the house owner that I could move in, from now on sharing a house with 5 other men a few weeks ago, I’ve been quite nervous.


For one year I’ve lived in Seoul on my own, visiting University and working as a part timer when I was not having lectures or learning. However, taking my studies earnestly, I’ve decided to look for a shared apartment before the next semester started. It wouldn’t cost as much to live with someone other and that would mean I wouldn’t have to work that hard to earn money. Leaving more room for University.


And now I was standing here, in front of my future home, being nervous for no reason. I was a nice person, coming along with almost everyone. At least I’ve heard that a lot from people around me. However, I knew that I was nervous for a reason. I would live with these people from now on. If it wouldn’t work out with the 6 of us, I was in trouble.


Taking a deep breath, telling myself that it was too late to think of fleeing anyway, I reached for the doorbell.


My eyes grew when suddenly the door was opened and a tall man stood in front of me, looking as surprised as me.


Suddenly a toothy smile lit up his sharp features and I felt myself smiling back. He looked charming, like a person someone could get along right away.


“I guess you are Minjun, right?” His smile grew as I confirmed his question with a bow and a ‘Nice to meet you’.


“I’m Taecyeon, we’ve talked on the phone yesterday. The boys are inside. Go ahead in, they’ll show you to your room.” He explained, stepping past me and gesticulating inside the house. “I’ll be back in a while.”


And then he was gone. Probably for a run, I assumed, since he had been wearing running clothes.


‘That’s been quite okay…for the first time meeting him, I guess.’ I though to myself while carrying the first pieces of luggage into the house and closing the door behind me.


Once the door was shut, I heard laughter.


‘Probably from the kitchen or the living room.’


Taking off my leather jacket and getting rid of my shoes, I took a deep breath and walked into the room the laughter was coming from.


Three backs were facing me as I walked into the room that was living room, kitchen and dining room all at once. It was spacious and I was very pleased. Even though I’ve already seen everything on the photos Taecyeon had posted.


The boys haven’t noticed me, since one of them was playing a video game while the only black haired one of them was sitting in a chair with a sketch book in hand laughing with the others. The third one of them was reading a book, but he as well was laughing heartedly.


I felt myself smiling. My worries had been forgotten. I had the hunch that I would come along with them pretty well.


I was just about to clear my throat in order to get their attention as the brown haired men who had been reading, looked to his left, noticing me.


“Oh, seems like our new roommate is here, guys.” The smile he was sending me was sweet an inviting.


“Hello, I’m Kim Minjun, nice to meet you.” I greeted bowing and smiling towards the other two guys as well.


“Ah, Taecyeon told us that you would arrive today. We cleaned your room yesterday.” The blonde haired man said, standing up while pausing his video game.


“Guys, you are rude, you should introduce yourself. He has no idea who we are.” The black haired man said, pursing his lips. He as well had stood up, placing his sketch book onto the couch he had been sitting on.


“I’m Jang Wooyoung, nice to meet you too, Minjun.” He smiled and bowed as well.


“You are right Woo, we should introduce us.” The tall brown haired man announced, sounding displeased with himself. “I’m Nichkhun.”


“Just Nichkhun?” I asked surprised, my brows rising as I watched him laughing.


“For now, yes. I’m from Thailand and my last name isn’t that easy to pronounce.” He explained looking at me with amusement.


I only nodded, looking towards the blonde guy.


“I’m Lee Junho. I hope you like your room.” He said, pouting a little.


“I’m sure I’ll like it, thank you.” I said, getting the idea that he hadn’t been pleased with the fact that he had to help clean it up for me.


“That’s good.” He mumbled to himself. “By the way, where is Chansung? He should introduce himself as well.” Junho hummed, looking at Wooyoung.


“He’s in his room, probably going through his books once more.” Nichkhun explained looking at me.


“Ah, he is the missing guy. I’ll just get my luggage and then I’ll introduce myself to him?” I offered and halted when Nichkhun was shaking his head.


“We’ll get your luggage for you and you can introduce yourself to him while we get it.” He said, getting a glare from Junho.


I couldn’t help it and started laughing. Seeing the question marks above their heads I just had to explain myself. I was usually straight forward, therefore I just told them what I’ve had been thinking.


“I’m sorry, it just seems that you have quite the temper, Junho.” I said, smiling as he slowly nodded. “I like that, no worries, that means you have character.” I smiled even more as he blushed a little.


Wooyoung chuckled to that, confirming Nichkhuns offer while pointing towards a door. “You’ll find him there.”


Watching them as they left the living room, I nodded my head. Yeah, I was sure that I would come along with them pretty well, and now I was wondering how Chansung would be like.


Walking towards said door, I decided to just find it out.


After knocking and hearing a faint ‘Come in’ I finally opened the door.


Standing in the doorframe, starring at the man in front of me with surprise washing over me, I introduced myself to the fifth man of the group I was going to live with.


He was sitting on the floor, books surrounding him like a ring of flowers. He looked up at me, a gentle smile forming on his lips while he combed through his brown hair.


“So, you are the new hyung. It’s nice to meet you Minjun hyung.” He hummed softly, his smile growing as I raised my brows.


He probably thought that I was surprised about the fact that he knew I was his hyung, but in fact, I was surprised about myself.


As soon as I had laid my eyes on him, a quote had flashed through my head. It was a quote from Josh Lanyon, a quote that sounded as if it had been written for this very moment.


“I liked you the first time I saw you. You were sitting on the floor surrounded by books, and you looked up when I opened the door and smiled right at me. It felt like you had been waiting for me, like you were welcoming me home.”


Indeed, I was home. And I instinctively knew that he would turn this home into something even more special.


I felt happiness taking over as one simple word made its way into my head and soul.



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brat2104 #1
Chapter 1: This is so sweet
Chapter 1: That's very sweet. I like what you've done with the prompt ^^ it has a warm feeling all along the story. The beginning of a new adventure for Minjun... and Chan ~
lonelyfan #3
Chapter 1: Beautifully written :)