Dear Mr. Everything

Love me right, Mr. Everything
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Toss. Turn. Roll over.


Hana was amazed at how many different combinations she could make with just those three movements. The cause of her apparent insomnia was none other than Jin. It was strange because she thought she had moved on from her little crush on him years ago. Yet, here she was rolling around, unable to sleep.


Giving a frustrated sigh, she sat up and her night light. She checked her phone for the time and was shocked to find out that it was already 3am—she had to be up for school in four hours!


Hana’s reason to be this worked up was absolutely pathetic. At lunchtime she had had trouble getting to her locker because of all the students crowding the place and Jin had grabbed her hand and pulled her out before she was trampled to death. Afterwards she hadn’t been able to focus on anything because she could still feel where he’d touched her and it was very distracting. Not in a painful way, but it felt like he’d left an imprint on her hand. Fortunately he wasn’t able to be there for the tutoring or she would have made a fool out of herself.


Cursing Jin that he’d reduced her to this wreck with a mere touch, Hana decided to grab a slice of left-over pizza from the fridge. She sat down at the kitchen table and flipped through her old diary, curious just how much in love she had been with him.


#1 “Dear Mr. Everything...” she read and paused—oh right, she used to call him that when she didn’t know his name. He was good at everything and everyone liked him. Of course now she knew he was bad at English and wasn’t as sociable as he’d seemed back then. (But still she couldn’t help but feel that he was still Mr. Everything...)


“I bought this diary just to tell you that I like you,” she continued reading, “I like you, a lot...but I’m aware that you’re probably oblivious to my affection for you. There are a lot of girls that like you after all so maybe it’s for the best to keep things one-sided. I know you won’t like me back anyways and I’d rather save myself the imminent embarrassment. Mr. Everything, I’m really hopelessly infatuated and possibly devoted to you, but you’ll never know. I wouldn’t be able to handle the rejection.”


Hana speechlessly stared at her first diary entry for a few moments before she cringed and shivered, “ew, I was such a lovesick teenager with crazed hormones.” But something about the words she’d written years ago felt so familiar and relatable that she just had to continue reading.


#2 “Dear Mr. Everything,


Time comes at a standstill when you smile and all that matters in that moment is that you’re so beautiful. Your eyes twinkle and shine so prettily, they leave me feeling strangely light and deliciously fluffy on the inside.”



#3 “Dear Mr. Everything,


I was never a hopeless romantic, but you made me one. Today, I was grinning to myself like a fool throughout all my classes because I finally learned your name. Seokjin!


Seokjin ♡


I love it. I wish I could call you it.”


Hana felt a little twinge of pain in her heart for her younger self. She’d really forgotten how much she loved him. No wonder he was able to make her heart flutter and awaken so many foreign emotions within her with a single touch.


She flipped through her diary until she was reached the last entry.


#21 “Dear Mr. Everything,


I’m writing this to say goodbye. I still really like you a lot, but I am disappointed in you. I’m failing my classes because I spend so much daydreaming about you. It never bothered me because you were worth it. But today I learned you were part of BTS, it was shocking but it wasn’t the worst part. The worst was when you hurt my friend Minjun because he defended me when your friend Suga bumped into me and said rude things to me. You ganged up on him after school and beat him up with a group of seven.


I saw a side of you I wish I didn’t. It’s scary and it breaks my heart to know that you’d treat people with this little respect.



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Sorry to all the people waiting for an update! My lungs were acting up like crazy, finally started to recover a bit and I'll try to get back to writing asap! <3


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kpopaddictionsoo #1
plaese update again! >.<
GnRlover #2
Chapter 7: Yaaaaaaasss!! Finally!!! There was just so much feels in here. Jin is finally opening up to Hana
kpopaddictionsoo #3
Chapter 7: OMG T-T da feels
love ittt
ty for da update authr-nim ! and yes i agreee update more often n make it longer xD im alsoreading your other story (which i recommend to everyne~~) so i know it might be lots of work
thank yuuuu :)
Chapter 7: Yes please! Please make them longer! They're sooooooooooo good to read.
GnRlover #5
Chapter 6: Thank u for the update but it finished so quickly.. pls update again. Ur writing is really good.
pandicorn3060 #7
Chapter 3: Yay!! I love it<3 Thank you for updating!
kpopaddictionsoo #8
Chapter 2: this is awesome i love ittt
thank you for the update :)
Chapter 1: Woohoo! Update juseyo~