Chapter 1

how lucky I am to have you
Donghae wandered up the path of the dimly lit house, going through the words over and over again in his head. He took a deep breath in, steadied himself and knocked on the door. He wanted to run the instant the door opened, his brain pulling at the corners of his mind, telling him the best thing to do right now was to just turn around and never come back.

But he stayed exactly in his place when he saw what was waiting for him on the other side. The corner of his lips tugged themselves into a sly smile, as he ruffled his hair in nervousness "Hi" was all he managed to get out

Candice smiled back, looking at her shoes "Hey"

"You look.. nice"

Candice looked up and laughed "You don't look to bad yourself"

"Do you wan-" He stopped midway and couldn't help but just stare at the girl in front of him. He just could not believe, out of the 7 billion people in the world she settled for him, she chose him, she loved him and he just did not understand why she would want him.

"Are you okay?" Candice asked, noticing the way he was staring

He nodded quickly, red flaming his cheeks in embarassment "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you, that's all"
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Chapter 1: awwwww, this is super cute. I can imagine Donghae looking like that.
ummior #2
super love your story
ohh how sad it doesnt have a squeal...that was sweet ^^
sweet! :)
@JSM800 it's too cute. I was giggling when i read it.<br />
Yeah same here but she said that's all she had thought of.
JSM800 #6
ADORABLE ^^ !<br />
Wish there was more of it tho.. I really wanna continue reading.<br />
Props to your friend for the great writing skills !!