Me? Cute?

Same Difference

   Yunho pulled Jaejoong towards him and looked him up and down.

"So youre, Kim Jaejoong." Jaejoong tore his arm out of Yunho's grip and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, So?"

"Nothing, Just wanted to let you know that I'm better then you are." A smirk painted on his face. Jaejoong scoffed at his arrogance.

"What the..?" he muttered before being pushed up against the wall.

"Look at me." Yunho whispered as he got closer to the other man. 

"Please stop Yunho-sshi" Jaejoong said as he looked away. 

"I won't. Not until you admit that I'm better then you." That annoyed the smaller man.

"Ne.Ver." He answered with defience. "I will ne.."

"Shut up." Yunho Interupted him before leaning in closer and..

"What are you doing?" Yunho opened his eyes to see Jaejoong standing behind him while he was facing the mirror in the men's room with his lips puckered.

"Oh! Uh, I was just making sure I didn't have any stains from lunch. I have a meeting later." He said as he inspected his face akwardly. Perfect, could I look like more of a loser?

"Such an interesting way to make sure." This guy's a weirdo.

"Kim-sshi, I have heard about your beauty but I must say, you are more beautiful than the rumors say. Now I understand why they call you a work of art." Jaejoong gave a polite smile. Let's say he had hear people talking about him.

"You too, Jung-sshi. You're even more handsome then people say. I hear someone's beauty is amplified just by standing next to you." Yunho returned the smile, aware of the admirers he had around the company. They looked at each other for a brief moment, not knowing what to say to each other. Both thinking 'this is akward.' "Well, goodbye." Jaejoong made to leave.

"Wait." Yunho put his arm over Jaejoong and took out a business card. "My number. I must to get to know a beauty such as yourself." He slid the card into the other man's coat pocket with a cocky smile. Jaejoong just looked at him like he had grown a second head.

"Are you...Gay?" At the question, Yunho practically flew far away from Jaejoong. His eyes and mouth wide with shock. 

"I just like to admire beautiful things." He responded with after he collected himself. His confidence back. "I personally don't like labels, but if I must name it, only if i have to, I would say I'm Bi." Jaejoong looked at him with a look that could only mean one thing. Bull. 

"Hey! Are you mocking me?" Jaejoong just rolled his eyes before answering. He looked at Yunho, annoyence shown in his eyes.

"I for one am not intersted in men." At that moment, Yunho was getting annoyed to and decided to assert his dominance. 

"Really? That's too bad. Then..." He pushed the smaller male against the wall and got close enough for them to feel each others' breath. (I see a pattern with walls sir lol XD) "..let me be your first man." They looked deeply into each others' eyes and without breaking eye contact, Jaejoong leaned closer. Damn he's really is pretty. Once close enough, Jaejoong a quick blow into Yunho's ear, causing the man to squeak an adorable squeak. He fell to the floor with a pink blush decorating his face and a small pout on his lips. The pretty male stood over the charismatic leader. A smirk on his face.

"What's wrong Jung-sshi? I wouldn't expect such a girly squeak from such a big man." Jaejoong said mockingly at the man on the floor. "You are just too cute Jung Yunho."

"Cute? Me?" With a mischievous smile, Jaejoong squats down over Yunho, the taller of the two just looking up at the other with wide eyes. 

"Yes, Very cute. And with you looking so cute on this dirty floor, your face red," He grabs the other by the tie to pull him close, "it's quite a turn on." Jaejoong gets up and heads out but stops at the door to take another look at the shocked expression on Yunho's face. "I look foward to our next meeting Jung-sshi." He gives the man a wink before leaving. Yunho is left alone confused about what just happened, What the ?!

This is so bad XD lol oh well i'll fix it later, let me know if anyone likes this .

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Chapter 3: Yunho is loosing his wits and the battle. I wonder if he'll ever gain some sort of advantage over Jae. Thank you for the update!
Neng2ovid #2
Chapter 3: Wow jae will lead yunho by the balls
yunjaemrcnn #3
Chapter 2: Fierce Jaejoong is always a turn on material!
Neng2ovid #4
Chapter 2: Oh naughty jae. Watch out yunho
faithot5 #5
Chapter 1: Sound cute
Patdiosomito #6
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this!!!
Neng2ovid #7
Chapter 1: This is going to be an interesting fight between Yunjae
Chapter 1: Thais ficha isn't the usual when they bith are Young,I think more mature man could be interesting. Please,write more.
yunjaemrcnn #9
DS and SK buildings! Brillant :))