Carved Bench

Do you even think about me, Mark? Why do I have to grieve alone? Why do you even have to leave? Am I not important to you? Have you ever wondered how do I feel?

He sighed as he pondered to himself to all of these unanswered questions while watching the waves crashing relentlessly on the sand. Child like giggles and screeches as they run around their parents. Soft thuds as it is going on for long strides and the tarred pavement being scraped when they try to brake, balancing themselves and shrieking whenever they felt like they were going to trip. Chatters and immoderate laughter from the hut where it’s smoky and the aroma of sizzling beef and pork belly, couples renting a bicycle for an evening ride, and campers fixing their tents. Teenagers running near the shore, some playing volleyball and shouting at their teammates when they miss a point, and another bunch goofing around in the briny water. Rug rats accompanied by their parents near the shore making sure they do not go the deep end. Young ones mixing sand in a bucket of water and mounding up the sand to make a big sandcastle.


Meanwhile, Jinyoung inhaled the smell of salt mixed with water and squinted his eyes when the orange rays started hitting his face, tears trickled down his cheeks the moment he felt nostalgic. Ignoring the fact that his tears were soaking his T-shirt collar and having so many thoughts running through Jinyoung’s head as he watched his field of vision. 


Sunset is the time when the sun goes in the horizon creating a view that even words can never explain. The sun being engulfed by the sea and in that process we get to see when the colors change from orange to dreamy colors like cotton candy but without Mark by my side watching the sunset on the same bench where we used to sit and crack jokes, share each others stories of the day, tease each other and what not. It isn’t the same anymore.


Jinyoung might sound a little foolish, he makes his way to the beach everyday just before sunset sitting on the same bench where Mark and Jinyoung met, people would be envious of the friendship they had but little did anyone know that Jinyoung was having a crush on Mark. He is still not sure if Mark ever likes him. Nevertheless, there is always that strong bond between them that was inseparable. Till that day Mark told Jinyoung that he had to leave the country to pursue his dreams as an idol. It was the worst emotional pain that Jinyoung had been through in his 23 years of life. He felt so many emotions at that very moment; he didn’t know how to react whether he should be contented for Mark that he is working towards his dreams or if Jinyoung should just break down in front of the latter. His whole world was crashing down yet he courageously put on a fake smile and encouraged him to pursue his dreams of becoming an idol. All Jinyoung could remember from that day was the words Mark told him that even after 2 years that he has been gone it’s still crystal clear in his head.


“Jinyoung, Will you wait for me? I promise to tell you something when I’m back.” He then hugged Jinyoung tightly and caressed his back soothingly as he bit his quivering lips to refrain himself from sobbing. 


Jinyoung took a deep breath as the presence of the moon begin to surround the beach with darkness and the lamppost lights switched on automatically. The sound of the waves calmed him down as he mumbled to himself, “This shall be the last day I’m going to sit here and wait for you.” He fumbled for his bags’ zipper and successfully managed to open it, fishing out a penknife as he smiled to himself when he reminisce how Mark and Jinyoung used to carve their names on the bench making it their landmark.


“Is this really goodbye? Is this really how things are going to end? Is this all I’m going to get after waiting for two years? Will Mark come back?” Jinyoung muttered to himself and then gasped when his mind thought of other consequences.

“Oh my god what if he comes? What am I going to say if he stands right in front of me? Should I accept him back?” He scoffed at his question and shook his head as his lips curled up into a smile, a twinkle in his eye when he thought of Mark.

 “Psh, who am I kidding? You would definitely be the first one to hug him so tightly and stay there forever if you could.” Jinyoung giggled as he was having a conversation with himself. It was rather an everyday thing for him to do.


After his mini conversation he used his right thumb to push the grip up slowly and the angled tip of the stainless steel blade was visible. Jinyoung crouched down and rested his arm on the bench as he started moving his hands leisurely, the scraping sound the stone made when he was craving the words that read, “Mark I miss you.” He carved over the same words so that it was visible and had a tiny little faith that Mark would see it. Jinyoung blew on that tiny area he carved and dusted it with his hands, grinning in satisfaction. He patted his knees when he got up then, placed the penknife back in his bag and closed the zipper. He swung his bag over his shoulder. “I hope to see you soon, Mark”. Jinyoung sang in a cheery voice as he gave the bench a light . He took off his flip-flop and held on to the strap of it while he was taking a stroll on the sand, kicking the sand as he took a footstep. The night sea breeze blew lightly on Jinyoung’s fringe, inhaling the scent of saline water thinking that tomorrow will be a better day. 



A/N : Please do comment and tell me what do you think. Your reviews, anything!! All is appreciated. Thank you!! ^^ 

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Chapter 2: I loved it !!!!!!, author-nim can you make an epilogue please !, thank you for this ^^
Chapter 2: I really really love it!!!
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 2: Super sweet ;)