Is It Worth It?

I Can't Breathe

Min and Kikwang were walking side by side linking arms with eachother when suddenly Min got a call. "Yah~ Minnie, boss JYP wants to treat us to dinner tonight," it was Yoobin. Min didn't know what to say. She wanted to be with Kikwang today and he said he had something to show her, too. "I..I don't think I can make it. I'm busy." "But it's the boss, he probably has something important to tell us." "uhhh... I'll get back to you," Min hung up. "Who was that?" Kikwang asked, "It seemed important, do you need to go somewhere?" "No," Min said, "It's nothing, out boss just want to treat us dinner tonight and I don't think I can go." Kikwang thought about it for a moment. "If it's important, you should go. We can do this next time." "But.." Min didn't know what to do. They stopped walking and Kikwang faced Min, "It's fine, just go and have fun with them," he forced a smile. Min nodded, hugged him and left. Kikwang was standing there alone smiling until she was out of sight. Then a frown began to show.

It's always like this, whenever I have something done for her, something else always comes up.

Kikwang's phone rang, "Hello?" "Yah Kikwang-ah~, where are you?" "I'm going back to the dorm right now. Why?" "Let's go to a snack stall. Okay? Meet me at the one near our dorm," Doojoon hung up.

I don't feel like going anywhere.

Kikwang arrived at the snack stall. Doojoon waved to grab Kikwang's attention of where he was. He sat down, "Why you call me out here? I just want to go home and rest." Kikwang mumbled.  Doojoon noticed something, "What's wrong with you? You were as happy as a child in a candy store before. Did something happen between you and Min?" Kikwang sighed and told Doojoon, "I don't think I'm worthy of being with Min. She'd always leave me for something else. Maybe...we should have some time apart." "Yah! Are you out of your mind right now?!? She's your girlfriend. The one that you said would love forever! You said she's the most imporant thing to you in this world and you just want to let it go like that?" Doojoon flicked his forehead to wake him up. "I don't know. I feel like she doesn't care about me anymore. Whatever I do, it's not even exciting to her anymore," Kikwang sadly said. Doojoon poured Kikwang a shot of soju." Just drink, wake up tomorrow and forget about this, alright?" Kikwang gulped down the glass of soju and Doojoon poured more into it. 

"Aish.. you drink too much and this is what I have to deal with...," Doojoon was trying to open the door to their dorm while holding on to drunk Kikwang. "Min.... min.... min.." Kikwang was mumbling. As Doojoon opened the door, Kikwang ran to the bathroom right away and threw up in the toilet. Doojoon ran to help him and helped him walk to bed. "Tomorow you will forget about everything. Have a good night sleep, Kikwang!"

Kikwang's phone rang and he picked up, "Kikwang, I'm sorry. I just came back from the dinner. Where are you now? Are you home?" It was Min. "Min? My....girlfriend...?..." Kikwang replied. Min thought he sounded weird, "Are you okay? Yes, it's me." "Lee Minyoung..." he laughed, "You... I am going to break up with!" Kikwang burped and laughed. "....are you drunk? What's wrong? What happened? What do you mean break up?!" Min didn't know what was up with him. He hung up and fell asleep. She tried calling him again and again but there was no answer...

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:'( Update soon! <3
2pmhottest4eva #2
oh~~~ min..yah!!! how could you kwangie!! update soon~~~ <3
fani_19 #3
i like it.. please update soon i'm waiting for it..
i am a new reader!!<3
ter_dj #5
i don't understand kikwang :(<br />
he makes min sad and said min not loves him?
minnieee>< <br />
update soon
Vrisbogh #7
update soon please..
Awww... Poor min:(
djgirl #9
Interesting story, I want to see what happens next! :)