Five-Hundred-Thousand Yen

It's Just a Plushie!


"Haneul, could you come over here for a sec? I need help with this string."
Yep, that's me they're calling-again, for the hundreth time today. Don't they know that I have strings of my own to tune? Music to practice? Errands to run? Maybe not that much, but shouldn't they know to ask someone else for help? I ran over to Koneko to help her tune the E string on her bass. It was only a little flat, so only a bit of tweaking was needed. . .Easy.
My parents, being the honorable Koreans they are, kept me hooked to a violin from the time I could walk. Eventually, I sold the violin and added the money to jar. A couple years later, I bought my very first and only bass at the age of fifteen. I played with a couple of people from high school on and off, and eventually committed to a full-time band as their Maknae, self-proclaimed musical genius and only non-Japanese member. Now, "how did a cute little korean thing like me end up in a Japanese band like that?" you might want to ask. But really, let me tell you something, it was definetly of my own free-will.
My brother was much older than me.  When he came of age, he decided he didn't want to be in Korea anymore, and just up and left to Japan. He left pretty much everything in Korea. So naturally, I went through his stuff to see if I could find anything cool. After all, ten year old children don't believe in privacy. At first, I just went through his drawers. There were a few graphic tees that looked cool, so I took those. Then there were his CD's, but I skipped those. And finally, his mystical magical closet of wonderment. There were boxes on top of boxes, all filled with unknown treasures. Lucky for me, the first box was filled with magazines in what I could only tell was Japanese. I skipped across the magazine trying to find all the english words I knew. A few letters caught me to a specific word.
And that's why I decided to come to Japan and be a musician. Finding my brother's old magazines was the bridge to having the motivation to come here. But, I didn't start planning until my first trip to Japan. 
"Come along, Haneul," My mother tugged me along the hallway. She stopped suddenly to knock on a door, grabbing my collar so I wouldn't sneak off. "Stay here, I'll be inside for a few minutes. Don't try to run off."
Umma gave me one last look before shutting the door behind her. I waited a bit, maybe five minutes, before taking off down the hallway like my life depended on it. People were constanly in my way, so I just brushed past them until someone, probably a security-Hyung or Unni. I looked up to see a very shocked man, maybe in his mid-twenties. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a loose-fitting tee. The man said something that was most likely in Japanese. This is Japan, afterall. I stared at him for a second before getting out of his grip and booking it. At this point, running away from my Umma was beginning to seem like a bad idea. The man's yelled more things in Japanese, before more footsteps were heard. I turned a corner and ran into the first door. Keeping my ear to the door, the footsteps could be heard traveling past the door. I sighed and slid down the door to catch my breath. But it hitched in my throat when I heard whispers coming from the room I was in. Three guys, only one with a shirt on, all staring at me and talking in very fast Japanese. Standing slowly, I opened the door behind me. . .and backed up into something. Or was it someone? The person I had bumped into said something and then turned me around to give me a curious look. "Annyeong~" I sing-songed to him nervously.
He nodded his head in realization, probably for the fact that if he spoke in Japanese, I wouldn't understand him. He said something to the people in the room. The all nodded and went to another part of the little area. "English?" He said.
I raised my brow and blinked for a second, then realized what he meant. "Yes, I speak English, too!"
The man nodded again and gestured for me to sit on the couch, then joined me there. "My name is Isshi."
I, once more, raised my brow at him. Was he expecting a question and answer session from me? "My name is Haneul."
"Are you a fan?"
I laughed a bit under my breath. This person thinks I'm a rabid teenage fangirl here to him! "No, I'm no fangirl." I then broke out into full blown laughter, and wiped a tear, "My mother brought me here, and I ran away."
He nodded, seeming to understand the situation a bit better. Then it just got akward, cause no one had anything to say. "Say, Isshi, are you in a band?"
"I am vocals for Kagrra," He stated proudly.
Something then clicked in my head, "Oh, I think I've heard of you guys before.."
He nodded, a smile graced his face, "Do you listen?"
I shook my head no, "Not really. . ."
He smiled and nodded his head again. Aish, this is taking forever. . . "Ne, how old are you, Haneul?"
What an odd question to pop! I shrugged my shoulders a bit, "I turn seventeen in August."
And that was my first experience in Japan. 
Today, was indeed, Friday. The most dreaded off all days. Yeah, Monday and Wednesdays are pretty bad as well. But on this day, the day of Friday. . .is the weekly "Boot-camp band practice". It where we all confine ourselves to the garage and practice for twelve straight house. The only breaks are for quick meals and the bathroom. . .One bathroom break allowed per person, of course. "Hey, you ready?" Someoe called from the hallway outside the bathroom, "we gotta get started soon!"
I tried speaking back, but it's hard when you've got vomit coming out of your mouth. I got up and covered my mouth in a hand towel. Byo looked me over for a sec, studying my obviously distressed and weak. He sighed once, before picking me up and carrying me into the closest bedroom. It just so happened to be his. Byo layed me down on the bed and got some pills from his nightstand, instructing me to eat them. "It's hard to swollow pills without water. . .?"
"They dissolve."
I stared at him dumbly for a sec beofre nodding and popping the tablets into my mouth. It tasted like grape. "What am I going to do with you?" Byo complained, "You shouldn't work yourself so hard. Now who's going to play at our gig tomorrow, you're too sick!"
I flipped my hair out or my eyes, "Who else can play it? I'm the only one and you can't find someone else to take my place. I'll be fine for tomorrow. You know I recover from like this pretty quickly." 
He rolled his eyes at me and patted my head like a chld, "Okay, but just stay here and rest for now. No sneaking out the window like last time, either. You'll miss the surprise."
I looked over at him as he headed out the door. Bleh. . .If he ever got caged up like a bird, I bet he would want to sneak out too. Oh well, time to make my move~. Slowly, I got out of the bed. A little wobbly mind you, but nothing a little walk couldn't remedy. The window was eay to get out of, being the house was only one story and all. As soon as both of my bare feet hit the mulch of the vocalist Kao's garden, freedom was all mine. I walked for a while, the occassional pedestrian or car staring at me like they'd never seen someone walking around in Konnichiwa Koneko-chan pajamas before. But it was rare. We lived in a quiet neighborhood, lot's of kids.
Slowly, a car stopped beside me and a window rolled down. There were five guys. Honestly, that was where my thoughts of why it was a bad idea to sneak off hit me in the face. Ah, but I never was one to listen much. "Sumimasen," the person who looked to be in his mid to late twenties started, "Can you tell me where this address is?" He handed me a slip of peper with soeme writing on it. I looked it over for a sec, then back at the man, then to the paper again, before handing it back to him. So, is this the surprise Byo wanted me to see so much? "Yeah," I muttered and pointed in the opposite direction of where they were headed, "It's that way. Take your first left and drive down to the third intersection. Keep going down until you get to the end of the road. The house you're looking for is dark purple with a big flower garden in the front. . .can't miss it."
The man drove off, but his face lingered in my head. He looked strangely familiar, like I'd seen him somewhere before.I shrugged it off and started walking again.
~*~*~Back Home:Byo~*~*~
I cannot beleive she ran off-Again. And today of all times when we have visitors coming over! But what can any of us possibly do? She's a grown women, and it's not like we can legally chain her to the bed when she gets like this. I was picking up in my room when the doorbell rang. Maybe that's her? I walked into the living, greeted by a two person hug fest. "Aki-chan~!!" "Kao-kao~!!"
While the two sibling were reuniting, I went to go shake hands with our other guests. "Hi, I'm Byo, welcome. Please stay as long as you want."
"Thank you, I'm Izumi."
"Nao, and thank you for letting us stay on such short notice."
"I'm Shin, nice to meet you."
"Thanks, and I'm Isshi."
~*~*~Back to the Street:Hours Later:Haneul~*~*~
It was getting kind of late now, and everyone was probably pretty worried about me. I had been out walking for. . .only Kami-sama knows how long. And then. . .yet another car pulls up to me. Only, I recognize it. "Hey kid, I've been out looking for you a while now,"It was Byo."
I clicked my tounge and got in on the passenger side. The ride home was quiet, but only took a few minutes. I had been walking the same streets. When we got to the house, he turned the car off, but stayed inside. Then, Byo looked at me very seriously. "Satsuki," he called me sternly, "When you see them, don't jump them. Act natural, then leave to your room as soon as possible. Now, let's go."
I stared at him wierdly, then followed him inside.It was then, that I realized what he was talking about. There, in my very own livingroom, was not only the guy that had asked me for directions hours ago, but I realized where I had seen him before. . .It was Kagrra,. No, not a cover band, not cosplayers, the real thing. Kagrra, was in my house, sitting on my couch, watching my television, eating food from my fridge, playing my bass- wait, what? And yes, Nao from Kagrra, is indeed. . .playing MY bass. At this point, I didn't know what to think. Was I dreaming? Probably not, I'm normally a very lucid dreamer. Plus, my horoscope did say something really awesome as supposed to happen today. And if this isn't aewsome, I don't know what is. So I said the only think that came to mind, "Awesome."
Byo rolled his eyes(He seems to do that a lot when I'm around), and guided me into my room. I flopped face forward into my bed and rolled to my back. Byo sat next to me. "See~, I told you to stay calm and everything worked out perfectly!" 
I probably would have heard him, had my thoughts not been racing at a thousand kilometers per hour. Kagrra, in my house. Kagrra, in my house. Kagrra, in my house. Kagrra,. . . But otherwise, everything was perfectly normal in Haneul land. I didn't hear Byo leave the room, but I did see the door wide open. Sighing, I laid back on the bed and tried to sleep off the excitement. Unfortunetly, for once in my life, it was an impossible task. Kagrra, in my house. Kagrra, in my house. Kagrra, in my house. But how in the world? Akiya and Kao were sitting together, so maybe they're secretly dating. Or even worse-relatives! I can't beleive Kao kept this from me for so long. She is so gonna get it when I wake up tomorrow. Ah crap, I'm hungry. Seriously, really hungry. . .I could eat an elephant right now. Aish, I should have eaten this morning. That box of candies from the convinience store wasn't enough. Okay. . . Operation: Retrieve Food from the Fridge So Fast that No One Sees You has begun.
Careful to shut the door behind me, I snuck down the hallway, but got as far as the open doorway to the livingroom. I could hear them chattering away, so I slipped by like it was nothing. The kitchen was clear, so I shut the door and went to the fridge. Tatsuki, one of our guitarists, liked to keep it stocked. The strawberries and fruit dip looked good, so I grabbed those and sneaked back into to hallway. Once I got to my room though, I noticed the door was opened. With the audience as a collective witness, that door was shut. I knew I should have locked the door. But who in the world would go in their? Maybe someone from Kagrra, mistook it as another room. When they opened the door, they must have noticed all the merch on my walls. Posters, home-made collages, Kagrra, painted on my wall. . .and the Plushies. Oh god no, not the plushies. I'm dead if they see the plushies. Whoever it is will brand me as a Kagrra, fangirl for life. I'll never live this down. 
Picking up enough courage, I walked in a bit, but kept my gaze towards my delicious strawberries. 
For the love of all things Gackt, it was Isshi. I could recognize that voice anywhere. At a concert, during an interview, in my dreams. . .Okay, so maybe that was a bit too far. But hey, it's Isshi of Kagrra,. You can't tell me that you've never actually thought about THAT with HIM, right? No, hasn't everyone? I mean, come on! How awesome would it be to make potholders with THE Isshi of Kagrra,. Oh wait. . .you thought I meant something else, didn't you? Ew, seriously gross. I mean, come on. . .Hes like, ten years older than me. No, I've never thought of THAT kind of THAT with THE Isshi of Kagrra,. Although, now that you mention it. . .
I shook the random thought off my head and directed my attention towards HIM. He was playing around with my. . .Aw , my Isshi plushie. He did look kind of cute holding it though. I must admit, the plushies I do are pretty awesome. So awesome, one of my friends tried to by my Nao plushie last week. She offered to pay me at least 500,000 Yen for it. I told her no, and that if she wanted to pay that much for a plushie. . .she needed some serious mental help. Not even I, the great plushie collector, pay that much for plushies. So I normally make my own. It's a hobby. "Oh I'm sorry, is this your room?"
My head popped up at his voice, and a barely audible "Hm?" came out. "Sorry for coming in like that, It's just, I saw this," He held up the plushie, "And thought he seemed a bit familiar."
"Yeah," I nodded, "This is my room. . ."
He grinned, "So you're a fan?"
So now he was mocking me? Wasn't it obvious? Collages that I worked hours on, just making sure all the pictures were placed just right and plushies that I spent money just looking for the perfect materials to use-Yeah, I'm no fan. I just nodded in response. It was an akward silence after that. Nothing to say really came to mind. But what could I have said? Hey, Isshi-sama, I almost litterally worship the ground you walk on, I've been to a lot of Kagrra,'s concerts and every single one of them were awesome. I have all of your CD's and live DVD's, and Kagrra,'s music is all I listen to! I love you so much, can we get married? In my own little world, I'm a crazed fangirl, thristy for Visual-Kei. It's quite scary actually. . . "Uhm, Aish," I stuttered, "You can have the plushie if you want."
He smiled at the plushie and set it down, shaking his head no. I frowned a little, did he not think it was good enough? "You really like this one," He grinned at me this time, "But will you make one for me one day?"
A blush covered my cheeks and I nodded slightly, clearly speechless. He nudged past me and out the door. I stared at the Isshi plushie for a moment before going over and picking it up. My attention was then directed, once again, to all of my band merch. Well, there was a brightside to all this. Instead of thinking, "Kagrra's in my house", I can think, "Isshi's been in my bedroom!" 
Author's Note: I wrote this on January the first, just a few months before Kagrra, had their demise and Isshi well. . .yeah. The style is different from usual, but I really liked re-reading this and I thought that maybe someone else would as well. If anyone does happen to stumble upon this, please leave a comment and tell me what you think. I would like to pursue this story more after my Kevin one is done!
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Its so cute but its kind of heartbreaking to think that Isshi isn't with us anymore. Its really sweet that you wrote this. I really look up to Isshi so it makes me cry reading fics with him in it. But I guess Isshi will still look after us even if he isn't here. Like what other fans say Isshi is a sakura tree that will never stlp blooming. I really miss Isshi and Kagrra together. Thank you for writing this.