

V, an ordinary and cheerful boy who came from a poor family. Even though he came from a poor family,he is kind and generous and also polite. He worked at a cafe called "DAYUM CAFE" that is located in daegu.

Irene,a pretty but arrogant girl who came from a rich family. Her life is full of money but not happiness that is a total opposite from V.


Eomma!appa!I will get going now!or not i will be late for work!annyeong!take care!

Ahh,today's weather is quite good,a sunny day but also windy. Gosh, I love it!


Annyeonghaseyo!Im sorry for coming late today!I will change right away!

Ya,taehyung ah!come here for a second I have something to tell you. Jimin whispers me

What is it?

I heard that yoona has resign,is it true?asked jimin

ah,maybe it is,because I dont see yoona today. Do you know the reason she resigned?

I dont know is this true or not but I heard that its because of our boss. The story is quite long but i will cut it out, Yesterday night yoona came home from work quite late because she has to cleaned up the cafe. Suddenly a man came from her back and close using his hands. And it turnes out to be our boss. Maybe yoona resigned because she was ually harrased by our boss?who knows? jimin replied

oh,where did you heard this story from?

I heard it from yuri. She says yoona is still trauma due to the incident.

Ohh,I see, I should get to work now.

Yes you should.


There is a group of girls walked into our cafe and take a sit right next to the window. Jimin sked me to take their orders so I just go with it.

Annyeonghaseyo!welcome to our cafe!what would you like to order?

Please give us 1 mocha,2 latte,1 americano and 1 cup of hot chocolate thank you. Answered one of them while smiling at me.

I get it. Out of the blue,someone tapping my back while saying "oh miss irene,you are already here!im glad to see you!taehyung ah can you please take irene to the best sit. I have something to discuss with her. Can you?". it turned out to be my boss

Nae,I will show her to the VVIP room. Just follow me Miss Irene.

I take her to the VVIP ROOM. the room is quite private.After I lead her to the room I was planning to leave her. But before I left the room, I said to her. "miss irene,please be careful"

she just replied with an annoyed face

I go back and helped jimin make their coffee. And give it to them. Suddenly one of the said "ya,irene told us to go first than she will go to the penthouse. Lets go."

Jimin and I greeted them happily. The clock already shows to 10.30,and we supposed to go home at this time. but we decided to go home late because we want to clean the cafe. The cafe was completely quiet because only jimin,I,boss and miss irene are left. While cleaning the cafe jimin played a song to break the silence. Suddenly we heard a girl screaming for helps. Jimin and I was shocked but we stay silent because we thought that we're hearing things. A few minutes later, we heard a girl screaming for helped again. we were very panicked and shocked suddenly we remembered the stories that yuri told. I told jimin to call for the police while i checked the situation. I immediatly run to the VVIP room and I was very shocked to see that our boss that is Mr kim is leaning miss irene onto the wall while irene is trying very hard to avoiding mr kim. The two of them are looking at me when Im enter the room. Miss irene is looking at me as if she was asking for help. I dont know where do I gained the strength but I punched mr.kim on his face really hard. While miss irene has fainted. I thought that mr kim has already fainted so I go to help miss irene suddenly I felt that someone is knocking my using someting really hard. i fell for a moment then I came back to my sense. Seeing that someone treated a woman badly make my anger increase. I stand up and kicked mr kim and punched him on the face. And after seeing that he has tired. I carry miss irene quickly. The police and ambulance have arrived. miss irene is already safe in the ambulance. the police officer caught Mr kim and bought him to the jail. Jimin and I closed the cafe and go to the police station to helped the police investigation. Jimin told the police officer about yoona's case and they asked us to left our phone number and told us to go home and said that they will call us if there something happened. But we picked to go to the hospital to checked on miss irene condition. As soon as we arrived there we go to the emergancy ward and asked about miss irene condition. We were very relieved when the nurse told us that she was ok but she is still unconcious. I asked them have they called her parents. but the nurse said that they have told her parents but they seems like they dont care about her. Jimin then asked if they has called her friends. and they said that they have called her friends and they are all on their way now. Its already 12:30 p.m., jimin has already went home and there is only me left in the ward that miss irene was placed. I planned to stay until her friends come. But,I fell asleep on the chair in her ward.



I awaked from sleep. And my body feels really hurt. My hand is full of bruise and my leg is full of red patches. The clocks shows that it almost 5 in the morning. And suddenly I realised that I was at the hospital and there was an uknown man who has fell asleep on the chair beside my back. I tried to remember things and I realised that he is the one who help me from mr kim. Ah that . I should have trusted this guy tho.I tried to remember his name and I think his name is taehyung because that is what mr kim called him when he wants him to lead me to the VVIP room. I felt very guilty to taehyung because I was rude to him when he was just trying to hel. and look now irene ah!he is the one that help you!I wanted to say thanks to him but I dont want to waked him up so I let him sleep until he wakes up on his own. I think he was very tired due to fighting with mr kim yesterday. i owe him a lot tho. I tried to sleep but I cant so I just played with my phone and I asked seulgi,yeri,joy and wendy why are they not coming to visits me at the hosp. they said that they already comes last night but I was sleeping so they dont want to wake me up. Suddenly,taehyung waked up. our eyes met for the first time. and why are my heart fluttering. We stays in that position for like 10 seconds and suddenly taehyung comes back to his sense  asking that where is him now. I just answered that he is at the hosp because he fell asleep while waiting my friends came to visit me. and he said that he forgot and asked me how do i feel now and i just told him that im feeling a little better now but my body is still hurts. 

p/s- TH is taehyung and JH iss irene

TH- Its good if you are feeling a little better now.

JH-I wanted to thanked youu and your friends for helping me. if both of you are not there. I dont know what will happened to me. And I am very sorry for being rude to you yesterdy. I feel really guilty. Can we have a proper introduction?my name is bae joohyun but you can just call me irene , I am 20 years old. Im born in  November.

TH-No need to thanked me. Its my pleasure anyway. We hear you screams so we came to help you. And yeah you seems very rude yesterday but now you are really like a different girl you seems really nice and pretty today. you are pretty to yesterday but this kind of personality makes you a lot more beautiful. By the way. im taehyung or you can call me tae or v. Im 20 years old to but I guess I am your oppa because I born in september. So now can I be friends with you because you came from a rich family while I am just an ordinary boy who is too ugly to be friends with you.

JH-I dont really cares tho. It doesnt even matter to me. As long as you can be a good friend to me then I dont care. Btw,are you working at the cafe?and of course we can be a friend

TH-yes. I worked at that cafe.Btw,can I get your phone number?

JH-yes of course you can. And one more thing why are you saying that you are ugly?you are handsome enough. My friends are on their way to come here now

TH-Thank you. I will wait here until your friends come.

Suddenly,joy,yeri,wendy and seulgi came in while saying "WHAAAA, you just met yesterday and you've got closer now!"

taehyug and I are shocked taeyung greeted them and told them their name. and they also told taehyung their name.

TH-Irene ah your friends are here. Can I get going now?

JH-Of course you can. Thank you for taking care of me for 1 night!annyeong!

TH-I will visit you if I have any free time!annyeong


YR-Wah irene unnie already has a boyfriend

SG-Irene unnie isnt this the first boy that you are closed?you have no friends instead of us.

WD-thats right. You are already interested in him?

JOY-this is the first boy tho. but that boy suits you a lot he is good looking and you are pretty. Two of you will make a prfect couple.

JH-we are just friend guys..


Sending message to jimin- Jimin hyung. Lets meet today at the folk cafe. I have many things to tell you.


JM-What do you want to tell me?

TH-I feel asleep at the hosp last night. Just two of us. I waked up this morning. Both of us talked about manyy things. She is really pretty even though she just waked up from sleep. She is really nice to me. I think......

JM-you have fell in love with her arent you?

TH-maybe. I think I am. I want to visit her this afternoon. Can you come with me?you can get known her friends.

JM-I only like the one with the orange hair. She is pretty.

TH-her name is seulgi. Btw. I have to tell irene that we are going to visited her.

irene ah. This is Taehyung. Jimin and I are going to visit you this afternoon.     sending to irene.....

oh. Just come. joy,wendy and yeri are not here they going out to eat. im only with seulgi now. Can you come with jimin?seulgi said that jimin is handsome- irene

I will bring him. I will bought a food for bot of you. just wait we will come right away!

thank you!!-irene


TH:annyeonghaseyo!we bought some burgers for both of you~

JH:thank you taehyung oppa

JM n SG-wahhh calling taehyung oppa!!

SG-you are jimn right. Can we eat together at the canteen?I want to know you closer. 

JM- of course!lets go!taehyung want to confess to irene noona. lets go!*while whispering*

TH- oh,Irene ah I have something to tell you. I know its too early. For the first time I look at you. I have been attracted to you. And this morning where our eyes met each other my heart flutters a lot. and I think I have fallen in love for you

JH-oh,oppaa!you are sweet!actually I want to tell you that I feel the same to. This morning,you cared about me so much!it made me blushed!and you are the first boy that i have ever liked for entire my life. I only have joy,wendy yeri and seulgi in my life. My parents only gave me money!the dont love me!i hope that youu can take cared of me well!!

TH-soo,would you like to be my girlfriend?



out of the blue- wendy,seulgi,joy,yeri and jimn came from nowhere while clapping their hands. and said that whahhh irene unnie already have a namja chinguuuu and jimin said that he and seulgi are dating now!


                                                                                                    THE END~




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