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“God, where is she?”

Sehun was mumbling lowly, asking himself the same question repeatedly as he was slowly waking up from his bed, eyes wandered looking for his boxer. The apartment was too quiet right now. There was no single noise created if Narae was around. The man stood up on his feet now, putting on his boxer before he walked out of his bedroom. His locks were messy and slightly covering his forehead so he ran his long fingers backward. He headed towards the kitchen as he thought she might be there because that’s where Narae always being every in the morning, preparing breakfast for both of them. Unfortunately, Narae was not there so Sehun started to get even more panic right now.

The man hurried towards her old bedroom, because who knows she got something that she got inside there or maybe to get her own clothes since she changed her old bedroom into her closet now. As Sehun reached closer, the bedroom’s door was opened and there’s no sound created as well. He even peeked inside and the answer was negative. He cupped his face in frustration and various kind of question appeared in his head right now.

‘This isn’t a dream, right?’

‘What if all those things that happened were only my imagination?’

‘No. It’s true. Narae already home.’

He spun around and opened big steps back to his room in order to get fully dressed up, all he thought right now was to quickly find Narae if she was really going out of the house. He will not allow her to leave him again. Not anymore. Right after he stepped inside his bedroom, Sehun paused. His eyebrows were drawn together and his eyes slightly squinted, trying to focus. He blinked in a quick pace as he listened to the sound properly and calling out her name, in a grateful way.

“Oh Narae…”

He sped up towards the bathroom and sighed in relief after he saw Narae inside of the bathroom. Narae was there, inside of the bathroom with still in her night gown and her hair was all messy as she was sweating terribly. The female was kneeling in front of the toilet bowl, caused the relief expression on Sehun’s visage faded away. He leaned closer, lowering his tall figure down to gently squeezing her shoulders. Narae was throwing up. Over and over again, explained why she was coated in beads of sweat.

“Hey. Hey. Easy.”

Letting go of her shoulders, Sehun helped Narae by holding onto her hair that was on its way when Narae desperately throwing up. Another hand was pressing against her back, massaging it up and down to ease her puking process. He shook his head as he felt sorry of what happened. Narae pulled away from the toilet bowl, the female was panting heavily and her hand pressed against her stomach, massaging it lightly then went upward to her chest, patting it lightly.

“W-What’s wrong? Was I too rough last night to actually cause you –“

Narae burst into a small laugh although she was already worn out. Narae cupped whilst shaking her head then she glanced over her shoulder to her husband, who looked so worried towards his wife.

“You serious?”

Sehun nodded his head, innocently. Narae laughed again and it’s getting even louder than before. Narae pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head once again. She never thought that her husband can get pretty clueless or innocent sometimes. As she was keep laughing at Sehun, she got choked and getting uneasy once again around and chest so she quickly massaged her chest. She obviously wants to stop from keep throwing up. She took a deep breath and relaxing herself for awhile before she talked.

“It…I just felt uneasy in my stomach and chest. That’s why I keep throwing up. Sorry for making you worried.”

Sehun helped her to slowly standing up on her feet then flushing all her stuffs away and then he slowly massaged her back to comfort her.

“Let’s go to the hospital, okay?”

Narae quickly rejected the idea and shook her head furiously.

“Nah. No need. I bet this is just for a moment. It’s going to get better soon.”

Right after she said so, Narae gagged. She was shivering and was about to throw up once again, Narae was quickly gripping onto Sehun’s arm tightly whilst the other hand cupped . She whined and shutting her eyes closed tightly. Her eyes got teary because she was holding in.

”Look at you. Obviously, you’re not okay. We’re going to the hospital and no but or any excuses. I’ll take a leave to accompany you there today.”

Sehun said his decision firmly and Narae glanced to her husband with her lips pursed out forming a small pout, whining lowly. Sehun lifted his hand up and lightly giving his wife a small flick against the forehead. Her whine got louder this time and Sehun chuckled. The man lowered his head down and pressed his lips against her forehead, the place where he flicked earlier, kissing it lovingly.

“Now, go take your shower first. I need to inform the office about my leave.”

She finally nodded her head obediently; etching a big smile on her face after the husband kissed her forehead. She slowly letting go of his arm and proceed to the cubicle inside of the bathroom, undressing herself, well shamelessly in front of her husband in order to take a shower.

“You can be quite bold sometimes, Oh Narae.”

Sehun mumbled and he slowly walked out of the bathroom, letting Narae to take the shower comfortably. He reached for his phone and dialled up his assistant’s office number.






“No. That’s not what I mean. Sorry. I was explaining it to you wrongly.”

The man was scratching his nape lightly, trying to find the right words to use to explain to the others about the paperwork that he need to present, involved between the profit and the marketing that they were going to do together. He hummed lowly as he read the paperwork again.

“The company doesn’t want to use a big expenses for this project and what’s I’m trying to say here is –“

“Emergency leave?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Ah, hospital. Alright then. Take care both of you. Say hello from me to Narae.”

Donghae’s words were stopped when he heard Sehun’s assistant was on the phone with someone, which is obviously with Sehun especially when he heard she mentioned the word ‘Narae’ before she hung up.

Perhaps, it’s Donghae’s lucky day or it’s a big coincidence that’s Donghae needs to go to Marketing department to discuss about a work when Sehun suddenly called, informing his assistant about his emergency leave that day in order to go to the hospital, to check on Narae’s condition who kept throwing up. Donghae was not listening to his partner anymore as he was wondering to himself about what’s happened and the reasons why Sehun need to bring Narae to the hospital. Donghae was indeed such a busy body. He just needs to know everything when it comes to Sehun so that he can plan something new to destroy the man’s life.

“Sorry! I suddenly remember that I have to do something and it is pretty emergency too!”

He turned around and said sorry to his partner, he even bowed his head down before he ran away, making his way to his car in the basement parking lot. After he got inside of his car, he froze in his seat. He slammed his own head against the head rest while cursing under his breath.

“What the did I thought – Seoul is a big city and it doesn’t have only one hospital…”

He shook his head, pressing on the pedal and decided to go to the nearest hospital from the office. As he got there, he can’t even spot Narae or Sehun around the emergency waiting seats. Donghae shook his head, because he knew he arrived at the wrong hospital and he went straight to the other closest hospital. That’s when he finally saw Narae and Sehun were waiting for their turn to get inside of the doctor’s room. He smirked to himself, thought that he was indeed such a lucky guy in finding out about stuffs. He heard a nurse called out for Narae’s name and he got closer after the married couple got inside. He was about to lean closer to eavesdrop the conversation the couple had with the doctor but all eyes were on him.

Donghae lowered his head down as he felt embarrassed, bo

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Chapter 22: OMG !! This was so good authornim but don't end it here please!!
Chapter 22: Dont leave is hanging pleaseee
Jisoo_Kim #3
Chapter 22: already finale??? are you going to make an epilogue?? at least Sehun and Narae are together and happy
thank you for updating authornim : )
Chapter 22: so at last he commit suicide ? aww ~ too bad he choose that to end his life.. but nah.. at least Oh Sehun and Narae is happy.. Thankyou for the great story..
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 22: Thanks authornim
_nxbila #6
Chapter 21: it's okay authornim your well being is all that matters
Jisoo_Kim #7
Chapter 21: it's okay I won't unsubscribe it. still waiting for next chap...
fighting authornim : )
Madhura1234 #8
Chapter 21: It's okay do not be sad
Chapter 21: himnaeseyoo!
charcy26 #10
I love the storyline