chapter 12

of emoticons and bubble tea

"Isn't that your third F this week?"

"None of your darn business!"

"C'mon, tell me! I mean, I know anyway but still."

Jongin sighs in defeat while eyeing the exam paper in his hand. The letter 'F' stares back at him, written and circled in bold red marker. Baekhyun is right, this is his third, no - maybe even fourth F this week and Jongin is certain he'll be failing Literature as well (he blames Sehun). Balling the paper up in his hand, Jongin carelessly stuffs it in his backpack before turning to his best friend who is busy checking through his own exam which - inevitably - has a perfect score. 

"Good job, Einstein," Jongin says sarcastically before pulling out his phone and biting his lower lip when he doesn't see any new texts from Sehun. Not wanting to get his phone confiscated, he quickly shoves it back into his pocket before tapping his foot against the floor. His lesson ends in five minutes and he wants nothing more than to get out of here and dive under his blankets the second he arrives home and text Sehun for the rest of the day. If the latter chooses to answer, that is. Jongin swallows the lump in his throat. 

"He'll text you back," Baekhyun says from his usual position next to Jongin, making the latter flinch a little. "You'll survive," he adds before smoothing out his paper and neatly placing it in his binder. Jongin just glares at his best friend because how on Earth did he know that?

"What are you saying?" Jongin stifles a yawn. He hasn't slept a wink. 

"You heard me. You'll be fine. He'll contact you again and you'll live happily ever after," Baekhyun sing-songs. 

Jongin blinks. "H-how did you kn-"

"I've known you since we were little, I know all about your love issues." Baekhyun shoots Jongin a small wink before cracking his knuckles and standing up. "Get up, class is over."

Eyes widening in surprise, Jongin looks around and nearly chokes when he realizes the entire classroom is empty save for him, Baekhyun and the teacher. "Wh-"

"You were so wrapped up in worrying about Sehun that you missed the goddamn bell," Baekhyun giggles. "Typical Kim Jongin. Typical."

Jongin slaps Baekhyun on the arm before grabbing his backpack and following the latter out of the room.


"Dude, if you try to fit anything else in there your entire locker will combust, I'm telling you."

"Shut up," Baekhyun grunts before attempting to squeeze his binder and textbooks in his locker (that's already on the brink of overflowing), with little success. He finally manages to shut his locker completely, turning and facing Jongin with a triumphant grin, ignoring the sound of something falling over on the inside. Jongin prays it wasn't his and Baekhyun's art project. 

"You know," Jongin says, watching Baekhyun pick up his bag, "for someone who's a straight-A student who never misses a day of school, you sure have an awfully organized locker."

Baekhyun merely shrugs before they both turn a corner and proceed to walk towards the main entrance. Yawning, he looks at Jongin. "As long as I stay on top, I couldn't give a damn about how neat my locker is."

"On top? Of what?"

"The class, knucklehead."

Jongin nods in understanding (he really has nothing to say against that since Baekhyun truly is on top of every class) before furrowing his eyebrows in worry. Baekhyun, inevitably, immediately notices and, inevitably, questions him about it, much to Jongin's irritation.

"Are you thinking about him again?"

"What's it to you?" Jongin murmurs, turning his face away. Baekhyun's bright red (and freshly dyed) hair is starting to blind him.

"Nothing," Baekhyun chirps before unwrapping a piece of gum and popping it into his mouth. "I just figured you shouldn't be so worried all the time. At least not right now," he adds before proceeding to blow a big, pink bubble. Jongin fights the urge to pop it.

"What do you mean, 'right now'? He just stopped ing texting me out of the goddamn blue - coincidentally, right after I called him my boyfriend. You know I like him, you'd be ing worried out of your goddamn mind as well," Jongin says in one breath before swinging one of the doors open, still looking down at his shoes as he sullenly makes his way down the few steps leading up to the school building.

"Of course I'd be worried," Baekhyun says in between chews. Jongin notices Baekhyun's voice trailing off at the last word (it's almost as if Baekhyun sounds...distracted?) but he doesn't comment on it. Jongin quickly dismisses the thought. "It's just that, like I said, there's nothing to worry about."

Jongin balls his hands into fists before shooting his best friend a stern glare. "Listen, I appreciate you trying to help me feel better and all," he says in annoyance, "but you only know like, half of the story so I don't see how you can be so goddamn sure about--" he quickly goes silent when he sees Baekhyun staring ahead, into the distance with a smirk-like grin on his face. Raising an eyebrow in confusion (and mild irritation given the fact that Baekhyun is an expert at zoning out while he's being talked to), Jongin follows Baekhyun's gaze and -


In the distance, about a hundred feet away, Jongin can barely make out the outline of a hoodless black car (he isn't sure though, considering the fact that his vision has worsened since he started high school). He squints his eyes before averting his gaze so he's staring a little more to the right and -


Again, Jongin isn't a hundred percent sure, but he's at least eighty percent sure he sees Sehun casually leaning against the hood of his car, both hands in the pockets of his (extremely expensive-looking) suit pants, hair the usual shade of blond. Jongin feels a million flowers bloom in the center of his chest and stomach when Sehun looks up and proceeds to wave at them (or him, Jongin isn't sure) before gesturing for them to come closer.

It isn't until Jongin feels a hand harshly slap on the back that he realizes that he's been standing completely still for a minute or so and he turns to face Baekhyun. He doesn't get a chance to utter a single word before the latter speaks up.

"See? I told you you didn't need to wor - hey, you're blushing!" Baekhyun reaches out and pokes Jongin's cheek, the latter harshly smacking his hand away. 

"I'm not, shut up, it's the cold," Jongin mumbles but he doesn't believe himself. Instead, he turns his face away and turns to look at Sehun who's still gesturing for them to come over. Jongin clears his throat and looks at Baekhyun. "Should we?"

"What?" Baekhyun's jaw nearly hits the floor, his gum nearly falling out of his mouth. Jongin wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Of course we should! What'd you want to do - turn around and walk right back into the school? Get the hell over there!" he exclaims in excitement before lightly shoving Jongin. Baekhyun groans when Jongin still doesn't move and opts to place a hand on the latter's back and literally walk him over to where Sehun is standing. It's not my fault, Jongin thinks, my legs feel like goddamn cement.

A minute or so later they approach Sehun's car and Jongin instantly feels his heart race when Baekhyun removes his hand from his back. Jongin doesn't have the courage to look up at Sehun and into his eyes so he opts to check out the latter's attire instead - a full-piece suit that looks like it costs a fortune, matching black dress shoes and an ironed white undershirt with the cuffs showing. Jongin gulps when his eyes trail upwards and his gaze lands on a dark blue tie with yellow-ish stripes. Seriously, is he a millionaire? Something shiny catches Jongin's eye and he nearly collapses in surprise when he sees two Rolex watches on Sehun's left wrist. Yup, Jongin thinks, he owns a goddamn fortune.

Jongin looks up just in time to see Sehun greet Baekhyun with a hug before the latter turns to face him with a large smile on his face. Taking it as his cue to do something, Jongin clears his throat, trying to rid his mind of the thick fog that's preventing him from thinking straight. He looks up at Sehun and instinctively gulps when he sees the latter's piercing gaze. "H-hi."

All three of them stand in complete silence before the sound of Baekhyun bursting into laughter soon fills the air. Sehun follows suit, chuckling under his breath before digging his hands deeper into his pockets. 

"You're so lame," Baekhyun chokes out with a slap to Jongin's shoulder. Jongin, as usual, aggressively slaps Baekhyun's hand away. 

Trying his best to control the blush that's starting to creep up his neck, Jongin opens his mouth again. "H-how did you," he stutters, "what are you doing here?"

Sehun blinks before his expression turns smug. "Remember what I asked you yesterday?"

Jongin racks his brain for memories of yesterday's events. " asked me..."

"At what time your last lesson ended," Sehun finishes for him. "Well, I may or may not have contacted Baekhyun and asked him how to get to your school," he says sheepishly before nodding towards Baekhyun who's got a shameless expression plastered all over his delicate features. 

Jongin blinks before his face explodes with a certain hotness. Damn blush. He runs over to Baekhyun and lightly slaps him on the arm (when in reality, Jongin feels extremely grateful). "Why did you-" he starts but suddenly turns around so he's facing Sehun. "Wait, is that why you didn't answer my text yesterday?"

 Sehun's face suddenly falls. "What?" he his head to the side.

"The text, my text," Jongin babbles, flailing his arms around everywhere and accidentally striking Baekhyun in the face in the process. Ignoring the latter's cry of protest, Jongin stares at Sehun with an expectant gaze. "Remember???"

"I didn't get a...wait, hold on." Sehun reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone (after a brief struggle given the fact that his pants are abnormally tight). "Let's see." He opens his messages app and raises his eyebrow when he sees Jongin's text. "I think my service must've shut down at some point since I could neither receive nor send anything for like an hour, so I gave up eventually."

Baekhyun slaps Jongin on the back. "I told you not to worry, didn't I?"

"Is there a problem?" Sehun stares at Baekhyun.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that Jongin here has been going on and on about how much he loves you and how much he wishes you'd love him ba - ow, Jongin, God damn you!" Baekhyun exclaims, rubbing the sore spot on his arm. "It's true!"

"Shut it, Baek," Jongin exclaims, hand raised above his head in a threatening manner. "I'll hit you again, I swear." He turns to Sehun, trying his best to conceal his blush. "Ignore him, he's cra-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence when Sehun leans in and presses their lips together, much to Jongin's surprise (and embarrassment). Feeling the familiar electric rush travel down his spine, Jongin's eyes automatically slips shut and the next thing he hears is the sound of Baekhyun's ear-piercing squeal from three feet away. Damn you, Baekhyun.

Sehun pulls away and wraps his arms around Jongin's waist, quickly pulling him closer before lovingly staring into his eyes. "Hey."

Leaning his head against Sehun's chest, Jongin sighs when he feels Sehun's body heat envelope him. The anxiety he had been feeling just ten minutes ago has disappeared without a trace, much to his relief. "Hi." Jongin can't help but look away and bury his face in Sehun's chest when the latter proceeds to dip down and plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. God. Why does Baekhyun have to see this? Why, why, why?

"Should I leave?" Baekhyun pipes up from next to them, but there's absolutely no hint of discomfort in his voice in the slightest. In fact, Jongin thinks he senses a sense of amusement in Baekhyun's voice and he automatically hates his best friend a little more.

"Nah," Sehun says before resting the left side of his face on the top of Jongin's head. "You're fine."

"Just saying," Baekhyun's says as his face grows into a smirk, "for future reference, Jongin may be silent and shy as hell but in reality he can get pretty loud and annoying so you're gonna need to go to great lengths to get him to shut up."

Ignoring Jongin's mortified squawk, Sehun nods before tightening his grip around Jongin's waist before the latter can squirm away and murder Baekhyun (Jongin proceeds to give his best friend the evil eye instead). "I'll keep that in mind."

Nodding, Baekhyun zips his jacket when a gust of wind passes. ", it's getting cold as . Oh and, uh, any particular reason as to why Prince Charming chose to pick up his princess in a fancy- car, or?" he asks and moves aside in the nick of time to avoid getting his right arm chopped off when Jongin takes a swing at him.

 "Well," Sehun starts, grabbing Jongin's arm before he gets the chance to hit Baekhyun a second time. "I thought it'd be nice if we could visit my university together. I just realized I left my Math textbook in my locker and I need it for next week's exam. How does that sound?"

Jongin feels his heart swell with happiness. "That sounds great, I've always wanted to see what your uni looks like."

"Awh," Baekhyun coos, putting his hands on either side of his face for dramatic effect, "how romantic. Perhaps Sehun can teach you a thing or two about human anatomy, then, while he's at it?" 

"Shut up!" Jongin attempts to smack Baekhyun again but fails. "Ignore him, Sehun, he's a goddamn brat sometimes."

"See, this is exactly what I mean by 'keep him quiet'," Baekhyun rolls his eyes before smirking. "You'll do that, won't you Sehun? I'm counting on you."

Sehun chuckles before nodding. "Don't worry, I'll do my best."

"I hate you both, I hate you both," Jongin mumbles into Sehun's chest. God, he hates his friends sometimes. A cold gust of wind passes and Jongin shivers before sticking his hands into Sehun's pockets. He grits his teeth when he hears Baekhyun's overly excited squeal. 

"You two are so ing adorable, I swear to God," Baekhyun gushes, eyes shimmering. "It's like you were made for each other," he adds before proceeding to wipe away an imaginary tear. Yup, Jongin definitely hates him a lot more.

"Just leave already," Jongin mutters under his breath. All he wants to do right now is get into Sehun's car and visit his university and be with him in peace, far, far away from Baekhyun. "Why are you still here."

"Duh, I wanna see what Prince Charming does with his princess," Baekhyun sniggers and yelps when Jongin's arm suddenly swings out and hits him square in the stomach. "Jongin, ing !"

"I warned you," Jongin shrugs and turns to face Sehun who looks...entertained. "Sorry - we should go."

Sehun nods before lifting his head and looking at Baekhyun who is busy cradling his stomach. "You okay?"

"M'fine," Baekhyun says with a wince. "Jeez, Sehun, your princess sure is aggressive. Better work hard to get her under control."

"Do you need a ride home?" Sehun slowly loosens his grip around Jongin's waist, much to the latter's disappointment. He plants a soft kiss on Jongin's temple before opening the car door. "After you."

Jongin attempts a weak smile before sliding into the passenger seat and instantly shudders when he feels Sehun's body heat slowly leave his body. Something fuzzy settles in the pit of his stomach when memories from yesterday pop into his head.

"Nah, wouldn't wanna ruin you guys' alone time," Baekhyun winks. 

"Are you sure? It's like two degrees out," Sehun raises an eyebrow, ignoring Jongin when the latter tugs on his sleeve. "Really, it wouldn't be a problem."

"No, no, I'm good. I live really close anyway." Baekhyun slings his bag over his shoulder before stepping aside. "Oh, and I don't wanna be a bother; I figure you're gonna need all that space in the backseat anyway," he adds and bursts out laughing when Jongin shoots him the most evil glare Baekhyun has ever seen in his life. "I kid, I kid! Kinda. Not really."

"Alright, suit yourself," Sehun nods before getting in the car and shoving the key in the ignition. "Take care."

Baekhyun nods and nearly cries with laughter when he sees Jongin put a possessive hand on Sehun's arm. Giggling, Baekhyun wordlessly puts his hands up in defense before Sehun backs out of the parking area. "You too."

With a small salute in Baekhyun's direction, Sehun slowly turns the car around before driving off, down the gravelly path leading to the building. It's not until the school is out of view that he turns to face Jongin. "Are you okay?"

Flinching, Jongin nods. "Yeah, I just wasn't expecting to see you here." He quickly waves both hands in front of Sehun's face. "Wait, I meant it in a good way! I promise! I'm really happy you chose to meet me and not ditch me forever," he exclaims before leaning his head on Sehun's shoulder.

"I understand, don't worry," Sehun replies, running his free hand through Jongin's hair. "Hey, I have a question though."


"That text you sent, you know, with the excessive amount of emoticons and stuff," Sehun chuckles, "did you mean that?"

"Mean what?" Jongin's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"You know, the thing you said about...well, the thing you said about me being your scientist boyfriend or whatever," Sehun says while turning the blinkers on, "did you mean that or were you just exaggerating?"

Jongin gulps and feels his entire body tense. He prays Sehun doesn't notice. "I...I meant it, yeah."

"Did you?" Sehun asks in surprise and Jongin doesn't know whether he sounds happy or...repulsed. 

"Yeah, I meant every word of that text, actually," Jongin blurts out and instantly slaps his hands over his mouth. .

"Did you?" Sehun repeats before stopping at a red light. Jongin feels his heart race when he looks up and is unable to read Sehun's facial expression. He opts to stay quiet and play with his fingers in his lap in fear of accidentally blurting out something he'll end up regretting three seconds later. When Sehun still doesn't say anything Jongin internally panics and he lifts his head to apologize. "Sor-"

"I think I love you a lot more now."

Jongin stills. "What?"

"I'd kiss you so hard right now if we weren't in the middle of traffic with a ton of people watching us," Sehun says while Jongin's thigh. "It's times like this when I wish I'd bought a non-convertible instead," he adds with a deep sigh, left arm resting on the wheel.

Jongin flushes and looks away at the unexpected contact against his leg. "I didn't know you had a problem with people...looking."

Sehun shrugs as the light turns yellow. "I don't, actually. It's just...well...I don't know." He looks down and his hand suddenly stills. "Sorry, is this alright?"

Jongin whips his head around to stare at Sehun. "What is?"

"This." Sehun gestures towards his right hand that's still resting on Jongin's thigh. "Are you alright with me doing that?"

Suddenly feeling like an idiot, Jongin nods so fast he worries his neck might snap in half. "Yes, it's fine. It's okay!" He exclaims and instantly flushes at the eagerness in his voice and he coughs before swallowing. Leave it to me to make absolutely everything awkward.

Sehun chuckles before nodding and giving Jongin's thigh a small squeeze. "Good." He slams on the gas when the light goes green, nearly sending Jongin flying out of his seat. "Jesus, that's twice this week you've nearly fallen out of your chair, what is it with you?"

"It's not my fault you never warn me whenever you're about to do dangerous like that," Jongin mutters. "Why can't you slam on the pedals with an adequate amount of force like a civilized human being with a driver's license?"

"I'm a man of style," Sehun simply says before reaching up and smoothening out his suit. "So I drive with style."

Jongin rolls his eyes but his lips curl upwards anyway. "Sure, sure."

"You dance, don't you? I think I remember you telling me that at some point."

Blinking at the sudden topic change, Jongin nods. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Nothing," Sehun smirks, "it's just that your thigh felt awfully toned," he says with a small chuckle before turning right.

Jongin is seconds away from opening Sehun's door and shoving the latter out and onto the road and driving off without him when his jaw suddenly hits the floor. In front of him is the most luxurious, prestigous and biggest university (if that even is a university, Jongin thinks, and not a mansion of some sort) he has ever seen in his entire life. A handful of students are sitting on the stairs leading up to the building and hanging out on the yard outside. They're all wearing a uniform - the same uniform Sehun is wearing (the guys, that is) while the girls are wearing dark blue tennis-looking skirts with white tops and blue ribbons around their neck. Jongin looks up and sees the word 'UNIVERSITY' printed in big gold letters on a sign on the face of the building, a gigantic gold-rimmed clock hanging above it. He hears the buzzing of students in every direction and for a second Jongin feels extremely out of place given the fact that he's wearing nothing but black jeans and a light gray hoodie. Every student in his line of vision looks like a millionaire and the bushes and trees growing in the yard are neatly cut into shapes with a large fountain resembling a globe in the middle. Seriously, Jongin thinks in awe, is this a university or a boarding school for quadrillionaires?

Sehun notices Jongin biting his lip in worry and quickly puts a reassuring hand on the latter's shoulder. "Don't worry, the people here aren't nearly as stubborn or snobby as they look," he says before pulling up next to a speaker. Jongin's eyebrows furrow in confusion when he hears a static noise closely followed by a man's voice emitting from said speaker. What on Earth is going on?

"Oh Sehun, class 4-1," Sehun says in a loud and clear voice and Jongin subconsciously attempts to make himself look as small as possible in his seat when he hears the professionality in Sehun's voice. "Here to pick up a forgotten textbook."

Jongin hears the man on the speaker mumble something along the lines of 'okay' before the large gates in front of them slowly open and Sehun slowly pulls up into the yard. Almost every student momentarily turn to look in their direction when Sehun drives past them, making Jongin feel that much more self conscious about his appearance. Jongin squints his eyes and is nearly a hundred percent certain he sees at least four Rolex watches on one guy's wrist. Looking in the opposite direction, he inhales deeply when he spots three girls smoking by the gigantic fountain. Their jackets alone look like they'd be able to pay for his entire college tuition and he quickly looks away. 

"What's wrong?" Sehun asks while he parks the car twenty feet away in the shade. Sharply turning the wheel, he removes the key from the ignition before turning to look at Jongin.  "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

Nodding, Jongin runs a hand through his hair. "I'm fine, it's just," he starts but quickly closes his mouth. How on Earth does he say this without offending or hurting Sehun's feelings? " I the only one here who isn't, in fact, a zillionaire? Because it seems like it."

Sehun blinks before bursting into laughter. "I understand where you're coming from, but none of us are zillionaires, believe it or not," he says before opening the door and stepping out. "Fancy uniforms go a long way."

"It's not just the uniforms!" Jongin exclaims, quickly getting out of the car and running to catch up with Sehun. "Look at those girls over there," he subtly gestures towards them. Sehun follows his gaze. "Look at their shoes, they must cost a million dollars, at least!" He gestures towards a blonde girl sitting in the middle. "Look at her jacket, how much do you think it's worth?"

Sehun only chuckles. "Jongin, none of us are millionaires. We're all...prosperous, I guess, but not nearly as rich or wealthy as you think we are."

"Right," Jongin says with a roll of his eyes, "you're not a little rich, you're super ing rich." He quickly pulls his phone out of his pocket and proceeds to discreetly snap a few photos. Jongin figures he'll send the photos to Baekhyun later tonight while bragging about he's dating dating a rich guy as punishment for humiliating him earlier.

Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Jongin keeps his gaze fixated on the gravelled walkway as he and Sehun walk towards the steps leading up to the building. He's careful not to accidentally bump into anyone or trip as he does his best to remain next to Sehun. In his peripheral vision, Jongin can spot a handful of students ogling him (or is it Sehun?) and he swallows before subconsciously reaching out and grabbing Sehun's cuff, not bothering to worry about whether or not Sehun will get mad at him for touching his expensive clothing. 

Sehun looks at him with a gentle smile. "Don't worry, they're not judging you."

Jongin coughs, not taking his eyes off the ground. "Sure. Why wouldn't they be."

"If they are, it's only because you're not wearing a uniform. Seriously, hardly anyone without one comes here, unless they're acquainted with or personally know someone who attends the uni. They're not used to seeing non-students around here."

"Correction, they're eyeing and judging the outta me because I'm not clad in designer clothes worth a billion dollars, not to mention attending the poshest university in the entire goddamn country," Jongin mumbles while walking up the steps. The thought of whether or not Sehun regards him not being as rich or posh as him as a problem strikes him and he bites his lip in worry for the nth time that day. Did he think I was super rich when he first started talking to me? Does he think I'm a broke- loser? Will he eventually grow tired of me since I don't have as much money as he does? Jongin thinks all at once and nearly jumps five feet in the air when he accidentally steps on something hard and loose. He looks down at his shoes and nearly cries when he sees a brunette girl staring up at him with a stern expression on her face. She's clad in the usual dark blue uniform with a skirt and ribbon around her neck as well as a brooche that looks like it's made of real gold. Her laptop rests on her lap and a textbook lies open on the step she's sitting on. In her right hand she holds her phone - the same phone Jongin assumes he just stepped on - and she looks less than amused. 

Jongin nearly topples over while flailing his hands around, blubbering a half-assed apology to her face. "I'm so sorry, ," he mentally slaps himself when he realizes swearing in a place like this most definitely isn't a good idea, "I didn't mean to step on your phone, I'm sorry, is it okay? Did I crack it? I'll buy you a new one; wait, I don't have the money, damn it, I'm really sorry, I'll do anything, please don't arrest or kill me, pretty please, pretty please don't tell your principal, I'm new to this place I'll never do it again oh my God, I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msosorry!" 

The girl only stares at Jongin like he's grown a second head before raising an eyebrow. Looking at her phone, she carefully inspects it before shrugging. "It's fine, you didn't ruin it," she says flatly before inserting an earbud into her ear and turning away, focusing her attention on her laptop.

Jongin breathes out a sigh of relief and he swears he might topple over from relief any second. He doesn't get a chance to do so (thankfully) when Sehun grabs his arm and quickly makes his way up the rest of the stairs. 

They arrive at the top of the stairs (Jongin doing his best to hide his face from view) a few seconds later and Sehun turns to look at Jongin with an amused expression on his face. "The hell was that all about?"

"I was scared she'd tell the principal about what I did and that he'd force me to buy her a new phone or something," Jongin says glumly. "which made me nervous as hell since I definitely don't have the money to do that. Or even worse, that she'd call her father and he'd take me to court or something."

Sehun blinks, cocking his head to the side. "Her father? Why would she tell her father?"

Jongin shrugs. "I figured all rich- kids have fathers who are lawyers or something along the lines of that," he says before running a hand through his hair. 

"For the hundreth time," Sehun says in an expasterated tone, "we're not all super rich."

"I know that!" Jongin exclaims and stomps his foot on the ground. "I just didn't want to take chances with her!"

Putting his hands up in defense, Sehun nods. "Okay, okay, fine. I just hope you realize that this weird idea of yours that every single one of us is Harvard or Cambridge material is extremely incorrect." He ruffles Jongin's hair when he sees the sullen look on the latter's face. "Hey. That thing you just did with your foot, that was cute as hell."

"Can we just go inside already? I can feel every pair of eyeballs in the yard pointing in my direction," Jongin says before throwing the big doors open and disappearing into the building. Sehun wordlessly follows him with an amused expression on his face, grabbing the door before it can close all the way and stepping inside.

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25/11/17: AhhHHH I should’ve proofread this OTL...time for some minor adjustments :’)) (side note it’s already been a year????? I remember starting this story like it was yesterday lmao)


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Chapter 3: If Sehun had reacted to Jongin's shock upon seeing him as a man instead of girl, I wouldn't have felt hurt for Sehun. It was terrible seeing him force a smile upon seeing Jongin's disappointment.
Chapter 32: thank for this lovely story..i enjoyd it sm i spent all my free time reading❣
Chapter 21: aww my SeKai heart❤❤❤
Chapter 17: i want Baek as my bestfriend too..its random but seeing Jenny as Jongin's ex here makes me giggle✌?
Chapter 16: Jongin is over Sehun in a day..oh wow to be Jongin??
Chapter 2: Baek is soo sassy i soo love him?❣❣❣
Chapter 1: 1st chap and im laughng my off ???
iamchankailove #8
This was lovely.
Lolypop123 #9
Chapter 25: Poor Nini T^T
Chapter 19: yeolie got a point doeeee