
I fell in love with my Fiancee

Eve's POV

I arrived at the Philippines by midnight and Verica wasthe one who picked me up at the airport.

"Woah! are you staying here for good? look at your things so many" she joked and laughed.

"Yeah." the only word came out from my mouth which made Verica shocked.

"Are you kidding?" she asked and i shook my head saying No while putting my bag inside the car. We went on a silent ride in our way to Aunt Veronica's house, Verica's mom.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the house, greeted by Aunt Veronica whose still awake waiting for us to come.

"My dear, your here. How was your flight?" she asked after hugging me.

"Tiring" i replied.

"You must be tired, why dont you take a rest?" she said and i nod. Verica accompany me to my said room and left after helping me organize my things. I headed to my bed and took a rest.


Jin's POV

Its almost 8 months but still Verica is not yet back. I wonder what happened to her?

"Verica!! where are you?? so boring if your notaround!" Yoong whined. Yeah boring because you and Jongsuk always pranked her.

Yoong, Im Yoona, is a snsd member, the famous girlgroup in the whole world. She is also the Production Manager of our company.

"What took her so long anyway?" Jongsuk, the other pranker stated. He is the Marketing Manager of the company.

"That's because you both always prank her so she extended her vacation" Soonkyu crossed her arms while scolding both Yoong and Jongsuk.

Soonkyu, Lee Soonkyu, also known as Sunny is also a snsd member, she is the Head of Finance.

and the last one is Bogum, the Planning Director who only stayed silent and laughing while watching the three bickering about Verica.

"Should we go to her?" i suddenly blurted which made them all eyed me.

"Good idea" Yoong said with a thumb up.

"So.. were going to the Philippines?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah.." i only said which earned a loud cheer from Yoong and Jongsuk. I guess they'll continue pranking Verica when we go to the Philippines. I just hope she won't freak out.

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LilaPandas #1
Chapter 2: Nice chapter.
So now they're going to Philippines. Exciting
LilaPandas #2
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting, looking forward