Beginner Yogi Woes

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Chapter 21: Beginner Yogi Woes


Junior's pov.
Junior teaches yoga to a class that has a bunch of beginners, including Mark.



Junior doesn’t expect to see Mark again so soon after he had talked to him in the morning, but there he is, looking kind of lost in a class full of mostly ladies, holding his wrists while he glances around the yoga studio. Junior stands outside the class a bit longer, just to take in the adorable sight, before he finally opens the door, putting on a big smile to greet his 4pm yoga class.



It’s not specifically a beginner’s class, but there are quite a few newcomers to yoga, so Mark isn’t the only one looking awkward trying to catch up all the poses Junior’s teaching. He manages well enough though, so Junior only has to lightly press a hand on Mark’s back to straighten his posture when he goes around the class checking everyone’s stance. There’re a couple of guys who are inflexible, as is often the case when they’re beginners, although Junior has already noticed that Mark isn’t one of them.

He’s just casually wondering what kind of sports Mark does on his own time to have the kind of flexibility rare for an adult man of his age, when one of the beginners stumble. Going over to the guy who fell, Junior does his best to explain a simpler version of the pose they’re doing to accommodate his student’s currently stiff body (“Don’t worry, the more yoga you practice, the more flexible you will get!”) so they don’t get too discouraged. When he looks up, there’s an odd little smile on Mark’s face, which goes by too quickly for Junior to make out what it means, but he might have dwelled on it anyway.



There’s a lady who works at Buzzfeed who’s part of the yoga life-change video (the same one Jackson’s in, so Junior knows what it’s about), and she asks Junior to give a few comments to her video camera after lesson ends. He obliges, smiling while he speaks to the camera. When he’s done, most of the people in the class have already cleared out. The lady leaves with a thank you on her lips, and Junior catches a wink he’s not sure what to do with. He’s looking around the studio, checking if there’s any empty bottles or other rubbish to clear out, when he notices Mark still sitting on the floor, yoga mat rolled neatly by his side.

“Hey, still here?” Junior asks, and Mark looks up, fringe flopping over his eyes. Mark’s hair is kind of long huh, Junior thinks, though, it’ll make sense, since his black roots are kind of long too. Such a wonderful deduction, Park Jinyoung. (That second thought sounded a bit too much like Jackson, and Junior resists a shiver).

“Yeah. I feel like I still need to stretch my lower back. All the poses were more difficult than I expected,” Mark replies quietly, leaning forward to touch his toes with his hands, bouncing a little to extend his reach and the stretch.

“Here, let me help,” Junior offers, going over to lightly push against Mark’s back so he can really lean forward and stretch his lower back muscles. He feels Mark slightly trembling under his hands from the exertion in maintaining the extended position, but Junior slowly counts a set of 8 before he lets go. “Better?”

“Yeah, slightly. Still think I’ll ache tomorrow, but it can’t be helped, I guess.”

Junior’s mouth turns up at Mark’s words, remembering how he felt the same way when he first did yoga. He gets up to neaten up the room, and there’s a companionable silence until Mark clears his throat.

“You know, the lady just now, the one who winked at you. She’s actually lesbian.”

He’s not really sure why Mark’s telling him this, so Junior turns to look at the guy, and is surprised to find a slightly flushed Mark. “Okay… Is there any reason why you’re telling me this?”

Mark lowers his head so his eyes are hidden by his hair, before he replies, “Uh, yeah, just. She flirts with everyone, so, I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

He hadn’t really been expecting anything (or had he? Mark had looked like he was blushing just now, wasn’t he? Could it be…), but Mark’s simple answer kind of throws him off. (Seriously, Junior, what had you been expecting? Stop that train of thought right there.) He manages to reply “Oh, right. Okay,” hoping he doesn’t sound too disappointed, when there’s no reason for him to (especially not when Mark is probably straight).

There’s a long pause during which Mark doesn’t reply.

Mark’s expression is unreadable under his long fringe, and Junior thinks he should divert the conversation back to more inane topics, like asking Mark if he’s done stretching. He kind of needs to lock the room (this is his last class for the day), but he can only do it after Mark leaves. He’s almost opening his mouth to ask when Mark suddenly says, voice a little too high, “Wanna go to the bookstore with me later?”

Instead of the question that had been on his lips, Junior hears himself answer, “Sure, why not?”



They walk to the bookstore, Mark mentioning that he had seen a small quaint one only a few streets down when he had driven pass

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Dear Author-nim, you cannot imagine how much I love this story, its idea, its structure, everything! I hope you will continue this story soon. Cannot wait to see how jackson is going to deal with his feelings. So cute and relatable. Jinyoung is such a good friend. I can practically imagine them like in the story.
Author-nim, hwaiting ♡♡
I really hope I'm not bothering you with this question, but do you think you'd ever come back to this? I really loved this and the whole idea, it's honestly one of my favorites, and again I'm sorry if i sort of bothered you with this
Chapter 29: Wow! This slow build story is real great!!!
Really, very rarely to be found!!
I love jackbum story, so this story is perfect!
And I really love your writing style, Author nim ♡
Is this story just end here?
Please considering to keep this story up, Author nim ♥ This story is one of my best favourites, if you wanna know though (I don't exagerating, for real - cause I really love your writing style)..
So please, please..
I'm really looking forward to this story to be continued.
Author nim, fighting!!!
사랑해 ♡
jrdjin #4
Chapter 7: New chapter soon? plz?
Donkey_Jackson #5
Chapter 29: Aww flustered Jackson
Chapter 29: awwww haha, Jackson is so cute while he's flustered like this~ I can relate to Jackson so much, sometimes you just have such a strong attraction to someone you can't pinpoint actual reasons other than fairly mundane ones, but it's still interesting to see how you react going back into old memories and trying to figure out why lol
And yayayay!! You've caught up! Well done!
I'm so excited to see more markjin now that we can see how Jackson is feeling towards Jaebum, again I'm sitting here not realizing I'm making faces until I get to the authors note, I'm so invested help
Chapter 29: awwww haha, Jackson is so cute while he's flustered like this~ I can relate to Jackson so much, sometimes you just have such a strong attraction to someone you can't pinpoint actual reasons other than fairly mundane ones, but it's still interesting to see how you react going back into old memories and trying to figure out why lol
And yayayay!! You've caught up! Well done!
I'm so excited to see more markjin now that we can see how Jackson is feeling towards Jaebum, again I'm sitting here not realizing I'm making faces until I get to the authors note, I'm so invested help
Skydragoncg #8
Chapter 28: Woah, I love this story, it makes me so much happier seeing that you have updated here! You are amazing xDD
And Jackson is such a cutieeee
Chapter 28: omg I was trying to not smile and hold my face like Junior and just burst into a cheeky smile of many emotions until I remembered, this is just a fic and I don't have to hide my expressions from these people... but I was literally like "Yugyeoms gonna figure it out...he's gonna do it... whhooop he did it!!" I can't wait to read more from Jackson's pov, and maybe Yugyeom should make his obserations on Junior and Mark lololol
Chapter 27: Aw this was so cute! Now Yugyeom can probably see what Junior sees regarding Jackson haha