
Scary Movies

I watched as Mark jump again as he watched his screen. I chuckled as I turned off stereo. I slowly walked towards him, his eyes were fixated onto the screen. “Boo!”


“Ahh! Taeyong don’t do that.” I laughed as he smacked my arm. When his hits finally stopped I sat next to him. “I don’t get it.” I said making him look at me in confusion. “Get what?”


“If you’re so scared of scary movies why do you even watch them? I mean they’re not even that good.” he gasped as he stared at me ‘What? These movies are great and the best part about it is getting scared.”  


I leaned over to look at his screen. “How do you even get scared?” he stared at me looking offended. “Just watch this and see if you don’t get scared.”  


We were about ten minutes into the movie when the studio lights simultaneously shut off when an ominous scene started. “This is obviously a jumpscare scene.” I rolled my eyes as I watched the man slowly opened the door, ominous piano began to play as he opened the door. The music stopped as the man opened the door, the camera zoomed in on the empty room. “What? All that buildup for nothing.””Shh something's happening.” The camera panned in on the man’s face as he slowly turned around, just as he heaved a sigh a large black figure jumped out and engulfed him in darkness. I jumped as I bit back a scream. I felt Mark grip my arm as he hid his face into my shoulder mumbling out a “See you were scared.” I Ignored his statement as I waited for wht would happen next.


By the end of the end of thoroughly surprised at the killer’s reveal. “Can you believe it was him this whole time?” I asked getting silence in return. “Mark?” This time I was answered with light snores. I smiled as I shook his shoulder “Mark it’s time to go.” He mumbled a “no” as he moved his head onto my lap. “No, no we have to finish the movie.” I smiled in obligation, leaning back against the wall as I pressed the play button.

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