he's changing !

don't judge him bad

You slowly open your eyes *uhhh* And realizing you're on his bed and wearing his cloth which loose on your small body ...

"Oh you woke up already"he said, You wake up and go down from the bed ,

"what are you making?"You asked,

"dinner" he said shortly...your head still half concious and unstable .

"Watch out !" As you almost fall down again but he catch your waist with his big and strong hand , you feel safe

*oh God why I'm not scared near him*

"you're to clumsy !"he nag angrily

"Ahhh ! I'm so sorry to cause you so much trouble"you apologize... But he didn't say much and stay quiet..

"Here eat this"

"You made this ?"

*it smells good*

"It taste great !"You said and eat it excitedly..

"Umm you're not eating?".

"Watching you eat already make me full", your face turn's red

"S..stop looking at my face"..

"Oh sorry"he said and left to his room... You watch around his house noticing a photo frame of beautiful woman beside doojoon,*this might be his mother,but where is his father?*

you walked and went to his room "ummm I need to go home now"you said,

"What !? Now ?",

"yes it's 09:00 o'clock already"

"That's the problem, you'll not be able to left this alley this late , many crazy people drunk out there, you might be kidnapped or "

"Or what !!? Been ?!"

"Yeah something like that"

"Aigo now what must I do" Both of you kept silent and faced his face,

"please allow me to rest here for the rest of the night"you bow 90 degree... "You sleep at my bed ,I'll sleep at the sofa"doojoon said and left outside

"Wait wait wait why don't we slept at the same room ! I'll sleep at the floor"you said grabbing his wrist , and *BANGG* he hit the wall strongly making your leg weak and lean on the wall..*what's wrong with him!?* "Did I said something wrong ?", you don't know why he did that but his body is shaking "I don't want to sleep in the same room with a girl , again.."

*is he having to much **x this week ?!*

"ohh why?"You asked wondering he answered. As you thought he's not answering and suddenly hug you tight.

*oh no* "ya .. Oppa what are you doing let me go" , he didn't reply and touch your body ,"oppa !! Stopp!!" He didn't stop and began to kiss your neck, you're push to his bed and just try to fight on , but it was no use *he's to powerful* , you loss your energy and just stay quiet...you can feel his heartbeat and exhaling air from his mouth...

"Why are you stay quiet ?"He stood up and said .

"Wh..what ??"You answered.."Argh chinca why are you not mad or hit me or kick me out ! Why are you giving your body to me ?! Why are you not hate me ! , you're weird"he said and left the room.

*why should I hate him ? Is he doing this to make me hate him ?you're a lot weirder*

The next morning you went out of his room and saw him sitting alone at the sofa ,"so after that night , do you hate me now ?"He asked seriously

"Why are you keep talking about that !"

"Because you need to stay away from me ! Just don't come to my life, you're always near me all this time"

"so you want me to leave !? Why don't you say so ! You idiot "you shout and left his house banging his front door *why is he different from before ! This is insane , I shouldn't even think about him*

* but this doesn't make me hate you __________ ah , at least you'll not be in trouble anymore being near me*


sorry if it's to complicated and confusing .. don't leave me T-T drop some comment XD

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update soon
iasiandorkiie #3
please update it soon ! i cant wait for the next chapter to come out ! ^_____^ "
naomi777 #4
awwwww sooo cute please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!
skysky #5
oh cute~<br />
update soon~
skysky #6
update soon~<br />
naomi777 #7
good chapters please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!!!!
naomi777 #8
awww awsome thunder is awsome awww he loves her please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHH! cheundong is AWESOME!*yay my fav mblaq member!^^* omg hurry doojoon! luv the story! please update soon!^^