i'll leave him as you want

don't judge him bad

"Come on joon , it's the past already and it's her own fault but now why are you inter fearing __________ !?"

* are they talking about the girl lee joon killed , oh no I'm in trouble * Seungho tied you hand and leg with rope so you're not escaping "You'll be the next "he whispered to your ear

"Let her go lee joon !!"Doojoon shout

"GET HIM !!"Leejoon ordered All of his gang member brought bat , steel and other harmful things..

"Doojoon ! Get out from here ! Left me !!"You shout, Sunggyu start to hit doojoon with bat , the others kick and hit him over and over again until blood came out from his head and mouth

*why is he not fighting back?*

"Doojoon ! Why are you stay quiet !? Are you surrendering !?! Hahaha!!"Lee joon shout like an insane person, maybe he's already out of his mind

"I'm standing here, to keep my promise ..."He said

"What promise??"And suddenly you remember his promised with you , at that night...*ohh God, please don't make you meant it*

"Doojoon ah, forget our promised !!! Just run away !! Or you'll be beaten !!!"You shout , but he didn't hear and kept staying and standing there,

"eat that yoon doojoon !!!"L shout ,"this is for what have you done to me"sunggyu said , "thank you for puching me before !! This is for you"seungho said and punch doojoon stomach... *uhhh oh , what should I do, this is all my fault*

"Lee joon shi ... I'll leave doojoon and stay forever with you, that's all you want right ?"you said in sad face

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update soon
iasiandorkiie #3
please update it soon ! i cant wait for the next chapter to come out ! ^_____^ "
naomi777 #4
awwwww sooo cute please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!
skysky #5
oh cute~<br />
update soon~
skysky #6
update soon~<br />
naomi777 #7
good chapters please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!!!!
naomi777 #8
awww awsome thunder is awsome awww he loves her please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHH! cheundong is AWESOME!*yay my fav mblaq member!^^* omg hurry doojoon! luv the story! please update soon!^^