chapter one

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"Hurry up, it's cold", Yoongi mumbles from behind Jimin as the latter fumbles with the keys with his small hands. Yoongis hands are in the pockets of Jimins jacket and he clenches and unclenches his fists in an attempt to feel his fingers. Jimin giggles a bit, almost dropping the keys as his shoulders shake in sync with the sound of his laughs. 

"That tickles hyung." Yoongi leans forward and burries his nose in Jimins neck. He hums at the warmth and then he hears a click and a wave of warmth hits him as the frontdoor to the youngers house opens. He looks up and sighs in relief before taking small but quick steps forward, chest still pressed on Jimins back as he pushes the other inside. He takes his hands out of Jimins pockets and closes the door before squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a small groan as he lets the room temperature that he certainly doesn't appreciate as much as he should in his daily life hug his lean form. He hears Jimin let out another small giggle and he opens one eye to look at the boy as he takes his jacket off, revealing a big black sweater that's way to long in the arms for him and hugs his biceps quite nicely and that is most definetly Yoongis but he doesn't comment. 

"Don't laugh at me", he warns as he takes his own jacket off and runs a hand through his black hair. Jimin just smiles at him, eyes turning into crescents. He has to fight the urge to keep the stern look on his face. "Kids these days.." he mutters before walking further into the house and he settles on the red couch that has become quite a familiar spot. 

"I'm not a kid! I'm graduating soon!" Jimin argues, sitting down next to Yoongi and putting his feet on the table in front of them. 

"And by then I'll be half done with college already, which makes you a baby." Jimin pouts and Yoongi smiles because it's been a long time since he's seen that lip puckered out like that. In a playful manner. It's been a while since he's seen a frown on his face that wasn't paired with tear stained cheeks and he's so relieved so he takes a hold of Jimins arm to pull him closer to himself, wrapping both arms around him as he rests his forehead on his temple. "But you're my baby." Jimins pout is exchanged by a halfopen mouth, cheeks red at the words before he bites his lip to hide the small smile threatning to spread across his face. 

"Damn right.." he mutters and Yoongi just presses a peck on his cheek and Jimin pulls his stretched out legs in, curling into Yoongis embrace and sighs in content, closing his eyes. He wonders how he got here. It feels like only a day has passed by since he met Yoongi, but at the same time it seems like they've known each other forever. This college boy, a sophomore majoring in music with pierced ears and tousled black hair. How did he manage to end up with him? How did Jimin get to this point. It's like he slipped into a different dimension after junior year of high school. He had his life planned out at one point, and the next he was all caught up in this man. He's lost in the warmth Yoon

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