Scene 20

In Your Eyes
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It had been a while since Frankie had last gone to the movies. She, her sister and their mother would watch movies all the time, but they always came from the Redbox, and were watched at home, accompanied by cheap bulk snacks and drinks from the Grocery Outlet down the street from the house. She and her little family agreed that movie theaters were unnecessarily expensive; Frankie could count on one hand how many times she had been to the movies, and still would have plenty of fingers left.   When the night of their date came up, Shuya actually got a Lyft to take them to the movie theater on Van Ness Avenue, and he treated her to candy and a ticket to see the latest dystopian movie to come out. Frankie had been willing to overlook the cost of the movies when she had been sure that the date was over with this, but Shuya had other things in mind; when the movie was finished they took another Lyft to Chabaa, a Thai restaurant on Geary Street that would have only been a ten-minute walk away. The prices were very reasonable, but Frankie still felt uneasy when Shuya ordered for himself and urged her to order as well, which she knew he also planned to pay for.   “Shuya,” she called out carefully; Shuya turned to look at her, his eyebrows raised inquisitively over his brown eyes. “You don’t have to get me dinner…”   “What are you talking about?” Shuya questioned, his eyebrows sinking into a frown.   “I’m just saying…” Frankie went on, fussing with her rolled up silverware. “You already paid for a Lyft, and the movies, and candy…”   “Right…” Shuya agreed, nodding slowly.   “Isn’t it expensive? You really don’t have to do this…” Her voice trailed off as Shuya began laughing and she paused, watching as he shook his head.   “It’s okay,” he assured her. “I’ve got everything taken care of, alright? You don’t have to worry.”   “Okay…” Frankie relented, then shook her head, lowering her gaze to the table. “Look at me, trying to regulate your money…”   “I like to think you’re being caring,” Shuya said; Frankie looked up to find him smirking.   “I do care, definitely,” she agreed with a nod, then paused. “Sorry…I’m just not used to someone spending this much money on me…”   “You’ve never been on a date before?” Shuya inquired. Frankie made a face.   “Not really,” she said. “Besides, I come from a family who kind of lives from paycheck to paycheck; we don’t indulge in a lot of luxury things, even the movies.”   “Which is why you’re worried about me spending money,” Shuya concluded.   “Right,” Frankie agreed.   “You really care about your family, don’t you?” Shuya obser
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gnoboange #1
Chapter 30: Wow so that the end?🤨
gnoboange #2
Chapter 30: Wow
Chapter 28: Uhhhhmmmmmm...... Okayden Shuya...... °~°
Chapter 28: Welcome back.
shar74nett #5
Chapter 24: Just wanted to say welcome back!
Chapter 22: Had to wait for a couple of update to read the whole thing but it’s was worth it I promise you .... glad Shuya and Frankie made up....... I was finnah come in there and throw some hands if he didn’t apologize ???
Chapter 19: Shuya our here playing jokes. I had to look up what Frankie said lol. I was scared for a minute. He play to much!
Chapter 18: Sad that it’s the end…looking forward to more!