Chapter 1: Worries and a bleak future?

Witch For The Second Time

A/N: Rawr~! Monster is here! Thanks for my subscribers who subscribed to my story! You guys give me motivation to write! Don't be shy to comment~ And enjoy the chapter! 

P.S.: There's no set schedule of release for the chapters and I, as a monster, am busy with real life so I can't guarantee anything. If anything else, please anticipate what is to come in the future chapters.


'This is on a whole new level of amazing... in a creepy way.' Ji Yoon could not help but feel that way when she saw the fanatic expression on the man's face when he welcomed her. Adding that to the dark ambience surrounding the academy, she cursed her fate for being a jerk to her.

"Uh... Sure." She only replied half-heartedly as she looked around curiously. She wondered whether the other witch candidates had arrived or not? Perhaps she could get along and share her sentiments with them. Well, considering how a person who practiced forbidden acts usually acted, such as Ji Yoon in the past, her hopes in finding a normal person here was unlikely.

Seeing Ji Yoon's rather indifferent and uninterested expression toward his enthusiastic welcome, the man felt a bit down rather than angry. Witch candidates were a big deal to the academy, so he could not carelessly offend them and always needed to act as prudent as possible. That was just how much the academy valued them. Of course, Ji Yoon who was oblivious to this, did not care in the least about such a thing.

"Miss, I shall guide you to your dorm before anything else." The man erased all of his useless thinking and addressed the more important matter at hand to Ji Yoon.

"Dorm? Ah, will I have roommates then?" Ji Yoon felt excited at the thought of having roommates and possible future friends. She wished that she could brainwash them so that they would not turn weird in the head and become evil witches. She hoped to not see people or acquaintances she was going to meet and get along with to die the same horrible death as she did in the past.

"Unfortunately, no. Since black and forbidden arts alike are dangerous and that the students tend to practice in their dorm rooms, the academy had lost a few promising students when the dorm still had the roommates system in the past. Therefore, the academy no longer apply that kind of system now. It's weird how lives could end that easily, isn't it?" The man chuckled happily and started walking. Ji Yoon followed suit.

"I...see." Ji Yoon then stopped talking. She did not want to continue talking to the man. She had a hunch that the longer they talked, the creepier the man would get. 'As I thought, people who are practising these arts...' She wanted to think that they were crazy but she shot down her thoughts. She looked at the man's back and thought, 'Was I like that before?'

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a building separate from the academy's. It was the dorm assigned for the witches-to-be. There was another building adjacent to the witches' dorm. Ji Yoon had an inkling what the other building was for, but she still asked for confirmation, "That building over there. Is that also a dorm?"

"Yes. It's the dorm for the warlocks. It's where the male students live." The man nodded and explained.

"Are you a teacher here? Or perhaps, a senior warlock?" Ji Yoon asked; she had been pondering about the man's identity for a quite a while now. She was skeptical on how the man conducted himself. He was a bit too polite for being either the teacher or the senior warlock in the academy. Besides, she thought that her attitude toward him from the beginning until now was a bit uncouth.

"Hahaha... Miss Ji Yoon sure is funny. Well, I frequently got that question when I went out to send the invitations to both the warlock and witch candidates. I am just a failure, you see. I have just enough talent to surpass a normal person, but I lack the ability to even have a chance to become a candidate, let alone becoming the real thing. Ah, people usually refer to failures like me as 'hellpers'. Feel free to do so as well, Miss Ji Yoon. After all..." A mad glint, which was not overlooked by Ji Yoon's gaze, appeared in the man's eyes before he continued, "Existences such as Miss Ji Yoon's are supposed to be revered by trashes like me."

"......" Ji Yoon's mouth closed. She regretted ever asking that question. Goosebumps were all over her body, her fingertips had gone cold and cold sweat rolled down her back. Her face became as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Your complexion does not look too good, Miss Ji Yoon. We should immediately head in the dorm and go to your designated room. It is a bit cold out here, after all." The mad look he had already subsded, as he proceeded to the dorm for the witches.

"Ah, yeah..." JI Yoon reluctantly lifted her feet forward, as if there were invisible shackles around her ankles. She determined that she was going to have a hard time here.

The man only accompanied her to the entrance of the dorm and said, "Well, here's a magic card used for entering miss' dorm room. You just need to put a drop of your blood on top of this card and it will recognize you as its' owner. It also acts as your identity card. After you have done that, this card can't be used by people other than you. The room number is carved at the back of the card." He took out a black card where the sides were decorated with gold lines, making it expensive-looking, and handed it to Ji Yoon.

The man then bowed before making his way out of the area. Ji Yoon then immediately entered the dorm with brisk footsteps. She looked at the back of the card, "Room 26..." She quietly muttered as she made her way through the building.

The dorm building had four floors and it was very spacious. Each floor had fifteen rooms, making it a total of sixty rooms. Thus, Ji Yoon's room was located at the 2nd floor. All of the necessary information had been put on a signboard near the entrance, so it made the whole process very convenient.

After she climbed the stairs and headed towards the front of her room, she slided the card down and with a 'beep' sound, she entered the room and immediately closed the door. She found a place to sit before heaving a huge, heavy sigh. She then put all the annoying speculations and worries about the future into a corner of her brain.

She calmed herself down and inspected the room. There was a fluffly bed, which she was sitting on, a neat desk and a chair to accompany it, a full length mirror, a bookshelf, a closet and finally a door leading to another part of the room. She got up and twisted the doorknob and checked the other room. It was a bathroom complete with everything a person would need in... a bathroom. She did not feel the need to use the bathroom for now, so she sat back on her bed.

"One positive thing for sure is that the facilities provided is very nice for a dorm. I definitely did not expect such a bright and clean room from an academy where creeps like that man roamed about. Speaking of which, what's that thing on the desk?" She thought out loud and noticed a manual-like book on the smooth surface of the desk.

She got up and checked the manual. On the front page, it was titled as 'Academy Directory'. Ji Yoon roughly flipped thorugh the pages and got the gist of things. For new candidates like her, she would start her new 'school' life starting the day after tomorrow. Meals were prepared for free at the cafeteria but there were also other food sold there so the students had the option to buy them if they wanted. There were also other things such as her one day schedule where she needed to attend the entrance ceremony, tour around the academy and some other introduction stuff.

Her real schedule was yet to be determined and there was one thing that had her interest piqued. There were two curencies used here. One was of course the use of cash but the other one was contribution points. 'What is that?' She put a hand on her chin as she pondered. She soon just shrugged. Well, it's not like she could figure out the use of these 'contribution points' nor could she find a method to earn it. Over time, she would surely find out more about it.

She put down the manual and sat down on the chair. She looked at the small clock situated on the desk and saw that the time was unexpectedly already three in the afternoon. She felt that it was weird; how did time passed by so quickly. It was impossible that hours would fly by when she ws just talking and going to the dorm. 'Did hours flew by when I was in that black smoke? Did the process of transferring over from that alley to here take that much time? It felt instantaneous though.' As it was only a speculation, Ji Yoon had no way of confirming it.

She looked over at the bed where her bag, containing the textbooks she originally planned on taking to her previous normal school before she had to forcefully come here was located, she felt betrayed. Reason being, when did her parents took part in all this? It was also suspicious how they were okay in letting their only daughter and child become something as ridiculous as a witch.

As far as she knew, her parents had normal occupations, with her mother being a housewife and her father working for a quite successful company. Ji Yoon thought that her mother's wry smile as she bade goodbye was weird at that time. There was another possibility that popped in her mind, but she did not want to entertain such thoughts. Even if it turned to be true that her parents was a warlock and a witch couple, she refused to believe it. She refused to believe that she was destined to become a witch from the moment she reincarnated into this second life.

She pulled out a book that she personally used for noting down things she needed to do and a pen from her bag. It was still too early to go to sleep, so she decided to sort out the things she needed to do from now. She scribbled a few things down and sorted them out neatly. Her first priority was to quickly learn some arts to defend herself from any possible danger. It did not matter to her anymore whether they were forbidden or orthodox arts.

When she thought about this, a wide smile appeared on her face. If it came to learning the forbidden arts, she had a huge advantage.

"Don't underestimate a previous witch!" Ji Yoon declared confidently as she started working out a plan on making out the most out of her experience with a devilish grin.


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Woooohpeasants342 #1
This story seems intersting, I wish to see more chapter soon