
Happy Little Pill

wc: 1325
I woke up at sunrise. Shades of gold, rose, and fire shone through sheer white curtains adorning the window on our bedroom wall. A strong feeling of déjà vu mixed with the dull throbbing of my head from the hangover. I went to get out of bed, but a lean arm stopped me. I tensed up, and slowly rolled to face the other being in the room. I didn't take anyone home. I know I didn't. His eyes opened slowly and met mine, and I shot backwards onto the floor, letting out one hell of a shrill scream. I didn't know if it was out of terror or surprise.
His eyes grew in size, and I knew he was just as shocked as I was.
"Y-you're -," I stuttered, shouting still.
"Dead, I know. I don't kn-"
"How are-"
"I have no idea." His voice, though just as panicked as mine, managed to calm me down a little. I walked over to the bed again, grabbing his arm and scrambling to find one of the veins on his wrist. It was warm; I felt a soft pulse.
"Chanyeol, you're-"
"I'm what?"
"You're warm. You have a pulse."
"I don't care how, you're here," I spoke, climbing back onto the bed and rolling close to my giant, wrapping my arms around him. "And I refuse to let you go anywhere.
"Can I at least get up to make you breakfast? You're tiny." Chanyeol asked softly, a tinge of concern in his voice.
"I'm nauseous, can it wait a few hours?" My hangover was still going strong.
"Fine. What's today?"
"No, I mean the date."
"March 2nd?" I spoke, watching him get out of the bed and walk to the window.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, why?"
"The leaves are still here. They're red, and there's snow."
"What? No they're not, they've been gone for the last two-" He opened the curtain more and I saw what he was talking about. “Months,” I let out as a defeated huff. I stretched across the bed and reached for my phone on the nightstand.
“What’s it say?” Chanyeol asked, walking back over to me and trying to read over my shoulder. My hands were shaking at this point.
“November 28, 2015.” I hesitantly scrolled through my recent calls and texts, and none that I remembered from the last two months (I guess that would be two months in the future,) were there. His larger hands took my phone and turned off the screen, setting it on the bed beside me and closing both of my hands in his to calm the shaking. I looked up and stared into his eyes for a long while, but , I hadn’t seen him in forever. “If we’re back before it happened, why do we both remember?”
“I don’t know. Do you think anyone else remembers?” His deep voice spoke quietly.
“I only know one way to find that out,” I said with probably a little too much conviction, as I took my hands from his and grabbed my phone, dialing a number I knew off the top of my head, as she called me all the time.
“Byun Baekhyun, you are not calling my mother,” he said, letting out a soft laugh, earning a ‘shush’ from me. I clicked the ‘speaker’ button so we could both hear.
“Baekhyun?” She answered, with her usual loud and cheerful voice. “Isn’t it a bit early for you to be up?”
“Actually I-“ I didn’t have to fake happiness in my tone like before. It came naturally, again. She cut me off.
“Wait, I know why you’re awake and calling me.”
“Oh, you do?” I asked and Chanyeol stayed dead silent as he sat beside me on the bed.
“Baek, you have a habit of always calling me before Christmas, Yeollie’s birthday, and your anniversary. You do every year-“ I watched him raise an eyebrow at me and hold back a laugh.
“Maaaaaaa,” I whined. “I definitely don’t always call you before them.”
“There’s no need to feel embarrassed about it, Baek. You know what my answer always is. He’ll like anything you get him as long as it comes from you. He’s just happy you’re around. Well, happy is an understatement, but you get the point,” she spoke. Chanyeol seemed to be having a hard time containing himself beside me.
“God, you’re both such saps,” he blurted out, and immediately his mother gasped on the other line. I shot him a glare, which must not have been very threatening, as he started uncontrollably snickering.
“Oh darn, I think I just outed you, Baek. Sorry,” she stated between laughs. “Is there anything else you need, honey?”
“No, that’s all.” I let out in a slightly embarrassed tone.
“Alright, I love you both.”
“We love you too,” Chanyeol and I spoke, almost in unison before hanging up. “If she doesn’t know, I can guarantee you, nobody else knows.”
“I’m sorry, I’m still caught up on you being outed. Do you seriously always call her before any of our holidays?” He asked between laughs. I punched him in the arm, halfway offended, halfway joking.
“Yah, stop that. It’s not every holiday. Don’t act like you’ve never called my mom for that kind of advice.”
“I can’t, you’ve caught me calling her before.”
“You’re just as much of a sap,” I mumbled. “You. Call into work. Use your paid vacation. We both need it. I’ll text Tiffany and let her know I’m using mine.”
“Alright, master.” He spoke, putting his hands up. ‘
“I’m getting in the shower. I need one badly,” I stated, getting up from the bed and heading out.
“I’m ordering a pizza. You need one badly,” he said, causing me to turn around and open my mouth in protest, but no words came out. I had my figure from before time moved back. He wasn’t wrong. “How much do you weigh right now?”
“Good luck finding somewhere that delivers at the asscrack of dawn. It’s six in the morning, Yeol. And I think 42 kilos was what the doctor said when I was admitted that time,” I slid my shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor, watching his eyes take in my current figure. His expression was one of worry. “I’ll get my old figure back. Don’t worry.”
“I’m worried about your health, Baek, not your figure.”
“It’s just weight. I’ll gain it back in no time,” I said as I walked out of the room and into the bathroom, stripping off everything else and stepping into the hot spray of the shower. I let the warmth envelope me as I washed everywhere, making sure I looked and smelled clean, now that my reason to exist was back to me.

About an hour later, I walked into the living room in a baggy pair of Chanyeol’s sweats. But honestly, did any of our things belong to only one of us anymore? A smile involuntarily made its way to my lips, seeing him there, really there. He was holding a note in his hand and smiling like a dork. I missed that smile more than anything. Deciding to sneak up on him, I walked up and wrapped my arms loosely around his shoulders which stuck up over the top of the back of the couch and read over his shoulders.
“There was a loophole. I’m back for good,” he spoke, setting the note down, and reaching into his pocket. “And since I already know your answer to this question,” I held my breath for a moment as he pulled out a ring and slid it onto my finger. “You’re stuck with me for good.”
“Chanyeol, how did you-“ I stared at him. “You bought that tomorrow. I –“ he cut me off by turning around and pressing his lips to mine.
“Part of the loophole. Miracles do happen.”

(A/N: So hi, I haven't written one of these things for this entire story haha. It's done. It's finally done. I know the ending is cheesy, but I feel like after the big cluster of angst this story was, it needed a cheesy, happy ending. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please leave a comment or something so I know people actually read it. Writing this story was an adventure, honestly. Thank you. Sometime in the future, I'm not sure yet if it's near or far, I plan on making a sort of sequel for this. It'd probably be a one-shot from Chanyeol's perspective in the afterlife. It would probably be very loosely influenced by the drama, 49 Days, just sayin'. Anyways, I really hope everyone enjoyed. Please do leave some sort of feedback. Let me know if you loved it, let me know if I (but also please if I , tell me what I should fix). I plan on mostly sticking to one-shots or writing the stories offline and posting them here after completion. I don't like keeping you all waiting. Have a lovely night / day / evening / morning. )

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