Blessing come in disguise

You, Me and a Baby
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Summary: Chanyeol hurts at the thought of Baekhyun being sick.

Word count: 2k

A/N: So this is the prologue (((i did say this will not be chronological right? or ;-;))) aka one of the best days in our favorite couple's lives. sorry if its too long kinda got away with it lols i needed to celebrate my little freedom from school with a cute drabble forgive me

also unbeta-ed 


Chanyeol wakes up to the sounds of lurching coming from their bathroom. He opens his eyes groggily when he fails to feel a warm body next to his. He thought the sound was just another part of his imagination and easily scared personality. After all, they were just watching a horror movie earlier in the night. Looking at their nightstand he sees that it's only four in the morning.


“Baekhyun?” he calls out to his husband while slowly getting out of bed and walking towards the direction of the sounds. “Are you oka-”


Chanyeol’s heart hurt upon seeing his petite husband nearly hugging the toilet bowl while heaving the contents of his stomach which from what he can see isn’t that much anymore. “Oh baby.” Chanyeol kneels beside Baekhyun and slowly rubs his back to give him a little comfort.


A few more heaves and Baekhyun finally stops. Sitting upright he starts to breathe calmly while just staring blankly ahead. Chanyeol in return wipes the tears on his lovely husband’s face and carefully brings him to his arms. Baekhyun doesn’t really handle being sick well.


“Was it something we ate?” Chanyeol softly asked when he felt the smaller wrap his arms around him too. He felt Baekhyun’s head shake against his chest as a response. This leaves Chanyeol more confused since he’s sure he didn't order anything Baekhyun doesn’t like last night. He carefully specified what toppings should not be included in their pizza too.


After a few more minutes of hugging on their bathroom floor, Baekhyun finally speaks; voice hoarse and tone weak he asks, “Why are you awake?”


“Like I could sleep without this tiny puppy next to me making noises and hugging the hell out of me.” Chanyeol answers his husband teasingly. In return he got a weak punch in his chest and a, “I am not tiny.”


Chuckling he looks down to check his husband’s face. “Are you okay now?” Chanyeol carefully cups his husband’s face like he is holding the world in his hand. Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile to ease his husband’s worries. “Yes, let’s go to bed now.




It’s a busy day for the bakery since holidays are approaching and Baekhyun being the owner has been busy overseeing the whole thing. He has part timers and his trusted staff but he still couldn’t let them do the whole thing after all this is his baby. So what Baekhyun does is checks the counters, smiles at the customers, and makes sure all the cakes are ready and that there won’t be any short on stock.


After the lunch hour rush from nearby offices, Baekhyun and his staff finally got time to breathe. Xiumin, his hyung and barista of the shop approaches him looking all worried. “Yes, hyung?” Baekhyun asks when after noticing. Xiumin approaches him and puts a hand on his forehead. “Are you feeling well?”


Baekhyun is confused with the older’s action but nevertheless still nodded as an answer. “Why hyung?” Xiumin is acting strange today, he noticed. After the little incident earlier this morning Baekhyun hasn’t felt the need to go run into the nearest toilet to puke again, so he’s feeling better already.

“You look pale, are you sure you’re okay?” The older replies while looking at his boss and friend more closely. He knows Baekhyun has a pale complexion similar to that of snow white’s even but this is different. Xiumin’s sure this is how some sick people look like but the younger isn’t sporting any fever so he’s not so sure.


“Ay, hyung it must just be the lighting!” Baekhyun just answers teasingly. “Although I did throw up earlier but I’m all okay now.” Baekhyun smiles after answering his hyung to reassure him that he’s already feeling okay, because he is. Except the random dizzy spells he gets after standing for too long but it doesn’t last long anyway so it’s nothing to worry about, right?


“Okay if you say so…” The older acquiesces, “but still you should sit down in your office and eat some lunch the rush hour has ended already anyway.” he adds.


Seeing the concern in his hyung’s face Baekhyun couldn’t help but agree to it. Aside from him being actually tired he really doesn’t want to worry the other. He might end up calling his husband and he can’t have that, the other is already busy in his studio in their house trying to finish some deadlines. Smiling Baekhyun says, “Okay hyung.”


Sitting behind his desk Baekhyun finally got the chance to relax his body. Normally he d

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Chapter 7: They are so cute><
Chapter 4: That was precious ♡
Chanbaeksugerplum123 #3
Chapter 7: Sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Awww cuties T.T
Chapter 1: How precious ❤
ctskyn276 #6
Chapter 7: Omgggg..i just discovered this and this is toooooo cute to handle...i just cant...
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 7: so sweet
Chapter 6: This is a feel good story.. What a happy Family they have.. :D
Chapter 5: Yay!!! Honeymoon 2.0... hmmmm.. I really like it when chanyeol said "more when we land baby" uwu....
Chapter 4: this chapter is sooooo sweet.. Cute little Chanhyun gave his daddy a perfect birthday present.. :D