There For You //JackBam College AU

Jackson and Yugyeom were brothers that lived together, their parents died in a tragic car accident and Jackson vowed to never leave his little brothers side. Or get into anything that would be bad for Yugyeom. Jackson ed up. 




"My science teacher wants us to work on a school project with partners, I told him that he could come over today, is that okay?" Yugyeom asked. 


"Sure, Yug-ie!" Jackson said. 


"Thanks Jackson, he just texted me that he's here okay hold up." Yugyeom got up and opened the front door to the most adorable boy with the cutest little blue hair. Jackson wanted to cuddle the crap out of him, and he wanted to now. 


"Hi, you must be Jackson, I'm BamBam." Kunpimook said. He was flabbergasted, Jackson looked like the male models that you'd see in a magazine or something. His blonde hair looked like a nest that BamBam just wanted to put his eggs in. 


"Jackson, yea, he was just here." Jackson said, not thinking. 


"Jackson?" Yugyeom asked his brother. 


"Yeah?" Jackson answered. 


"Are you okay?" Yugyeom was concerned. 


"Yea, Yea, I'm fine. Just, wowed by your friends looks." Jackson said. 


"Ahhh, Jackson! That's embarrassing, go to your room and leave us alone, you short idiot." Yugyeom ushers the older away. 


"I'm sorry, BamBam, he's just a lonely old man." Yugyeom apologized. 


"How exactly- how old is he?" BamBam asked. 


"He's twenty-two, I guess that's not too old, but he doesn't really have any friends, he just takes care of me…" Yugyeom explains. 


"Why is that?" BamBam pressured. 


"Our parents died when he turned seventeen, so he vowed to pay for my college and schooling, he vowed to put me first." Yugyeom explains more. 


"He must have a good job to be able to pay for all that." BamBam said. 


"Yea, he's actually a professor at our college." Yugyeom said. 


"Really? I've never seen him around." BamBam said. 


"That's because you're probably not taking year five psychology. He vowed to help people and make them happy, he's a nice guy." Yugyeom explained. 


"Nice and good looking, what  qualities doesn't this guy have?" BamBam muttered. 


"Are you hungry? Jackson makes a mean waffle." Yugyeom asked. 


"He cooks too!... I mean, sure I actually work better with a full stomach. If you are going to have bacon or sausage, I'll pass, I'm actually vegetarian." BamBam explained. 


"That works perfectly! Jackson and I are actually vegan." Yugyeom smiled. 


"ohmygosh, can I just marry this dude?" BamBam mumbled. 


"What?" Yugyeom asked. 


"Oh, Nothing."

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Junior_Lee18 #1
Chapter 1: Omg this is hilarious!! I Love this story very much.❤️❤️❤️