

It took several minutes before the fervent throbbing stopped in his chest to be replaced with a soreness that made it hard for Sanghyuk to breathe. He took a seat on one of the benches against the practice room’s wall, clutching his ribs and pathetically limping.


“I didn’t wish for you,” he gasped, never tearing his eyes off the man across from him. The other did the same, only his gaze was in the form of a glare instead of the wide-eyed fear Sanghyuk maintained.


He didn’t wish for this - he didn’t wish for an actual star to burrow into his body, he didn’t wish for a person to somehow form out of it. It was embarrassing to recall, but during his weeping in the forest he remembered he wished for the ability to sing as well as the others in his group, not for him.


Now, he had brought a stranger, a thing, into the practice room. He was never devout in faith, but he pondered that maybe the star-human-being-thing, for lack of a better term, was a god? Perhaps the better question to ask him was “what are you”.


The stranger kept glaring at him, as if he was betrayed. Sanghyuk couldn’t understand it. Why was he looking at him like he was some sort of traitor?


The other’s deep blue locks, perfectly parted from the side, seemed to catch the light from the ceiling in such a way that it glistened. Funnily, it looked like there were stars among the strands. And his clothes were robes, so light in weight that it gave the impression that it floated in the air with the man’s subtle movements. The thought of him being a god became more plausible as this image registered in Sanghyuk’s mind. He was mystical, mysterious, beautiful - godlike.


The memory of him in the form of a bright ball of light ripping its way out of Sanghyuk just a few moments ago came back to send these thoughts in a totally different direction. A god, sure, but what if he was a demon instead? Again, he was never devout, but those beliefs still stuck with him since childhood and the thought that he might have summoned a demon made him a hell of a lot more terrified.


The stranger kept quiet, making Sanghyuk’s current anxiety worse. He didn’t know what to do. Running away like he did earlier was certainly not an option, not when it was so hard to breathe. He was trapped in this room with this guy.


Look what you've done, Sanghyuk. Always screwing things up. How are you going to fix this?


He spoke up, changing his focus to the other man in order to stop thinking so much. Reluctantly, again, Sanghyuk spoke.


“I didn't wish for you. Why are you here?”


Silence. The only response he got was more questionable looks.


“What do you want?”


In a swift movement, the stranger stood. It startled Sanghyuk, but he almost snorted out of amusement, because that was probably the most graceful thing he'd seen someone do.


The man faced the mirror behind him, his eyes locked on Sanghyuk’s reflection. They watched each other in silence.


Slowly, the stranger parted his lips, and produced a song so divine Sanghyuk’s fear was easily replaced with wonder and awe. This voice was airy, light, and in a pitch only slightly higher than his. Taken aback, Sanghyuk listened. Heavenly, he thought, I wish his voice was mine.


The notes transitioned from each other so smoothly, so perfectly Sanghyuk didn't expect the song to end, and when it did he thought he would have complained, whined like a brat. But after a moment of registering what had just happened he was shaken with realization.


“You… You came to teach me,” Sanghyuk whispered, disbelief unraveling every nerve in his body and filling him with something he could only describe as possible excitement. If he really did come to instruct him, guide him, then maybe this ethereal being wasn't a god or a demon. Perhaps he was an angel.


His angel turned back to him, his gaze still cold but now gentler. Yes, his expression seemed to say, and caused a sudden jolt of energy to pass through Sanghyuk. The quickening of his breath, however,triggered the pain in his stiff chest.


The other practically glided over to him then. His steps were light and barely produced a noise as it were expected of a hardwood floor. But as he approached Sanghyuk stopped breathing in sudden anticipation.


“What are you doing?” he asked. He was about ready to flinch away but the other placed his hand on his chest. The first thing he noticed was that it was warm. Warm and with a soft touch that somehow froze Sanghyuk. Too afraid to move, all he could do was watch.


A light emitted from his hand, engulfing Sanghyuk’s chest. At first contact it was hot, making him cringe as he was reminded of what had happened just a few moments ago.


But soon the touch turned cold, and the other removed his hand. There was no more pain.


It was magical - impossible. He was healed with no bandage or medicine or doctor. Overwhelmed, he patted his chest frantically to convince himself that this was real. If it was then heaven must have really heard him, heard his cry for help and had sent a solution - in the form of whoever this was.


“Tell me your name,” Sanghyuk gasped, eyes wide with wonder, “I want to thank you.”


“Leo,” the stranger whispered, his focus now cast downward. Was he shy? Sanghyuk would have found it amusing if he was. With how he had acted, a shy characteristic was something least expected.


“Leo,” Sanghyuk repeated, “Thank you.”


An hour was spent inside the practice room with just the two sitting together. Leo sang scales, and Sanghyuk repeated the notes with enthusiasm. It was rather bewildering. He had never felt this happy to practice in forever. Maybe it was because he now had a guide - the perfect guide - to train him. Give it a few weeks, and Sanghyuk would be able to sing at the level of his hyungs.


He learned quickly that Leo was not at all talkative. The only responses he would get out of him were nods, disagreeing shakes of the head, or some sort of stare. He had figured him out quickly, and even though he had yet to properly get to know him the few moments they spent together allowed the chance for Sanghyuk to understand him just a little bit.


Leo wouldn't answer any questions unless it required just a yes or no, which frustrated Sanghyuk. Leo was a being not of this world, and refusing to answer any of his billions of questions made Sanghyuk question his trust. This man, ethereal in every way, came to him specifically… Why? It was a question Leo completely ignored. He didn't even nod or shake his head. Sanghyuk definitely had to keep his eyes open just in case he had thrown himself into something… Bad.


In the middle of practicing yet another scale, a banging pounded on the door. The sound resonated throughout the room, alarming the two who were sitting. It was so late into the night, why would anyone visit now? Even the group wouldn’t practice during such a ridiculous hour. Leo stood up in surprise and immediately waved his arm at the entrance, somehow locking the door despite being far from it. First healing, then telekinesis… It was no doubt unexpected. Sanghyuk was about to ask how Leo had done it, but he was interrupted by a sound outside the room.


“Hyoggie! Are you in there?!” a familiar voice shouted and the door handle shook as someone struggled to enter.


“It's Hakyeon-hyung!” Sanghyuk hissed and stood, scrambling for the door. As he raced for the entry, he felt his leg get tugged as he raised it. He tripped, face-first into the wood flooring. He landed with a crash and followed it with a loud groan of his own.


“Hyoggie?! What was that noise? Why is the door locked?” the door handle frantically rattled.


“Damn!” Sanghyuk cursed and looked back, finding that he still couldn’t move his leg. It was paralyzed, lifted into the air. Why couldn’t he move it? He saw Leo, still with his arm outstretched, glaring at him with anger and surprise… Ah, that was it.


“He’s my friend!” Sanghyuk whisper-yelled, “We can let him in, trust me, please!”


With that and a pause of hesitation, Leo let his leg go and unlocked the door.


“Sanghyuk!” Hakyeon yelled as he burst open the door. He was dressed warmly with a black outfit fashioned with a scarf, turtleneck sweater, and boots. His hair was unkempt, however, indicating the stress he endured during the episode. His face was twisted with anger, warning Sanghyuk quite obviously that he was going to get a scolding.


“Where were you?!” Hakyeon yelled, venom dripping from every word, stomping towards the maknae with such a rage that resonated within anyone in the vicinity. Three others entered the room - Jaehwan, Wonsik, and Hongbin - however they seemed more relieved than angry.


To feel Hakyeon-hyung’s hands on his shoulders, the tight grip of concern wrapping around him… He felt guilty. He was guilty. Sanghyuk didn't want him to touch him like this. He only wanted to be something they could be proud of.


But Hakyeon was still yelling at him and Sanghyuk was frozen still, unknowing of what to do but to take it and punish himself later.


He swore this hyung was going to hug him right after, as he always did after a fight. It was more of a habit than something deliberate. It was a thing that stayed with him since debut - the leader would yell and right after attempt a hug so he didn't seem as mean. The hug Sanghyuk hoped for didn't come, though, when Jaehwan spoke suddenly.


“Who is he?”


Sanghyuk escaped Hakyeon’s grasp, left him to go to Leo. Leo was in the corner - an attempt to hide. Sanghyuk figured it was his sparkling hair that gave it away.


“He's, uh, a friend who just happened to pass by this town.”


“You let him into our practice room?” Hakyeon interrogated, a scowl pulling down the edges of his lips. It was a sight to behold, really. Hakyeon was never this angry, at least with the members. No doubt Sanghyuk wouldn't get that hug.


You've broken records, Sanghyuk. The first one to make hyung so livid.


Hakyeon continued his rant, “Listen, Hyuk-ah, we spent hours looking for you. One hour you're not in the practice room, seventy minutes later you're missing, and the next second you're here, hanging out with a friend. We had to avoid the manager so it wouldn't become a bigger problem-- I get it okay? You have to at least tell us so we don't have to stress more than we already are, okay?!”


Hakyeon left. He just left. Walked out the door and left the members in the practice room.


Maybe his schedule was way too full. That was it wasn't it? That's why hyung was like that. The other members stood awkwardly, stealing looks at each other before going over to the maknae and patting his back.


“Take it easy, Hyuk. Hyung’s got a lot more important things to worry about than us right now. You know he doesn't hate you,” Hongbin comforted, despite both of them knowing it wouldn't help at all.


Sanghyuk nodded, and ushered all of them out, reassuring that he'd be at the dorm soon.


Sanghyuk turned to Leo, who was standing tall, observing.


“Where are you going to go?” Sanghyuk asked, trying his best to mask the fact his throat seemed dry. Certainly Leo couldn't come with him to the dorm, especially after what had just happened.


Leo frowned, and Sanghyuk read something like worry off of his facial expression. He forced a chuckle.


Hakyeon’s words still choked him, ripped him apart from the inside out. The best he could do was apologize later, but he doubted that would fix anything.


Leo sat down on the floor and looked up at Sanghyuk.


“You're going to stay in the practice room? There's nowhere to sleep or-”


Leo nodded.


Sanghyuk was going to protest, but figured he just had to trust him. After all, Leo had come from the sky - he probably didn't even need sleep.


Sanghyuk left him after saying goodbye and locking the door. The walk back home was going to be lonely. He hated being alone, because then he’d be alone with his thoughts - there would be nothing to distract him.


Oh, Sanghyuk, his thoughts whispered into his mind, Look at how much problems you’ve created. He shivered, willing himself to choke back a sob.

a/n: a long chapter to make up for the time haha.

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mikyou44 #1
Chapter 2: You should update this, i love it ^^
Chapter 2: Xhdhdhfbdbhsjsjdhd
This is so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time! I really want to see how it continues ;;
A beautiful storyline and idea!
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 2: Oh no poor Hyuk. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 1: This is great! Waiting too see next chap :)
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 1: This is super interesting and can`t wait for the next chapter.