Fix and Fright

Begin Our Story Again
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It felt like déjà vu. All of this heart clenching, and hating himself because he would be causing another crack on their friendship. Junmyeon had never felt what he did was fair. Not once did he think his selfish decision was a wise decision. But the truth was, what else can he do?

Just because of him having issues with accepting his heartbreak, he decided to leave his friends. Not only that, but he hid himself. The only purpose of that action was because he knew Taecyeon would find him. Kris too would find him and if they do, what can he say to them? What reason, what lies can he lay out to them?

Junmyeon doesn’t know why but he trust Jessica. He trusted her all of his heart and he didn’t regret doing so. After 11 years of staying abroad, he finally decided it’s time to head back. There’s no more reason to run away. Everyone moved on with their life. Junmyeon did too! He had a few relationships at New Zealand but they never worked out. He didn’t mind. He thought it’s better for him to at least find his significant other in his birth country.

Certainly, he had moved on. But that giant had to. That giant had to ruin what he had got rid of years ago. How can Kris make him fall in love again?

He did notice the sweet gestures. Those gestures were the things that Junmyeon had dreamed to do with Kris when he was seventeen. He had gone to bed thinking what it feels like to cuddle with Kris, to hold his hands while walking and most of all, what it feels like to be locking lips with Kris.

However, it was more like an invisible alarm ringing on his head when Kris got too close, or when he touched Junmyeon. It was getting obvious and obvious that Kris liked him but Junmyeon was too scared to reciprocate.

After that episode in the club, Junmyeon wanted to knock himself for thinking going to the club was a good idea. That was a stupid stupid idea. But the kiss, the kiss was all he ever wanted to feel and boy Kris was a good kisser. If only it last a little- No!

It’s not right to think like that. Junmyeon, get your mind straight.

Junmyeon was grasping the kitchen sink for maybe a good 5 minutes that he forgot to register Jessica’s presence. The strawberry blonde entered the kitchen and took out a carton of milk and start pouring it out. Once she was seated at the dining table, she only smirked before drinking her milk.

“You look terrible.” Jessica uttered while munching the garlic bread. Since when did Jessica love garlic bread? It must be her pregnancy hormones. Junmyeon nervously peeked at her and he wondered if Jessica was still mad at him.

The confrontation about Kris with her didn’t quite end well. They didn’t argue. Junmyeon won’t argue with Jessica. Firstly, it’s not good for the baby. And secondly, he didn’t think it was necessary. So, wiping his tears away and ran up the stairs was a good idea.

Back to what Jessica had said, does he really look terrible? He didn’t mope around or lose sleep. But his dark circles seemed to betray his words. He was just….mentally exhausted. His idea was to talk to Kris like a man and suggest forgetting everything but the latter did not even pick up his calls.

“Where’s Taecyeon?” Junmyeon tried to act casually but nah, Jessica has always seen through him, that he is trying to avoid a specific topic. “He’s with Kris. Don’t you remember? It’s Thursday, means pizza night.” Junmyeon flinched at Kris’ name but what made him nervous was it’s pizza night. He kept thinking about Kris that it didn’t come across his mind it had been almost 4 days since the incident happen.

“Oh...Are you not going?” he tried to ask calmly.

“Of course, I am. They’ll be here soon with our pizza.” Jessica said casually while grabbing another piece of bread.


They never had pizza night at home! It’s a tradition to go to Domino’s every Thursday and they’ll take turns on who’s paying the bill. But never settle for take away. What’s even more surprising was….. Kris is coming too?

“I knew you would try to escape, giving excuse something like ‘I’m not feeling very well’. Well, too bad you can’t run.” This woman, if she was a satan in her previous life, Junmyeon would believe. Junmyeon could only scowl at her before exiting the kitchen.

He had to think fast. He wasn’t ready to face Kris. Talking to Kris on the phone would be okay, it’s bearable compare to meeting him because he can’t stand the disappointed look on Kris’ face. To hell with it, he would just go somewhere out from this house. Suddenly he felt regret of not buying a new apartment in Seoul. It was Taecsica’s idea to let Junmyeon stay in this green house because someone needed to keep Jessica accompany.

The blond male quickly grabbed his coat on the couch and dash to the door. But before he could pull the door open, someone had already pushed the door from the outside and he came face to face with another blond male that had been avoiding him. Their eyes met and Junmyeon held his breath.




Kris only stared at him for a few seconds before bumping Junmyeon’s shoulder to walk pass him. To say Junmyeon was expecting this behaviour was accurate but he didn’t thought he would feel a pang in his chest. The shorter was about to leave again when Taecyeon had entered and start pulling his hand, making him sit beside Kris.

Junmyeon wanted to tear his hand off Taecyeon but he didn’t want Kris to think he despised him so he just sat down quietly. Kris was not even glancing at him and there was a frown on his face. If only Junmyeon can turn it upside down. But how can he when he’s the reason behind it?

Meanwhile Kris, he was trying so hard to not break into a smile. He noticed that Junmyeon kept on peeping at him when they’re eating and the smaller would frown whenever Kris did not return his gaze or when Kris would cut Junmyeon whenever the smaller wanted to speak. Junmyeon was pouting and Kris thinks it’s so cute that he wanted to pinch Junmyeon’s cheek.

He had thought about it during the days he spent avoiding Junmyeon. If Junmyeon doesn’t see him that way, then shouldn’t he put more effort into making Junmyeon his? He won’t drown in self-pity, no, that isn’t Kris’ style. But before they go in good terms, he wants to tease Junmyeon a little bit.

They continued to dig in their food while talking about random stuff. Like how Jessica’s due date was only a few months away,  how Taecyeon’s business was going well, and at last their attention divert to Junmyeon as the topic was about ‘Junmyeon should get a job’. It’s not like Junmyeon hadn’t been thinking about getting a job. For months he had been staying at home and taking care of Jessica. He had quite amount of money in his bank to live without a job for a few more months. But if he works, then who will take care of Jessica when her due date is coming? Taecyeon is a busy man, what if something happens while all of them are away?

“I’m not a baby, you know” she protested. “In fact, I’m carrying one!”

“It’s because you are carrying one, Sica! Nope. I’ll get a job when Taecyeon junior comes out and then—”

“By the way, guys, you guys heard that there’s a reunion party of 05’ senior batch?”For the nth time, Kris interfered when Junmyeon was talking and the latter could only huff in annoyance.

This evening, Kris received an invitation on Facebook about the school reunion. It was okay for Kris but how childish it is to make the theme as a black and white party. They were just recycling their prom idea 11 years ago. When he thought about it, Junmyeon didn’t go to their senior prom. He frowned knowing that he was supposed to go with Junmyeon but the latter had disappeared to God knows where.

“Yeah, all of us did. I think it’s amazing that they’re doing the theme we did on our prom” Jessica said dreamily while clasping both of her hands. Taecyeon couldn’t help but find his girlfriend so cute and adorable that he pecked the woman’s cheek. Feeling shy, Jessica ended up elbowing his boyfriend on the stomach.

“Wait, they’re doing the black and white theme?” Junmyeon asked. He knew this because he was one of the prom committees. It’s a wonder how he can still remember despite being more than a decade ago.

“Yeap! Don’t you think it’s a good idea? It’s like you are having a second chance at prom! Kris can finally take you!” It was Taecyeon to speak this time. Kris upon hearing that almost choked on his drink as he lets out a nervous laugh and for the first time since they sat, he glanced beside him. The male beside him was fidgeting with his hands while his cheeks were pinkish.


Junmyeon’s blushing.


“Uh….great. Who’s the organizer this time?” Junmyeon tried to divert the attention to another topic as he didn’t dare to look at Kris when he knew the taller was staring at him.

“Ohohoho Kris must be so happy to hear this. Choi Sooyoung had planned this reunion for months. Kris, you must be excited, right?” Taecyeon had tease while poking Kris sturdy chest with his finger.

Choi Sooyoung? The head cheerleader with an intimidating height? Not only that, she was hella gorgeous when she was the head of cheerleading team. Most importantly, why must Kris felt happy and excited? The other two were giggling while Kris looked like he wanted to teleport away from this house. It’s as if Junmyeon was missing an inside joke.

“Uhm…. What’s so funny about Sooyoung?” Junmyeon tried not to sound like a jealous boyfriend but he failed to hide his jealousy. The giggling stopped and Jessica made an eye contact with Kris. The latter was leaning back, away from Junmyeon’s view while shaking his head and mouthing a ‘No’.

Jessica can be a saint, but not Taecyeon. The taller only smirked at Kris before turning to Junmyeon. “After you left, this guy right here had been moping far too long,” he pointed to Kris, “many girls tried to cheer Kris up by you know, flirting with him. Choi Sooyoung was one of them. And she definitely left an impression. She even confessed at Kris! Everyone was surprised she did, I mean she’s like above our standards, she’s hot and the head of—ouch!” Taecyeon couldn’t finish when Jessica had hit him at the back of his head, causing Kris to laugh out loud and mouthed ‘karma ’ at his best friend.

Different story from Junmyeon as the smaller was deep in his thoughts. If Junmyeon was honest, he disliked the idea of Choi Sooyoung now. The way Taecyeon was speaking, he bets Sooyoung must have been the most likely to succeed.

They would make a great couple, how both she and Kris are rich in height. They could be the power couple and something lurched in Junmyeon’s stomach at the thought of that. “So, was her confession accepted?” Junmyeon asked to no one in particular. By the tone of his voice, Kris knew that Junmyeon must have felt uneasy.


Is it jealousy?


 Kris smirked at the thought. I guess I do have this effect on you.

Enough playing this cat and mouse game, he decided to finally give Junmyeon some attention. “Nope, I didn’t. Though she was beautiful but I couldn’t accept her.”

Junmyeon’s eyes widen that Kris responded to him. He tried to keep it together, act as naturally as possible under Kris’ gaze. “Oh….why not?” he replied.

Chuckling, Kris stretched his arms over Junmyeon’s chair and moved closer to the smaller male causing the latter to flinch.


“How can I when I couldn’t stop thinking of you?”


this bastard how can he make his heart goes wild again? This man knew his ways to melt Junmyeon’s heart, damn it! Junmyeon backed away while letting out an awkward cough. “Shut up. You’re a terrible liar, Yifan.”

“Didn’t say I was lying. You occupied my thoughts since I was seventeen.” He retorted. That annoying smug expression plastered on Kris’ face. The taller knew he have this effect on Junmyeon. Ugh how Junmyeon wanted to wipe that expression of his face. Speaking of which, their face are just inches apart and Junmyeon’s eyes unconsciously land on Kris lips.


“, you’re so lame, Kris,” Taecyeon made a puking noise, “Honestly, Jun if you fall for that line, you’re just as lame as he is.”

Kris threw a paper ball tissue at his best friend while yelling ‘go die’ but Junmyeon can’t contain his smile. Laughter erupted from the dining table and Junmyeon felt contended that the stiff air was slowly dissipating. And Kris, even after they had moved on to a new topic, he still kept his arm on Junmyeon’s chair. If he’s not mistaken (which he sure he wasn’t), he felt Kris rubbing his shoulders with his thumb.











Eventually, the night was getting late and Kris still has work in the morning. So, Junmyeon had insisted to send Kris to the door. Frankly, he didn’t know why he thought of that. He just figured maybe after their few exchange of words, they came to an agreement to pretend like nothing had happened between them.

Once Kris stepped outside, the taller only faced him and did no effort to leave. Instead, he tucked his hands into his pockets and heaved out a sigh. “Remember the day I asked you to call me Yifan?” Pausing, Junmyeon pondered for a while. His mind searched for the memory and once he recalled it, he can’t help but smiled fondly at the thought. It was a week after he had consoled Kris from his heartbreak over Jessica.





“It’s Yifan…”

“Hmm?” Junmyeon looked weirdly at Kris who halted

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2443 streak #1
reading again in 2019!!!
This is really good! One of my fave story here in AF :)
foreverfareh #3
Chapter 7: I just found this gem of yours. I cried a little reading this fic. Maybe you can write baekyeol's spin off? Thanks for writing this fic.
Chapter 7: Thought luhan was their child but turn out it was jongin and sehun haha >< finally krisho get their own happy ending :3 Thank you for writing this fic ^^
Chapter 6: Krisho in this chapter is like "we are lovey dovey but we're not boyfriends" then "what is boyfrieds lets just get engage" hahaha i love it tho >< In the end yifan's hadrwork to win joon's heart is paid off with this engagement(?)~~~
Chapter 5: Finally!! One step closer to become boyfriends~ Kkkk. Thank you chanyeol for letting yifan knew about the truth ^^ you are their lifesaver~
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is such a c*ckblocker hahaha ><
I like how yifan was trying to ignore joon when they had pizzas but in the end he just cant~ kkk
Chapter 3: I understand now why joon seem hesitate to accept yifan's love... when they were in high school yifan was leading joon on too.... you reap what you sow yifan-ah... but maybe someday joon will accept you wholeheartedly~~
Chapter 2: Didnt know that their relationship was this complicated... wah..
Chapter 1: Feel bad for yifan bcs joon is leading him on but in the end joon rejected yifan even tho joon loves yifan... it makes me curious why is joon pretending that he doesnt like/love yifan...