Sealed with a Kiss

Keep me warm

Soft droplets of rain pitter pattered against the large window behind your head. Your boyfriend Jin still wandering around the kitchen looking for small snacks to entertain yourselves during the movie. Slinging your fuzzy socks over the arm chair you called to him from the plush couch. “Jin! Hurry the previews are almost over!” Muffled cupboards and the crunching of wrappers filled the dark hall as messy blonde hair came into view. Jin with his arms full of popcorn, chocolate, and even your favorite flavor of chips, came waddling down the hall. You couldn’t stifle the laugh building up in your chest as your gaze followed his. “Think you have enough?” You teased. He rounded the small table plopping every snack on the glass surface. “I heard this movie is two hours long! I’m just making sure we won’t go hungry.” The corners of his lips curled into a grin as he opened the fresh popcorn watching steam rise, flushing his cheeks. “What is this movie even about?” He asked. Watching him stuff small handfuls between his lips you scooted closer to the taller man, your shoulders brushing against one another. “Just another mushy chick flick, yanno trying to let love overcome all obstacles and such.” He hummed stretching a long arm around your shoulders. Your head rested softly against his chest, the soft thumping of his heart drumming into your ears. As your thoughts wandered the movie finally began. The main girl gaining amnesia and forgetting the main guy who tried writing her countless letters to regain her memory. Jin began to chuckle. “I don’t think that’s how amnesia is cured!” He protested jamming a chocolate bar at the screen. Looking up at the man you puffed out your lower lip, eyes wide and shimmering. “Jin,” You whispered capturing his full attention before continuing. “If I had amnesia would you try to jog my memory like that?” Hopping for a sweet response your heart dropped as he shook his head. “No, that seems too simple.” You gnawed in you bottom lip, disappointed in your boyfriend, almost hurt by his frank reply. Before you could fully turn away from him, his long fingers caught your chin in a gentle hold, drawing your face closer to him. “I’d jog your memory with something you couldn’t have possibly forgot.” Your heart raced, almost breaking through your rib cage as he placed his plump lips onto yours. The sweet taste of chocolate seeping between your lips. The kiss was warm and passionate reminding you exactly of your relationship with Jin. As your lips moved in sync every memory of your time spent with him flooded your thoughts. Early mornings under thick blankets, small coffee shops filled with your muffled snickers as to not disturb other customers, and even rainy days like this spent alone together just enjoying the presence of each other. Your heart filled to the brim with affection as he pulled away. The hazy look in his eyes drove you mad. He seemed to stare at you as if you were the most precious thing in the world.

“Would that jog your memory?” Another warm grin graced his features. Without another word you nodded shoving your head back into his firm chest, using him as a pillow. “I really do love you Seok Jin.” His large hand combed through your soft hair, wrapping an arm around your frame. “I love you too.” For the rest of the movie you stayed snuggled up to Jin, his breathing lulling you to sleep as your heavy eyelids drew to a close. His unforgettable kiss etched into your dreams as you drifted into dream land.


Author Mochi: I had a lot of fun writting this one!! I know its super short but Jin has be wrecking my list lately , haha, Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!

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