Embarrassing Moments.

A Dream Come True?

Well done to Coralie_x_SHINee for guessing correctly~ <3

HyoAe's POV:

"Meet EXO." Kai gave me the sweetest grin and opened the door for me to go through.

“Ya Kai-ah you are late again— ooh~ who do we have here?” a boy with the cutest face but with a surprisingly  deep voice spoke… whoa.

“Chanyeol stop—“

“Hyung! You never told me you had such a *ahem* cute girlfriend~” a boy with a cute lisp turned around and tousled his sweaty hair with a towel.

The other –I think 11 altogether- boys inside gathered around me and Kai. This is so embarrassing… plus I’m wearing a dress that displays a lot of skin. Can an angel pick me up and take me away from this embarrassing scenario? ;__;

“Sehun— YA!“ Kai gazed at my uneasy face, “Give the girl some space! Geesh you guys and your misunderstandings!”

“Oooooh~ being a lil protective are we?” I think his name was Chanyeol, cooed at Kai as the others giggled.

“Aish! This is HyoAe, I’m only showing a new student around like a good student president!” Kai hit his chest proudly.

“Pfht. Only showing a new student my …” Chanyeol turned towards me, “HyoAe-ssi you ought to be careful of Kai, he is a player in heart, soul, mind and *cough* body.”

Oh gosh. I don’t want to have this conversation with a stranger. I stepped back casually as Chanyeol leaned closer to my face.

“Ask him to teach you how to French kiss~” another boy jeered.

“YA! BAEKHYUN-HYUNG—“ Kai folded his arms in protest.



The boys had surrounded both me and Kai in a circle around us. Aish. Since when did a prince charming have such dorky friends?!

The boys continued to close in, so that Kai and I were awkwardly touching shoulders as they continued to chant, “KISS! KISS!”

“You guys are being unreasonable! I literally only just met her an hour ago!” Kai once again folded his arms in protest.

“KISS! KISS!” they continued.

I faced Kai frontwards and looked up. He is so damn tall. As he looked down on me as I was gazing at his beautiful jawline which completes his complexion so perfectly. We met each other’s’ eyes and I felt like a person drowning at sea, except I’m drowning in his perfect brown eyes. How could a man be so perfect?


I shifted my gaze to Chanyeol who had his jaw hanging open—wait. Why is his jaw hanging open—

My spine tingled as my skin only just sensed a warm hand embracing the back of my neck. Whose hand is it?! It’s- it’s- KAI’S!

He closed in towards my face.

No! No! What are you doing?! Stay calm HyoAe… stay calm.

I stared at Kai with an uninterested look but he still inched closer towards my face as he stared at my lips.

WHOA! No way you are gonna… you aren’t right… OMG HE IS EVER SO CLOSE.

I closed my eyes as I didn’t want to see what would happen next. I could almost feel his breath on my lips.

“HyoAe-ssi why are your eyes closed?”

I snapped my eyes open to see Kai standing a reasonable distance away from me.

The other boys giggled as some even fell on the floor, slamming their palms on the floor in purely because they couldn’t stop laughing.

“She…she… likes you!” Chanyeol held Kai’s shoulders as laughed a dorky laugh.

“Look! She even knows it since she is going bright red!” another boy remarked.

Wait what is he even talking about? My face isn’t—

I put the back on my hands on either side of my cheeks and felt a rapid temperature change.

Why am I flaring up?! This is so embarrassing! I wanna leave now!

Suddenly I couldn’t see a thing. A hand grabbed me before I had the chance to take off the piece of cloth that was hindering me from seeing anything. The hand pulled me harshly towards one direction as my legs and feet just followed the direction I was pulled in.

I could hear heavy panting, not only mine but someone else’s as the person dragging me was making me run with him/her.

We stopped at a halt as I fell back to lean on the wall that was conveniently beside me.

This piece of cloth is making me feel hotter from running… ergh… so hot…

I proceeded to pull the cloth, which was in fact a towel from my head until a hand grasped my hand that was about to pull the towel off.

“Don’t…take…off that towel…” a male voice, which I’m guessing was the person who dragged me.

The guy’s voice sounded ever so familiar… or is it just me…?

“Whatever… you do… don’t take off that towel…” the boy panted.

“I…I… won’t…” I managed to make my way with words.

The boy’s grasp on my hand slowly let go… “Be careful…”

I heard rapid footsteps getting softer as it became more distant.

“Be careful of what?” I spoke.

There was no reply.

“What should I be careful of?” I spoke again but louder.

There was no reply.

“If you don’t tell me… I’ll take this towel off!” I threatened.

There was still no reply.




There was no reply.


“0!” I threw the towel off my head and adjusted my sight from the change in light.

There was no one there.

What the--?! What was the point in all of that?!

I wanted to begin cursing; however I glanced upon a big umbrella which leaned beside me on the wall. I looked outside to see a heavy pour of rain.

There was a post-it note that read:

Be careful… of catching a cold…

Use this.

The umbrella looked quite new and was in good shape.

Aish. How am I going to return it, if there isn’t a name on this?

I took the umbrella and opened it up and walked into the rain.

I guess I’ll find whoever this belongs to. I’m sure EXO have left already and I’m sure Soo-Ri unnie is waiting for me.

With this, I headed slowly towards the direction of the parked car.


No-one’s POV:

I must’ve gone crazy… why did I do that?

A boy walked into the pouring rain after a reasonable amount of time after the girl he had been gazing at.

Hyo-Ae I hope you will be careful of what happens to you…


SooRi’s POV:

“I just got a text from Eunhyuk. He said he just went to visit a friend in this area.” Kim Jung Hoon stepped on the pedal forcefully.

“Ah thank goodness we don’t have to drive home with Mr. Grumps… right HyoAe?” I nudged HyoAe who was staring blankly outside the car window.

I kept nudging her but she didn’t budge. When I usually nudge her inbetween her rib and hip she usually finds that ticklish. However, she didn’t react at all.

Strange. What is she thinking about so much?


HyoAe’s POV:

My mind was consumed with thoughts about Kai.

His jawline, his lips, his eyes… his everything.

But I also couldn’t stop thinking about the embarrassment I faced infront of his group members…

‘HyoAe-ssi why are your eyes closed?’

The same phrase repeated in my head like a broken record.

I just really hope I don’t bump into him when I start school…


My vision poofed from my head and I turned around to see Soo-Ri unnie and Kim Jung Hoon already out of the car. I spent a few moments saying ‘huh?’ and ‘what’s going on?’

I undid my seatbelt and stepping out the car under the shelter of Kim Jung Hoon holding a MASSIVE umbrella over our heads.

“Are you ready, nae dongsaeng-ah~?” SooRi poked my cheek.

“Ready for what?!” I replied

SooRi squinted her eyes in disappointment, “Do you even remember of how you look right now?!”

What is she talking about—

I looked down to see my high heels and my high cut dress.

Ah… I was completely immersed in thoughts of Kai that I completely forgot about what I now look like.

I pushed my glasses at the bridge of my nose back—

Wait. I don’t even have glasses. Darn. I gotta get used to contact lenses…

“I don’t wanna go inside and reveal myself to them!” I pouted.

“Aish! You are coming in whether you like it or not!” Soo-Ri unnie dragged me in by my arm through the front door.

I so don’t want to go through with this…

There was no one there.


“What is up with the noise—ooh you brought one of your lil friends home. What’s her name?” Siwon walked down the stairs with long strides.

“She is—“ SooRi started.

“Omo you are home! Did you go grocery shopping by any chance? Oh wow, who is this~?” Ryeowook shook my hand harshly with a massive grin on my face.

They don’t… aigoo…

“Guys… don’t you know this is—“ SooRi again started.

“How was your visit to SM Academy? Oh wow, hello there!” Donghae walked out of the bathroom.

“Hyung, this is SooRi’s friend!” Siwon flailed his arms.


“No… it’s not its—“ SooRi started.

“OMG A FRIEND?! WHOA ANOTHER GIRL IN OUR DORM?!” Heechul, Kyuhyun, Shindong, Sungmin and Yesung all came towards me to shake my hand.

“GUYSITSHYOAE!” SooRi screamed in one breath.

“HUH?” the boys shouted in unison.

“Aish… what is up with the noise…? I was taking my nap—Hyo…Hyo…” Leeteuk stood as still as a statue on the second last step.

“It…can’t be…” Leeteuk whispered to himself.

“THIS.IS.MY.DONGSAENG.HAN.HYOAE.” SooRi dictated in a robotic, monotone voice.

“HYOAE??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” everyone screamed in unison except for Leeteuk.


 Leeteuk fell to sit down on one of the steps, with an uneasy look on his face, “It… can’t be…”

Leeteuk then got up and walked towards me with long strides and a stern look on his face.

He kept walking towards me…

Okay he too is getting a lil bit too close…

Too close…


I guess this is déjà vu of the scenario I had with Kai.


AN: So guys, what do you think of this chapter? I think I'm getting better at procrastinating less whilst writing chapters (: Yay~ So I planned this chapter, plotwise and I ended up writing too much, so about 3/4 of what I planned to be in this chapter will be in my next chapter, I hope you look forward to it (:

Anyway, two days ago I received my EXO album and I'm just so happy I could fly. Are you guys, okay with having EXO in this fanfic too? Comments are always loved <3

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oohhh I wonder what's going on with Leeteuk :P
idontsing-ismile #2
waaaa!!!!! MORE!!!! Hehehehe ohhh leeteuk XD
ooohh, Kai as in EXO's Kai? XD
haha Eunhyuk, you totally missed your chance! XD
Oo-er, a little hyukkie has crush :3 update soon :)
molto bene~! :)
seems like it's getting interesting ^_^
HI! from Neverland & i just wanted to say that littlemissblue is busy.. so if you dont mind waiting?? or would you like me to give it to a diffrent designer ?
idontsing-ismile #9
It gets more interesting ^o^
I like your story so far :D update soon ^^