Chapter 2

Loving a Bestfriend

Chapter 2

okay!! So I double posted it but I'm placing still Chapter 2 here.. So please re-read it if ever you've missed it..

Gui’s House..
Gui: Wanna have some drink?
Aaron: Nah… You’re tired aren’t you?
Gui: But…
Aaron: Nah… Just go and take a rest…
Gui: Okay then.. See you in school…

Few months had passed and Wang Zi also became their companions…. They became more close especially for Gui Gui and Aaron.. Gui Gui often make their lunches and eat together, they laugh together, share their secrets and joke around often…

While Gui Gui was reading during their lunch time, Ya Tou approached her..
Ya Tou: Ehh… Gui Gui…
Gui: What?
Ya Tou: Nothing….
Gui: Come on… Spill it out…
Ya Tou: Well, there’s this rumor in our school…
Gui: About?
Ya Tou: Well I know it’s not true but…
Gui: Just say it out..
Ya Tou: Promise me don’t attack those who made these rumors…
Gui: You know me Ya Tou…
Ya Tou: Okay then.. Well, said that….
Gui: That…
Ya Tou: Aiyo… I can’t tell it…
Gui: Oh come on...
Ya Tou: Okay… So our classmate before graduated made this rumor… I….. They say that you transferred because of Aaron Ge… They said that you like him…
Gui: That’s what I thought ever since you said ‘our classmates before we graduated’… Well.. About that.. You know it’s not true right? And that’s an old issue..
Ya Tou: Yah…
Gui: Haixt….

Gui’s P.O.V.
Is that not really my reason? (removes her eyeglasses) I remember, before we graduate, he said they are going to Mainland China for good… He said he’ll study there.. I remember that night, I cried my eyes out.. That’s why I took the examination here… Because I don’t want to study in ZTE University anymore and I like to forget what I had for him…. But then before the class starts, he called me saying that he transferred here in Taipei University.. I was like ‘What? I thought you were in China?’… Waahhh… I liked him since the very start… Since the day I saw him…
End of Gui’s P.O.V.

Ya Tou: Waaahh.. You’re pretty without your glasses on..
Gui Gui: Really?
Ya Tou: Yep. Are you alright?
Gui: Ohh… Yeah… I got to go…
Ya Tou: Ehh? Don’t you have your class?
Gui: Our class was cancelled because all our teachers went for a seminar.. And they’ll stay there for three days…
Ya Tou: Oh… Okay then… Take care okay…
Gui: Okay..

Ya Tou’s P.O.V.
Something’s wrong with Gui Gui lately… Everytime we talk about ge she’ll space out… Could it be that?......
End of Ya Tou’s P.O.V.

Gui’s House…
Gui: I’m home….
???: Oh you’re early… I thought you’ll have your class until four… It’s still two…
Gui: Ben Ben?
Ah Ben: You know my voice too well huh?
Gui: Ge…. I miss you…(runs to him and hugged him) Where’s ge?
Ah Ben: I miss you too mei mei… Ge still have a work..
Gui: Where’s mom?
Ah Ben: She went out for a while.. She said she’ll buy something to cook…
Gui: Really? When did you arrived?
Ah Ben: I just arrived… Ehh?
Gui: What?
Ah Ben: Do you have any problem?
Ah Ben: Just as I thought… Is it about love?
Gui: Am I really that transparent? (let go of the hug)
Ah Ben: Well not really…. Come on, let’s talk about it on your room…
Gui: Okay…

Gui’s Room…
Ah Ben: So?
Gui: You know Aaron right?
Ah Ben: Well you often tell stories about him…
Gui: Well…. I think I’ve fallen for him…
Ah Ben: Then why don’t you confess to him?
Gui: Because I’m still not so sure about my feelings…
Ah Ben: Then let me ask you then… Do you think you’ll be happy when he’s not around?
Gui: Imagining it only makes my heart ache…
Ah Ben: Then do you feel something different when you’re with him?
Ah Ben: Then just go and confess your feelings for him…
Gui: But…
Ah Ben: No more buts….
Gui: Okay then.. I’ll call him and ask him to meet me tomorrow..
Ah Ben: That’s my girl..
Gui: Thank you ge…
Ah Ben: Can I sleep here for a while? My room is kinda messy because of my baggages…
Gui: But…
Ah Ben: Okay then… No stitch for you…(laid on her bed)
Gui: Ehh? I was saying that ‘But I want to sleep with you’…
Ah Ben: Come here then….
Gui: Is it just okay?
Ah Ben: Yep… (stretched his hands for a hug)
Gui: (lay beside him) When will ge come here? I miss him terribly…
Ah Ben: He said in a month…
Gui: Really?
Ah Ben: Oops… I guess I just spill out the surprise…
Gui: Heheheh… Then when are you going back there?
Ah Ben: I’ll stay here for a year…
Ah Ben: Yup…

Next morning…
Aaron: Wei?
Gui: Aaron?
Aaron: Oh Gui.. (Yawn)What do you need?
Gui: Are you free this afternoon?
Aaron: Yes why?
Gui: Can we meet then?
Aaron: Sure… Where?
Gui: Park?
Aaron: Okay… What time?
Gui: Around four?
Aaron: Okay…(hung up)

Ah Ben: You called him already?
Gui: yeah...
Ah Ben: What did he said?
Gui: We’ll meet this afternoon..
Ah Ben: Jia you Gui Gui!!
Gui: Uhmmm…

Three P.M…
Gui: Waahh… What should I wear? What should I wear?
Ah Ben: When confessing, just be yourself…..
Gui: Okay then…
Ah Ben: If he’ll reject you, tell me okay… You know, your situation….
Gui: Yeah… I’ll be fine…..
Ah Ben: Then….

Four P.M….
Gui: Hmmm….. I guess there’s no backing out…. This is it… (heard something)

???: I love you very much….. (kissed the guy)
Gui: What? Isn’t that Xiao Xun? And……..Aaron? Are they already together? I better go…. I wish them happiness…

Aaron’s P.O.V.
Gui called me to meet at the park.. I was too happy… What? Happy? Am I really that in love with her? Oh my God….
End of Gui’s P.O.V.

Ya Tou: Thinking of her?
Aaron: I’m not thinking about Gui Gui okay…
Ya Tou: I didn’t even mention a name…
Ya Tou: You like her don’t you?
Wei Yu: Nah… That’s not the word… The word is ‘love’…
Aaron: I think so….
Ya Tou: Don’t you think Gui Gui was acting weird lately Wei Yu Ge?
Wei Yu: Yes… Everytime we’re talking about Aaron ge, she blushes…
Ya Tou: You haven’t seen her remove her glasses for the ages right?
Wei Yu: Yes…
Ya Tou: Well, I just saw her a while back takin off her eyeglasses off…
Wei Yu: Really?
Ya Tou: As far as I know, she only removes her eyeglasses when she’s thinking, troubled, taking a bath and some stuffs…. I think she’s troubled.. About her feelings maybe… Because I asked her about the rumor in our school that made her think really deeply and remove her glasses… So ge, if you like her, confess to her….
Wei Yu: Right!! Wang ZI might do it first..
Aaron: WHAT?
Wei Yu: Isn’t it obvious? He likes her… He love her to death… Don’t you know his reason of coming back? Wang Zi just spill it out yesterday. He said it’s because of Gui Gui…
Aaron: Really?
Wei Yu: Yes…
Ya Tou: And if that will happen there’s this big possibility that she’ll answer him…
Aaron: Ehh?
Ya Tou: Well you see, Gui Gui used to like Wang Zi, there’s a possibility that she still like him…
Aaron: Okay.. I have decided, I’ll confess to her….
Wei Yu and Ya Tou: GOOD!!!

Aaron’s P.O.V.
I think I’m still early… It’s better at least it was not Gui Gui who waited heheheh…
End Of Aaron’s P.O.V.

???: Aaron?
Aaron: Xiao Xun?
Xiao Xun: Why are you here?
Aaron: Oh, I’ll meet Gui Gui here..
Xiao Xun: Oh… *Gui Gui again?* Aaron… I like you... You know that right?
Aaron:……Oh…. Sorry… But I love Gui Gui…
Aaron: She have my heart…
Xiao Xun: I love you very much…. (kissed Aaron)
Aaron: *WTH!!!* (pushes Xiao Xun) I’m sorry Xiao Xun, but I only and will only love Gui Gui…
Xiao Xun: (cry) Why? Why? What did I do wrong? (runs)
Aaron: Damn… Haixt.. Ehh? It’s already four p.m.. Maybe she’ll be here soon…

An Hour had Passed….
Aaron: Where is she? Did she ditch me? I better call her…(calls Gui Gui) Ehh? I can’t reach her…

Another Hour had passed…..
Aaron: I guess she’s not coming anymore…. I’ll just call her later….

Gui: (sobbing while eating her burger) I think love isn’t on my side…..

Gui Gui was walking when the a heavy rain came…

Gui’s P.O.V.
Urghh…. Why does it have to rain? Urghhh.. Not now? Urghhh.. My head? Why are all the things here spinning? “Gui Gui!!!” Ehh? Someone is calling me but who? I’m gonna pass out soon…
End of Gui’s P.O.V.

Before Gui Gui could passed out Wang Zi saw her….

Wang Zi’s P.O.V.
Is that Gui Gui? What is she doing here? In the heavy rain? Without an umbrella?
End of Wang Zi’s P.O.V.

Wang Zi: Gui Gui…..*Ehhh? She’s gonna faint* (runs to her) Got you…
Gui: Wang Zi……
Wang Zi: You’re running a fever.. Better take you to your house….

Gui’s House….
Ah Ben: Ehh? It’s already seven? Where is Gui Gui? It’s raining outside… I hope she’s fine….
Ah Ben: Maybe that’s her… Coming!!! (opens the door) Wang Zi? What happened to mei mei?
Wang Zi: I saw her at the park…… She’s running a fever…
Ah Ben: Fever? Fainted? !!! Come in Wang Zi, give me mei mei….. I’ll take her to her room.. Please sit here… I’ll be back… (carries Gui Gui) Not again…. Good thing I’m here if not who will take care of you? Mom just went with dad in Australia… Haixt.. I had the best choice for coming home…(she take care of Gui Gui then went down)
Wang Zi: Is she already okay?
Ah Ben: I guess so… Long time no see Wang Zi…
Wang Zi: Yeah….
Ah Ben: Hmmm… Seems like I need to send Gui Gui to the hospital if she doesn’t get well soon…
Wang Zi: If it’s needed, please do so….
Ah Ben: Good thing you’re here for her… Wanna have some drink?
Wang Zi: Water would do…
Ah Ben: Ok…. I’ll get you one..(went to the kitchen and came back with two glasses of water) here…
Wang Zi: Thank you…
Ah Ben: You like my mei mei don’t you?
Wang Zi: Well…
Ah Ben: I knew it… If she only has feelings for you I’ll do anything for you to be together…
Wang Zi: I guess she’s inlove with someone else…
Ah Ben: Eventually….

Aaron’s House….
Wei Yu: How’s it?
Aaron: Shut up!!!
Ya Tou: I think it didn’t turn out well… Just let him be alone first okay..
Wei Yu: Okay….

The three days vacation passed and Gui Gui was run to the hospital because she was not get really well….

Room 211 (Class I-A)
Hei Ren: ……..Wei Lian?
Wei Lian: Here!
Hei Ren: Wang Zi?........Wang Zi?
Wang Zi: I’m (pant) here (pant)
Hei Ren: Okay go back to your seat. Next Ao Quan…
Ao Quan: Here!!!
Hei Ren: Gui Gui?.......Gui Gui? (Wang Zi raised his hands) What is it Wang Zi?
Wang Zi: Gui Gui might not make it to school for these few days lao shi….
All: Ehh?
Hei Ren: Why?
Wang Zi: She was run to the hospital yesterday because she was still unconscious and had a high fever a day before yesterday…
Hei Ren: Ehh?
Wang Zi: Her family wants me to help them tell it to you…
Hei Ren: Ohh.. Okay then… We can visit her after class… For now, you can chat with your friends, I’ll just settle something with the form teacher of Class I-C…
All: Ok!!!
Wang Zi: (Sigh….)
Aaron: Is Gui Gui alright?
Wang Zi: I don’t know… I’ve known Gui Gui since young so I know she doesn’t want her friends to worry.. But the last time I visited her she was still unconscious.. (sigh) She looks pale…
Aaron: What exactly happened?
Wang Zi: Well, she was caught in the rain… Good thing I saw her before she fainted…
Aaron: ohh…
Wang Zi: Please tell the guys about it… If you want to vi……Oh, excuse me, my phone is vibrating…

Wang Zi: Wei?
???: Wang Zi….. Gui’s heartbeat went down…
Wang Zi: WHAT??? (shouts)
All his classmates looked at him…
Wang Zi: Ah Ben ge….
Ah Ben: I can’t afford to lose her Wang Zi… I just can’t…. (cries)
Wang Zi: I’m coming over……

Wang Zi: Aaron, help me excuse mys….
Hei Ren: Okay so…..
Wang Zi: LAO SHI!!! Please allow me to go please…
Hei Ren: Why?
Wang Zi: Lao shi, Gui’s endanger….(whisper)
Hei Ren: WHAT???? You can go ahead since I’m dismissing you all now…. I’ll follow you as soon as possible okay… National Hospital right?
Wang Zi: Yes… Thank you lao shi!! (runs out)
Hei Ren: Guys please behave okay….. (runs out)
All: What happened?
Someone: I don’t know!!


Since I'll be posting all the chapters now, I won't add what happened before the chapter.. :)

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