Meeting Your Model.. Accidentally.

An Accidental Photoshoot

You felt the sunlight shining on your eyes. The chorus of chirps reached your ears, signalling the perfect time to wake up–or at least, for a normal person.

You were definitely not a morning person. But somehow, you decided to sign up for a photography class in the morning. Your Canon camera was given to you several years ago and it was left collecting dust due to all your classes.

You get up from your bed, still a bit drowsy from not getting enough sleep. You trudged your way to the bathroom to get ready for the rest of the day.



Before you knew it, you were sitting in the middle of complete strangers in your photography class. You looked around seeking for potential friends, but they seemed uninterested in meeting new people. After your failed search, the teacher clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

“Good morning students! Since today is just the first day of this class, your first assignment will be fairly easy. To get a feel of what your style is, I will allow you to take pictures of whatever you want. You should have a minimum of 10 pictures, so make sure you…”

You felt your eyes become heavier as the teacher finished explaining the assignment. Well, you thought, might as well catch up with sleep.




You were surprisingly able to wake up as soon as the class ended. The person next to you kindly filled you in on what happened as you were asleep.


“You didn’t miss much,” she said. “She basically rambled about her life.”

“Thanks. I’m shocked that the rest of the class didn’t fall asleep,” you joked.

“Oh, they did. I think I was the only one awake.”

The both of you laughed. You felt happy that she was willing to talk to you. She waved goodbye and left the class.

You thought it’d be good to start on the assignment. Usually you procrastinated a few hours, but it was just a few pictures to take outside. Why not take advantage of the beautiful, warm day to take a few shots? It was cherry blossom season, for crying out loud. Everybody loves that cherry blossom aesthetic. You smiled to yourself, feeling at least a B for this generic theme.

You found yourself at a nearby park. You grabbed your camera from your bag and adjusted the settings to your liking. When looking around for anything interesting, you found a little orange butterfly fluttering near the trees.

Perfect, you thought. You aimed your camera at the butterfly, waiting a few seconds before..



You viewed the picture on the camera. Your eyes widened.

It wasn’t a picture of the butterfly, but a stranger. This stranger just happened to walk in front of your camera when you took it. You fumbled with your camera press the delete button, but you were hesitant. Although it was a complete stranger, you couldn’t help but marvel at his beauty. You felt it was even better than having the butterfly as the focus. His blond hair makes the picture pop. His broad shoulders looked attractive to you. His plump lips nicely matched the color of the cherry blossoms in the background.

"Was I that handsome?”

You stepped back, surprised at how close his face was to yours.

“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to take a picture of you! There was this butterfly, and then you stood in front of the camera, and I just–here, let me just delete it!”

“Hey, calm down!” He gently put his hands on your shoulders. “Don’t delete it. Just let me see it, yeah?”

You nodded. You pulled up the picture to let him see it.

“Wow, you’re really good at this. Are you a photographer or something?” he asked.

“No,” you replied, “It’s basically just a hobby for me. I had this camera for the longest time and decided to use it for this photography class I signed up for.”

“Ahh..” he nodded in understanding. “Oh yeah, I totally forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kim Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin.” His cute smile made you melt. You smiled back at him, inwardly praising yourself for not procrastinating for once.

“So.. Would you like me to be your model for your assignment?” Jin asked before you can even tell him your name.

“If.. If you’d like to,” you told him, being uncharacteristically shy.

“So where should we go?”

“Oh, there’s this little cafe nearby. The decorations make it perfect for some pictures.” You led him a street down to your favorite cafe. The employees greeted you as you came in.

“Welcome back,” they chimed. Jin raised an eyebrow.

“I go here a lot,” you explained. You led him to your usual spot next to the bookshelves. Jin took a seat as you ordered the both of you some drinks.

“Alright. Let’s do this.” You pointed your camera at Jin.

“Wait. How do I make this perfect?” He asked, putting up his hands before you took the picture.

“Just be yourself.” You replied. Jin smirked, realizing what you implied.

“You think I’m perfect?”

You chose to stay quiet. He was staring at you intensely, waiting for your answer. You tilted your head, giving him an innocent smile.

“Let’s start, shall we?” You said sweetly. He shook his head, smiling as he changed his position for the photos.

He leaned back in the chair, crossed his legs, and looked out the window. His right arm relaxed on the elbow rest and his left hand lightly touched his bottom lip. You felt yourself tense after seeing this professional transformation. You took multiple pictures from different angle. With each click, Jin changed his pose.

“Hey, why don’t you take some with me?” Jin pulled out the chair next to him.

“I’m not a model.” You told him, continuing to take photos.

“Come on.”





“Please?” Jin looked at you with the most adorable pout forming on his lips. You inhaled sharply. So cute.. you thought to yourself.

“Fine. Just don’t do that again.” You set the timer on your camera and put it down on the table. You sat in the chair Jin pulled out. You were reaching out to press the button, but felt yourself jolt in your model’s direction. You looked at Jin, mouth slightly open and your eyes filled with surprise.

“Let me do it.” He explained. You gulped as he reached to start the camera timer. Once he pressed the button, he moved his face close to you, forehead almost touching yours. You froze on the spot. His eyes scanned your face and stopped on your lips. You heard the click! of your camera.

Jin opened his mouth. You heard him whisper.


“Here are your drinks!” The high-pitched voice of the employee rang through your ears, making the both of you jump apart. They set your drinks on the table. You grabbed your camera and pulled up the picture.

“Woah. That looks amazing.” Jin mused.

“Yeah..” You were amazed by how you looked. It seemed intimate. You felt hesitant to show this to anyone else, especially the class.

“Can I have that picture?” Jin pointed at the screen.

“Yeah, of course. Do you want to meet here again?” You took out your phone and began to set a reminder for yourself. “I’ll probably have all of them printed out.”

You heard Jin audibly sigh. You looked at him. He was shaking his head.


“Here.” Jin snatched your phone from your hands. Before you can protest, he put a finger to your lips. “Calm down, I’m just putting my number. Just text me, okay?”

You were awed once again by his boldness. All you did was nod. He handed you your phone and stood up.

“Well, let’s meet again soon. For our second date.” Jin winked. You raised an eyebrow and your jaw dropped. He quickly left the cafe so you couldn’t argue against it. You looked back at the table with the two drinks you ordered. “He didn’t even drink this!” you picked up the cup and angrily took a sip. You looked at your phone.

You almost spit out the coffee.

This weekend, date with the most handsome guy you’ve ever met, Kim Seokjin ;)

You blushed at the message he left. An A on this assignment and a date with a cute guy?

Not bad, you thought.

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Chapter 1: This is so beautiful ! I'd love that to happen in real life... haha
razberri_100802 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww worldwide handsome
Chapter 1: omg this is good. its so cute
RaineGirl #4
Chapter 1: Omg is that it??? But i want moreeee please I know i'm not prettier than Jin but Pretty Please another chappie for this story ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ