Meeting my brother



Knock! Knock!

Am I dreaming?

Knock! Knock!

I guess no. What is that sound? Oww, is my door. How dare someone wake me up early in the morning!!! I looked at the clock, it was twelve o'clock. OK, maybe is not that early. I got out of my bed and briskly went to the door. When I opened the door I saw a handsome boy, with a sad look.

- "Who are you?" I dared to ask him.

- "I am your brother." he replied.

- "Aaa, I see. Have a nice day. Bye!" and I closed the door in his face.

OK. This boy is crazy. I started to laugh! Pretending that he is my brother, good joke. Maybe he is crazy, or he mistakes the address, poor him, but my thoughts were interrupted by his voice.

-"Eunmi please! Please open the door! We need to talk."

He knows my name? Maybe he is not that crazy, I will give him a chance to explain what he wants from me. I open the door, from the second time, and that crazy boy have the courage to hug me. I was speechless. I didn't know what to do, how to react, but something inside of me make my body hug him back.

- "You can leave me now." I said with a calm voice and break the hug.

- "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." he apologised.

- "But you did." I laugh awkward. "I am your brother is your name?"

- "No! I didn't know how to react when I saw you. I am Kim Sunggyu, and you are Kim Eunmi, my little sister."

- "How can I be your sister? I have a family, my parents are at work, I lived in this house since I was born."

- "It's hard to believe me, but I swear that I tell you the truth."

- "You are a liar." Now I'm scared, wasn't this my family, my home? I expected him to say something else, that he mistakes the address, but no, he still pretends that I am his sister. I closed the door again and quickly went into my room. Maybe I'm dreaming right now. I will try to sleep again and pretend that this never happen. I put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, but that crazy boy started to scream my name. I tried hard not to hear him, but it was impossible. I got out of my bed, again, I looked out the window just to see the crazy boy in my garden. I will make him go and leave me alone. I love my parents and they love me, I'm their single child and I'm happy with my life, with my friends, with my house, I'm happy just like who I am. I went to the kitchen, I took a bucket and put some water in it and went to the balcony and threw water over that crazy boy.

- "Ha! Now leave me alone crazy boy." I yelled at him.

- "Am I crazy? You are crazy Eunmi! I'm all wet." This girl, how dare she do that, she's crazy. She has a strong temperament, just like me. Well, she is my sister after all. Sunggyu laugh.

- "You want more?" but when I wanted to say something else, my Umma arrived at home.

- "What is this Eunmi? And who is that boy? Oh my God, he is all wet." said Umma.

- "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Sunggyu and  Eunmi brother, can I talk to you?"

- "Of course, come in the house, I will give you some clothes to change." said politely Umma.

Ok, now my Umma is crazy? I quickly went in the living room, where it was Umma and crazy boy.

- "Umma! I miss you." I kissed her on the cheek.

- "Aww darling, I miss you too. Wait for me, I go to take some clothes for this boy." and she left me with Sunngyu. I didn't say anything, I just wait for Umma to come back. After five minutes she returns, give Sunggyu some clothes and show him where is our bathroom.

- "Please tell me Umma that this boy is lying.." I was impatient.

- "Darling, I guess it's time to tell you the truth." said Umma hugging me.

- "Is it true?" why I have this feeling...

- "Unfortunately yes, you're adopted. Me and my husband couldn't have children, so we decited to adopt you when you were only one year old." said Umma with a sad voice. 

It can't be true, all my life was a lie. I started to cry.

- "Don't cry my darling, we love you Eunmi, we love you like you were our child."

- "I love you too Umma and I love Appa a lot, but.."

- "No buts, no matter what will happen in the future you will be forever our lovely daughter." said Umma. At that time Sunngyu returns and hear the conversation.

- "Are you crying Sunggyu?" I asked.

- "This is so emotional, you were lucky Eunmi to have parents like that."

- "How was your life?" now I'm more curious to know the past.

- "I was five when our parents died. I didn't remeber much, all I know was that I was adopted by a family friend with our parents. They protected me together their son, and loved us equally. The last year they decided to tell me the truth and help me to find you."

- "How you find me? How do you know that I'm your real sister?" I asked him curious.

- "My parents paid a detectiv, that's how I found you." he answered.

- "You are now a handsome boy. The last time when I saw your family, you were only 4 years old and Eunmi was a cute baby, only six months." said Umma.

- "How do you know them Umma?"

- "I'm your mother cousin." answered Umma.

- "Can you please tell us more about our parents?" Sunggyu and I asked in the same time.

- "You are so cute. Well, Eunmi when I look at you I see your mom, you look like her, your pure heart and your beautiful reminds me of your mother. Sunggyu, you're handsome and tall just like your father was. You two reminds me of them. Your parents were great people, they love each other very much, and love their children much they love themselves, but one day, when Sunggyu was five and you were one year, they died in a car accident. At that moment, me and my husband were in Europe, we came back to Korea as soon as possible, but when we arrived to Ilsan, we only found you Eunmi, we couldn't found your brothers, we wanted to adopt you and your brothers, but we only found you."

- "Wait. What? Brothers?" my life become so complicated all of sudden.

- "Is it true Eunmi. We have another brother." said Sunggyu.

- "And where he is?" I'm really worried now.

- "All I could found is that he has only one month of life when your parents died. He was adopted as well, that's all I found." answered Umma.

- "We need to find him, no matter what." Wait for me little bro, I will find you, love you and protect you. This is my new life, my Umma is actually my aunty, and Sunggyu my big brother. 

- "That's my sister". smile Sunggyu.

- "I'm sorry Oppa for earlier, for not believing in you." I hugged him.

- "It's ok. I was a stranger after all, a crazy boy like you said." said Sunggyu while laughing. "I want to ask you something Eunmi. Tomorrow I have to go back to Seoul, will you want to come with me and try to find our brother?"

- "Of course Oppa, I will go with you."

- "Go where?" suddenly said Appa.

- "Appa!!!" I run fast and hug him, I'm so thankful that he protected me all this years.

- "Are you ok?" asked Appa worried,

- "Eumni knows the truth and this is Sunggyu, her big brother." said Umma.

- "I understand now. I'm sorry Eunmi for not telling you the truth earlier."

- "It's ok Appa, I love you and I love Umma too. Thank you for everything. Group hug?"

- "Yes!!!"

And we hugged each other, Umma, Appa, Oppa and Me.

- "Sunggyu? You can sleep at our house if you want and tomorrow eat breakfast with us before leaving with Eunmi." suggested Umma.

- "Jinjja?"

- "Yaa Oppa, please stay."

- "Ok, but I need to go to the hotel to take my luggage."

- "Go quickly Oppa, until you return I will make my luggage too."


- "You're back Oppa. Come in, I will show your room." I dragged him with me.

- "You're such a cute kid." he teased me.

- "I'm a girl, not a kid." I made puppy face.

- "Yes, you are." said Suungyu while laughing.

- "Sunggyu, Eunmi, time for dinner."

After we eat dinner, all of us went to sleep. Tomorrow I will start my new life. It's hard to go away from Umma and Appa, but I need to find my brother and be happy the three of us together.

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