
Little Things

I followed closely to Tiffany after a trip to the hardware store just a few streets down her house. The clock in her house had spoiled and she was tasked by her parents to buy a new battery to replace the old one. When we reached her house, she climbed onto the small table stand and took the device down.


“Can you help me get the screwdriver from the first drawer in that cabinet?” I looked at the direction she’s pointing at and got up to search for it.


Opening the drawers, I got confused. I always couldn’t differentiate a screw and a screwdriver. Instinctively, I picked up the one with the rubber handle, “Is it this one?”


I smiled when she nodded. Handing the screwdriver to her, I watched as she removed the cover and took out the battery before putting in the new one.


Both the hours and the minute’s hands were vibrating violently in their positions previously, as if struggling for their lives. Then, I stared hard at how they started moving again in a coordinated-fashion when their energy source kicked in. It felt like they couldn’t live without each other.


“Do have a moment when you wish that you can go back in time?” A sudden question popped out in my mind.


“Of course I have,” she gave me a shrug on her shoulder before continuing, “everyone has regrets.”


“Someone should invent a time machine so that people can undo their mistakes.” I sat down on the floor beside her.


Giggles rang into my ears and looked at the girl with an eyebrow raised. I couldn’t understand the funny part. “What’s so funny?”


“Don’t you think it’s silly to talk about something that is impossible?”


“How can you be so sure that it’s impossible?”


“I read on a science book that to travel in time, we have to travel faster than the speed of light. That’s totally not achievable!” I frowned and let out a sigh.


“Why the sudden mood down?”


“I just feel like a lot of things are out of my reach.” I positioned my legs upwards and hug them with my arms tightly.


“Hey,” she called out gently and I looked up reluctantly, “why do we need a time machine when we can just pause the time?”


“Huh?” I was confused for a moment but as soon as she held the clock upside down and gave it a few jerks, I understood.


The battery fell and the clock stopped. I looked at her with a satisfied grin.

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Chapter 17: This is sad :'( But luckily Fany is there for her
Chapter 15: Wow snow globe thats cute :)
Chapter 14: This chapter reminds me of Taeyeon's 11:11 V App where she bakes cookies ^_^ Nice chapter as always author shi .Thumbs up
Chapter 13: Snowman thats cute :) I have never seen any snow before in my life as for now ...
BoyMysterious #5
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, y.o.u stories
BoyMysterious #6
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, y.o.u stories
Chapter 11: Nice update :) This chapter kinda reflect on me in someways. Well written and always inspiring. I always have something to think about whenever I read your stories . Although its short but definately full with meanings , values and feelings.
Chapter 8: I want to be free too . Nice chapter :)
Chapter 5: I couldnt get enough of your story :) Its short but with meaning just like the clock