
Little Things

I looked at the calendar on the wall and at the sky which is growing dark soon. Today is 31st of December, the last day of 2015. The year has been an eventful one. I recalled the day when my parents told me that they wanted to stop me from going to school temporarily, even though I wasn’t sure if the day I said farewell to my classmates was going be the last.


I let out a sigh and removed the calendar, replacing it with a new one. 2016… I was not prepared to put a closure to the year yet. Many things still feel unaccomplished. I didn’t want time to pass that fast.


“A penny for your thoughts?” Tiffany waved her hand across my sight.


“A new year is arriving but nothing seems to be changing for me.” I gave her a faint smile before taking a sip of the fruit juice in my hand.


Silence engulfed us as we looked down to the crowd gathered at the stadium. It was a pity that we couldn’t get the tickets to the countdown concert but I dismissed the thought soon after. Here at the top, we could get a pretty view too.


“Nothing is changing for me too but does it matter? In 2016, I will still have you and you will still have me. That’s enough, isn’t it?” I looked back at her as I tried to decipher the hidden meaning behind her words. Maybe I still couldn’t get it quite right yet.


“Firework is coming in 2 minutes.”


“Is your parents okay with this? Staying out so late? My parents didn’t want to let me out at first.”


“Hmm, why not? I’m already eighteen, an adult!” I caught a brief hesitation but it is quickly replaced by a smile. I wanted to ask initially but then, I didn’t want to probe too much if she didn’t want to talk about it.


Suddenly, the cheers from below tore our attention away from each other as we looked at the countdown timer on the big screen. They were shouting.


Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…


We were taken by surprise when a loud noise sounded and when we looked up to the sky, beautiful colors were shooting up in different directions. The view was marvelous.


“Happy new year!!!” Tiffany engulfed me into a tight hug and I didn’t know what to respond.


I slowly brought my hand down and soothed her back before whispering, “Happy new year too.”


Tiffany pulled away first and smiled warmly. Her next action shocked me as she placed a chaste kiss on my cheek. I was stunned. It was the first time when I really felt fireworks setting off in my heart.

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Chapter 17: This is sad :'( But luckily Fany is there for her
Chapter 15: Wow snow globe thats cute :)
Chapter 14: This chapter reminds me of Taeyeon's 11:11 V App where she bakes cookies ^_^ Nice chapter as always author shi .Thumbs up
Chapter 13: Snowman thats cute :) I have never seen any snow before in my life as for now ...
BoyMysterious #5
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, y.o.u stories
BoyMysterious #6
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, y.o.u stories
Chapter 11: Nice update :) This chapter kinda reflect on me in someways. Well written and always inspiring. I always have something to think about whenever I read your stories . Although its short but definately full with meanings , values and feelings.
Chapter 8: I want to be free too . Nice chapter :)
Chapter 5: I couldnt get enough of your story :) Its short but with meaning just like the clock