
Little Things

December had arrived. I leaned her arms on the wall as I watched the snow knocked onto the window. Even though I was inside the house, I didn’t feel any better from the coldness that is slowly making its way inside.


I wonder how long this was going to last.


As I was about to turn back into my room, a familiar figure from afar caught my attention. Getting to the door, I opened it and waved frantically to the girl outside. When she finally reached the doorstep, I quickly shoved her in and closed the door. I thought that I almost died freezing.


“It’s cold, it’s cold!” I watched as the other girl hopped herself to the front of the fireplace.


“What are you doing here?”


“Can’t I come?”


“Of course you can,” I answered as I went into the kitchen to get her a glass of warm water. “You’re welcome anytime.”


She took over the glass of water and gulped it down in seconds. I chuckled at the sight as she peeled her scarf and outer layer off her body before turning towards me. I didn’t notice the paper bag she was holding until now.


“What’s that?” I pointed to it.


Her eyes turned into crescents as she made her way towards me and took out a piece of soft fabric, “early Christmas gift!”


I got an eyebrow raised as she passed the gift to me. It was a scarf and a blue-colored one some more. Grinning excitedly, I held it close to my face and felt the softness of the material. I stopped when she giggled.


“Where did you bought it from?”


“I knitted it myself,” I was surprised as she held her arms together proudly. “I have another one for myself too, in pink.”


“Really?” She nodded and I turned my head over to the one she had just taken off.


“But I didn’t prepare any gifts though…”


“You don’t have to,” she assured and grabbed away the hand-made and wrapped it around my neck gently. “It’s cold; I just hope that this can keep you warm through this winter.”


I smiled in satisfaction as our eyes met one another. I would definitely not feel cold again because of this scarf but most importantly, Tiffany was the one who always kept my heart warm.

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Chapter 17: This is sad :'( But luckily Fany is there for her
Chapter 15: Wow snow globe thats cute :)
Chapter 14: This chapter reminds me of Taeyeon's 11:11 V App where she bakes cookies ^_^ Nice chapter as always author shi .Thumbs up
Chapter 13: Snowman thats cute :) I have never seen any snow before in my life as for now ...
BoyMysterious #5
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, y.o.u stories
BoyMysterious #6
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
I like, y.o.u stories
Chapter 11: Nice update :) This chapter kinda reflect on me in someways. Well written and always inspiring. I always have something to think about whenever I read your stories . Although its short but definately full with meanings , values and feelings.
Chapter 8: I want to be free too . Nice chapter :)
Chapter 5: I couldnt get enough of your story :) Its short but with meaning just like the clock