Chapter 14

Heavenly hell
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Chapter 14

"Yes Dad, I will tell Taemin."

"He..he's fine. Yeah"

"Okay Dad, I'll confirm with you later after I talk to him"

Minho switched off his phone after the small conversation he had with Mr. Choi not wanting anyone to disturb him right now. With all of the chaos happening in his head, he didn't think he could afford any more problems. After he left his husband with Key just now, he got into his fancy lambo and told the driver to leave early for the day.

He drove carelessly on the street of Seoul not giving a single da^n about his destination. He decided to go to a place where his heart brought him to. He can't think of anything right now except for one thing. Taemin. The boy's name kept on repeating in his head in a loud voice as if it was forcing Minho to admit the defeat. Yes, he care about Taemin!

This is so stupid! He shouldn't be thinking of someone who he believed had caused all miseries in his life but yet he felt this strange feeling in his heart where he wanted to hug the boy tight, not wanting to let go. He wanted to wipe his husband's tears and let them not fall from the boy's eyes forever. He wanted to tell Taemin that everything is going to be alright, but how will he tell him that when he's the one who broke him? Yes he admitted he's the problem not Taemin.

He stopped his car and the tyre screeches loudly from the friction of his mobile and the road. His breathe became faster as he stared sharply at the steering. Both of his hands grabbing that poor thin

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 28: Minho was really cruel in the beginning and lucky that Taemin forgave him
Chapter 28: Poor Taemin but glad that Minho realized his mistakes and true feelings 🙂 Beautiful Sequel ❤
Chapter 7: This is not so fluffy ~__~ its angsty
Chapter 28: So beautiful squeal
Just love it more
Animor87 #5
What about a sequel, when you write about Key developing feelings for Jonghyun? That would be amazing!
Anyway, good chapter!
Chapter 26: Squeal please its so good
Nullaniscnazani #8
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD. I LOVE YOU AUTHOR~NIM. First because you are from Malaysia and a shawol. It's hard you know to find shawol in Malaysia. Second, you 2min story got me. I'm cry. I love how you make this story from angry to sweet. I love. Love it so much. Hwaiting!
Chapter 27: Read it in one go ^^ i love how minho realized his mistakes :) so love this story!!! Need to recommend this to alk the 2min shippers out there! ^^
kurniawatinia #10
i love arrange married story, can't wait to read it